Pre-Order The New High Step

SNM Videos


We're very excited to announce that we have now started to take advance orders for the new High Step. The High Step is being manufactured in the USA by the same company that introduced step aerobics to the world - The Step Company!.

Orders placed now can expect to receive their High Steps in about 4 to 6 weeks. You can order any of the following:

1. The High Step Topper - $29.99 + s/h

2. The High Step with 4 Risers - $53.99 + s/h

3. The High Step with 5 Risers Plus Muscle endurance video - $62.99

To Pre-Order go to our home page or click Here:

The High Step top will fit on The Orginal Health Club Step's Risers. You can order additional risers from us if you need them.

We've also added some new Cathe Gear items that you can preorder. If you order the High Step your Cathe Gear items will ship with your High Step.

Currently we are only shipping High Steps in the Continental last - I'm off to fetch my credit card!
Thank you!

SNM -For the 14 inch 5 riser option, what if we already own the video, therefore don't need another - can we substitute something else? Like could I substitute an extra riser?
I'm a lurker on this forum. I am so excited to finally be able to get this high step. I'm also excited about the new video's coming out. I can't wait!!!

That is not something anyone will need to worry about. The High Step is many times stronger than the regular Health Club Step since it spans a shorter distance.
Will the price of the High Step increase after the presale? How long will this presale last? Or is this the final price?

SNM, thanks for being instrumental in bringing this product to market for us. Can't wait for the new tapes!!!

Is the shipping on the high step the same as that listed for videos and DVDs? I didn't notice where this is mentioned. Thanks!
It is based on your subtotal price. The shopping cart will automatically calculate this for you. I'll make sure to post the shipping info on a few of the High Step pages tomorrow.
I'm getting the Blast VHS & DVD. Would it be possible to add the High Step onto one of my shipments to save on shipping costs?
? for SNM

You said the the High Step is only for the Continental, what about those of us stationed overseas?


Is $29.99 the permanent price for the topper, or will the price be going up after the presale period? Thanks.
Can ME be dvd for those of us that don't "do" vhs anymore?

I've been waiting for this for a long time! :7

If I am reading the presale page correctly, the only color offered for the topper is gray. Is that correct? Also, if a step and shirt are ordered at the same time will they ship together? Are the shirts available now or just for preorder? Thanks for any information you can give.
Yes, the only color offered for the Topper is Gray. There will be a store version of the High Step that will be blue, but the top will not be sold separately...and yes if you order a Cathe shirt it will ship with the High Step.:)
RE: ? for SNM

We're more than willing to send High Steps overseas, but shipping charges and import taxes will be very high. If you're interested just send us an email at [email protected] and we will try to get you a price quote.

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