premixes and chapters the difference


all the dvd's i confused about the difference between those 2.what the premixes suppose 2 do?
second question is what to start (sun-thurs)BS+the upper and lower sculpt 3 times a week and the other 2 days kick max? or to start with low impact combining with the kick max.(i have to do the kick max its better than TAEBO which i have been doing 7 years)and where to put the core max.HELP i want to do them all but im new to cathe and though i think im advance i think that with cathe im almost at the starting point.thanks

The premixes are just shortened versions of the workout. Some exercises were cut out to save time.
The chapters allow you to create your own workout. The chapters are basically (this is harder to explain than I thought) like chapters in a book except that these chapters pertain to the DVD. Cathe separated each exercise in the workout for you to select and play in any sequence you would like.
Hope that is helpful. Now what else are you haveing trouble with? What workouts do you have? Are you trying to create a rotation? Let me know so I can help out.

Liz :7

Ok a rotation is basically an exercise plan that you would follow. Here is an example from Becky:

From that thread:

Weeks 1 & 2

Mon: Imax 3 PLUS 1 Coremax seg
Tues: Musclemax
Wed: Kickmax
Thurs: Low Max
Fri: 30 min run PLUS 1 Coremax seg. PLUS 1 Stretchmax seg.
Sat: Musclemax
Sun: 2 seg of Stretchmax

Weeks 3 & 4

Mon: High Step Challenge
Tues: Lowmax
Wed: HC Extreme workout of choice
Thurs: 30 inute run PLUS 1 Coremax seg PLUS 1 Stretchmax seg
Fri: Kickmax
Sat: HC Extreme workout (different from above)
Sun: Off or Stretchmax (as many segments as desired)

Have Fun Everyone!

Edited to add that on week 4 of the Fat Loss rotation, replace Saturdays workout with Musclemax.

I think I'll jog on days that I do musclemax too.

Just a suggestion.


So you would follow this rotation for a month. I love rotations because the people who create them really know what they are talking about.

If you want to use a rotation, instead of going to the "video and dvd questions and comments" , click on the "Video and Rotaion" thread and you should be able to find all sorts of different rotations. You pick your rotation based on your goals. For example, the rotation above is for fat loss. But you can also find a rotation for muscle building, strength gain, and so on and so forth.

Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, let me know. \

dear liz
u r very helpful thank u.i looked at the forum u suggested and i could not find something that combines what i have:c&w,km,coremax,basic step,low impact
BUT i think i got it and i will build me my own rotation after i'll check them all.on the 2nd time i did basic step i added the upper body from the body sculpting and 4 dissert i did core max seg.1
so my plan is 2 do km on sunday and see ihow i feel after that.(after all im a TAEBO veterian-i hope my spelling isnt so bad;-) )
if u have any ideas 4 me i will be glad 2 read
thank u

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