To Powerstrike fans:
Each time I've done Millennium II I've gotten sore on the right side of my upper body but not the left. I figure it's because I'm more fatigued during the second half of the routine and don't push myself as hard. Has anyone else experienced this? I thought I'd try to reverse the order of the sides worked, in other words, NOT mirroring the instructors, next time and see if the left gets more sore.
What do you think? TIA
Each time I've done Millennium II I've gotten sore on the right side of my upper body but not the left. I figure it's because I'm more fatigued during the second half of the routine and don't push myself as hard. Has anyone else experienced this? I thought I'd try to reverse the order of the sides worked, in other words, NOT mirroring the instructors, next time and see if the left gets more sore.
What do you think? TIA