Powerstrike ?


Hi Everyone,
I just received and previewed powerstrike 2 it looks kike alot of fun.
My ? is how much different is the 1st video should I invest into one since I like 2.
Hi Marisol,

It depends really on whether or not you want additional kickboxing videos of like intensity/type. Sort of like buying the Cathe step videos collection. If you enjoy step aerobics and want some variety, but the same intensity and thorough workout, you buy up the Cathe's and it doesn't matter that some of the moves are done in other videos. Same here, #1 and #2 have very few differences, both contain arm drills and kicking drills and combos put together, but each has something different from the other either in the warm up or ending segments and cool down.
For instance, I think its #2 that does the blocking/striking sequence at the end of the video just prior to cool down, and in #1, there is a higher intensity drill doing push kicks and jacks before the cool down.
I got both because it's not easy to find quality high intensity kickboxing videos, and I wanted to have a few videos to rotate, so for me it was worth it. So it really depends on whether or not you can do that one repeatedly without getting bored, or do you need to change up to keep your interest and motivation up? They are similar enough that you won't be missing something major, but they are also just different enough to make each worth owning (in my opinion :))
I'm so sure I didn't help you here! I'm so wishy washy sometimes! :)

I purchased both Powerstrikes, that is, I and II.

Powerstrike II is visually very good. The moves are easier to follow because the leaders are clearly the focus.

Powerstrike I is a different story. The cameraman got all artsy-fartsy about his work. Some of the angles make it hard to follow, the film goes into black and white then back to color, sometimes the class gets shadowy. I suppose he thought this was very clever but the result is a workout that sometimes becomes difficult because it moves so fast and if you don't have a lead to follow you are left out there with photography that is too busy being "cute". It is a good workout, similar to II, but I find the camera work annoying.

Just my two and a half cents.


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