Problem with Calendar


I am not able to access the calendar (or maybe I should I can't figure out how to do it). The instructions say I should be able to click on a day of my choice and then I will have options to enter what my schedule is for that day. I can't click on or enter any day on the calendar.

Make sure you're logged in and click on the actual "date number", not the date box. Let us know if this works for you.
I can't log in at all and am getting the security token error message. I shut down and tried again, but to no avail. Any suggestions other than closing out and trying again?
My calendar is not only not "clickable", but it's once again entered workouts I did not enter. It seems whatever was "fixed" yesterday has become "unfixed" this morning.

After logging in, loggin out, opening and closing windows, etc. 4 times, I was able to access my calendar. It shows I have a DVD scheduled for today but when I clicked on the date to bring up the workout, it showed "no workout scheduled for today." When I clicked on "Add new" under DVD workouts, it opened up a new window for the calendar.
Maybe you should add click on date 'number' on the Calendar directions. I've been clicking on just the box and kept thinking mine wasn't working yet and just saw this post that you have to click on the actual number.:eek: Yay! It's working now!
Same problem, here...


I still am not able to get logged in on the Workout Manager. Before, it was giving me the error message. Now it just puts me back to the same page (calendar, with no login info. entered.) If I click on any of the features, it says Please Login.

I'm just posting to see if anyone has gotten past this problem, I'm dying to check out that workout manager.

Try logging into the WOM separately, and clicking on the number in the calendar, not the empty space. It worked for me last night, and everything I saved is still there!! :) :)

I am also having a problem connecting to the calendar. I just had to set up a new username and password because my old one was not working. but i still can not acess the 1rm calculator. Unfortunatley i am not very computer savy. so ill have to wait for my teenage daughter to wake up and hopefully help me!

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