Becky, Rest days are wonderful! Esp when they actually are restful! My rest days are usually so jam-packed I can't enjoy them!
You are rockin' the WO's! I was lazy but I loved it. It's the only time I've ever let myself NOT wo and it was wondeful!
I'm a huge water drinker too!
Lisa, YAY for finding the SMILES!!!
MMPP is Muscle Max PushPull premix. 32 mins I think and it hits all UB.
HSTA is High Step Training Advanced.
Those babies are good resistance training arent they?!
Congrats to your Daughter!
You are a busy mama! My girls dont want to be involved in extra-curricular activites and I'm NOT complaining! So many families are invloved in what seems like everything so sometimes I feel funny that we're not more involved. But we do things together as a family so I guess/hope that makes up for it!
I drove Gina to and from school today and it MADE HER DAY! That kid has such a long day and a long bus ride. 40 min each way!
Too much for a 6-yo IMHO. 7:50 she leaves and 4:30 she's home. I hate it.
Julia has slept SO GOOD TODAY!!! Let's hope the trend continues!