

Does anyone use this line of products...or have you tried it?If so how is it?I just ordered it -I have never had any problems w/ my skin and lately my chin has been really interesting.;( Hopefully this works..its about to drive me nuts!}(
I'm 33 and still have breakouts. I started using product 6 weeks ago b/c I got it free from a former user. It has worked well for me especially the exfoliating cleanser. I'm still not sure about ordering b/c they have this automatic shipment program and products are on the expensive side ($40 for 3-4oz. bottles).

Here are some reviews you can check out:

Also, check Ebay there are literally hundreds of unused kits for sale!! Unfortunately the price gets bid up close to actual retail price.

Hope this helps,

I've tried Proactive and found the products very good. It did clear my skin. And now I switch back and forth between Proactive and Paula's Choice. You can order the Proactive without signing up for the auto ship at believe there's even a travel size for $15 (don't quote me) that you could try first. I hope that helps a little
I used Proactive for about six months and it did not work for me. I finally broke down and went to the dermatologist. Believe it or not, it is actually cheaper to use Differin (a prescription form of some type of Retin A)on a monthly basis than Proactive. God bless,

The active ingredient in Proactive is 2% Benzoyl Peroxide. Other over the counter skin care products also contain it. The percentage varies though. If it's too high, your skin will dry out and peel too much. If it's too low, it won't work.

It's this gentle peeling action that keeps the pores from clogging and breakouts from happening. Salycylic acid is another peeling agent that's often found in over the counter skin care products.

As Denise said, it doesn't work for everybody, because the percentage and type of peeling agent sometimes has to be fine tuned to your individual skin.

Go to the pharmacy and look at the ingredients on the products. Try a few and see if they help. I don't think it's necessary to spend that much money to find something effective unless your problem is really severe.

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