Powerstrike question


New Member
Hi everyone,

I must admit, I thought I was very educated about fitness videos because I've gotten the Collage Video catalog for years, but I saw a lot of you mention Powerstrike in response to another post, and I had never heard of it. It sounded really intriguing, since I enjoy kickbox workouts, so I tried to find out more about it, but there doesn't seem to be a website where you can preview the workouts.
I see that Millenium 1, 2, and 3 are available through the Powerstrike website, but I am on a budget (aren't we all!) so I would like to order one of them to try, but I don't know which is best. I prefer low impact and I like tapes with more kickbox moves as opposed to a lot of hi-lo filler (I enjoy Cardio Kicks but I have to modify it a lot). Any advice or info you guys have on how the three Millenium workouts compare and which I might like best would be much appreciated!

Thanks! :)
can't compare them all YET..

but I can say that it really doesn't matter between 1 & 2. They are both fairly similar except one has more roundhouses where the other has more side kicks. I don't have #3 yet because I'm waiting on the DVD....hopefully I'll have it before the first of the year. I have heard that #3 is a tad slower and structured so you could do half the workout and quit and still be balanced on both sides. The reason I say that, their style had always been to work one side leading up towards the middle of the routine and then work the other side on the way down towards the cooldown, so it made it difficult to stop halfway and get a well rounded workout;-).

If you enjoy kickboxing and you like straight drills without a lot of choreography, they may be right up your alley. I also enjoy the fact that they are fairly intense:-D and once you've gotten up to a Cathe level of fitness, it's difficult to find other instructors that will push you like she does. IMHO, Powerstike workouts are some of the few close to Cathe's level. Keeping in mind..I've heard rumors that Millenium #3 is a tad lower in intensity.

As far as saving money, a few options...there's the video exchange at http://www.videofitness.com where you can trade a video for another. If you search on the VF forum you'll also come up with a lot of Powerstrike information. There are other swap boards where you can purchase used videos fairly cheap as well, hopefully others will guide you to those, I don't frequent the swap boards.

Then there's http://www.cksales.com where they sell Powerstrike workouts and with the canadian exchange, you'll get a bit of a break. My 2 cents...they're worth the money if you have to pay full price;-).

I have to agree that #1 and #2 are very similar.They even have the same music.God only knows why they couldn't come up with something a little more creative:-rollen. Just my thoughts on the matter.
But I do like #2 more then I like #1.I don't know if it was just b/c I had #2 first.But I LOVE #3:7.I find the power strike videos very easy to do in the mornings b/c I am not very awake.But #3 has better music and I just love all of the side kicks b/c I really feel like I am working my abs really well.#2 has alot of punching and by the time I am done my arms and shoulders are toast.I guess you should get #2 if you need upper body imporvement and #3 if you want to really work on your waistline. For me, I have them all so I guess I need work everywhere:D.
Hope I helped,
RE: Lori....

Hi Nancy C.,

Not Lori, but I have all 3 and I know at VF some posted that they thought M3 wasn't as intense, and I don't agree.
It is more controlled. And in some spots it may seem a little slower, but the combos are both intense and quick, and will have your heart pumping. The warm up is almost a warm up and low impact training in one. I agree that this would have made a great "first" in the Millenium Series because they show you the punches in a very controlled manner, and you practice them in the warm up. They also add some balance work to the warm up which was nice. But there is something about the video on the whole that just blends so much more fluidly than either M1 or M2. I love all 3, and If I had to put them in order of preference, it would be: M3, M2, M1


p.s. If it IS less intense, it's only by a "snap!"

Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
RE: good to know Donna!

Thanks guys!

It definitely sounds like #3 is the one for me to start with. Maybe I'll go on to #2 eventually, but for now I am excited to try #3.

It's great to have you all as a resource! :)


I just ordered all 3 from CK sales. With shipping, the total in US Dollars was $66.18

Quite a good deal.

RE: Lori....

Hi Nancy,
It's funny you should ask b/c I did PowerStrike #1 today and it felt as if I was all over the place.My legs didn't feel like they were kicking right at all.
I find #2 the hardest as in intensity and sweating.But I like #3 the best b/c it as alot of controlled movements in it and the music is different.I am not a good side kicker(if that makes sense) but with #3 you can really control what you are doing ,do it right,and feel it.I don't find #2 as hard anymore b/c I am use to it but when I did it the first time , when I was finished I could barely lift my arms.
My advice to anyone is buy #2 and #3 but leave #1.I did it today just to see if it was me the first time I did it but it wasn't.I just don't like that one.
Anyway,that's it from me.....
Thanks Lori

That's great info and I think we're on the same page with #2, if my memory serves me...I liked the combos better in 2 as well and liked the intensity. It might have more side kicks, which are my favorites and I recall, #1, having more roundhouses..which are OK...but I'll take a sidekick anyday over a roundhouse;-).

I'm looking forward to #3:)


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