pregnant and on the pill


Hi everyone,
I have a concern I found out I was pregnant I am about 5-6 weeks ,however I was on the pill and had continued to take the pill for about 3 weeks until I found out about the pregnancy.
I am a little concerned on the effect of the pill on the baby.
Does anyone know of any information about this?
Thank you,
I have read before that the chances of this harming a fetus is almost zero. So, I would try to relax and not worry (easier said than done). I can't remember where I read this, but I will post it later if I remember. Take care.
ditto to lisa's reply

Make sure you discuss the concern with your doc or midwife but I've read and been told that the pill is OK as long as you discontinue use ASAP, but the risk of harming the baby is quite small (i'm a NP, i don't do a lot of OB, but this is what i was taught!)
take care

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