Powerstrike observation


To Powerstrike fans:

Each time I've done Millennium II I've gotten sore on the right side of my upper body but not the left. I figure it's because I'm more fatigued during the second half of the routine and don't push myself as hard. Has anyone else experienced this? I thought I'd try to reverse the order of the sides worked, in other words, NOT mirroring the instructors, next time and see if the left gets more sore.

What do you think? TIA

Hi Ann,

I don't have soreness, but I seem to be more fatigued by the time we get to the 2nd half of the workout, and I too feel like I'm not getting the same workout on both sides. With Tae Bo I make it a habit to trade lead sides, so I guess I'll do the same with Powerstrike and see if it helps. Actually, since my right side is stronger anyway, I might start leading all my kickboxing workouts with my left side for a few weeks to see if I can improve the strength on that side.
Great observation Ann~I may not have helped you, but thanks for helping me! :)

I've noticed a slight difference in soreness (when I get it, I've been doing it for awhile now & don't get as sore as I used to). I think that you are right that you (and I) are more tired in the second half of the routine & don't work as hard. That's a great idea to switch sides & see what happens. I'm not sure if I'm coordinated enough to not mirror the instructors, but I'll give it a try if you will!

I agree that the second half of Powerstrike 2 I just don't have the same quality punches and kicks. But I am sore all over and can't tell one side from the other! I think vol. 2 is much tougher than 1 to get through, even with those jumping jacks at the end of 1.

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