Prenatal Vitamins--



My husband and I are in the process of trying to get pregnant...therefore, my ob/gyn prescribed Prenate Elite Vitamins.
Has anyone taken these before?

Hi Janna! I have not taken the Prenate Elite. In fact, my obs didn't even prescribe Prenatals... I even received care from two practices and neither prescribed them. That seems to be the current trend in the local Ob practices. Did you have a specific question? I'd be more than happy to try and answer, unless it requires personal experience with that particular vitamin.

I really wanted to wish you all the best with TTC!!!! Motherhood is fantastic!!!
Hi! Us too! My ob/gyn prescribed Primacare Therapy Pak vitamins. Two pills to in the am and one in the pm. I actually really like these! Sorry I couldn't shed some light on your prescription but good luck to you! I can't wait to find out! Take care...


Thanks for your input. I've been on the Prenate Elite for a week now and they are okay except a few distasteful burps shortly after taking them. They recommend you take them on an empty stomach so I take them first thing in the morning when I get up to workout.
This whole TTC thing has made me crazy. I can't stop searching for info on the internet and last week I noticed what I've read described as implantation bleeding so it even made me more crazy wondering if I could be pregnant. Then the pregnancy tests......I bought a few from the dollar store because my husband hid the First Response ones I bought last week, you know, just in case (and I told him to hide them so I wouldn't take them yet). But I've gotten two negatives so far. Either I'm not pregnant or need to wait longer before taking another one but it's so hard to wait. I have no idea when my period is due either because I just barely came off the pill. But I've always had regular periods. Even when coming off the pill in the past. In fact in my early 20s they came every 3 weeks (I'm 29 now). But enough rambling from me. Good luck Stacie, keep me up to date with how things go. Thanks for responding Autumn.

Thanks! When I first came off the pill (three months ago), my period came when I figured it would but it started then stopped for two days then started back up again at full force (So when it stopped the first time I thought..."yes, implantation bleeding, but alas...sorry if that TMI ;-) ) the next one did that too, but now its back to normal. Most PG tests won't show a positive even if you are pregnant until at least two/three days prior to your is the hardest part isn't it? I wish you luck and keep us updated as will I :7 !

Hi Janna! I was on Prenate (the purple ones) before I got pregnant, and until I couldn't stand them anymore (I know what you mean about gross burps). So, my doc. put me on a chewable vitamin called Precare, and they were good, but I ran out of samples and have to get a prescription. She also said that if they didn't agree with me that I could take 2 Flinstones vitamins a day, and they would work the same way. My DH bought me some Flintstones until I get the prescription filled (I send away for my pres). They are agreeing with me too. Good luck!

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