Powerstrike Millineium 1, 2 and 3


Does anyone own these? What video (as far as intensity) would you compare them to of Cathe's? I've been reading that #1 may be the best of the 3, but curious to see what everyone thinks. I've been seraching ebay daily to see what's out there and lately #3 is the one repeatedly out there.
Hi Jane -

#1 and #2 are more intense. #3 is okay but I use it for easier days only. I found mine at homeworkout.com. #1 and 2 are only available on VHS and #3 is on DVD the last time I checked. The quality is not very good but the workout itself is great and VERY INTENSE!

They are very different from Cathe's kickboxing but I suppose the closest would be KPC as far as intensity though I would say 1 and 2 are more intense.:eek: I highly recommend them. You won't regret it. (btw - ps1 is my favorite }( )
I like all of them. I just wish 1 and 2 were on DVD.

Powerstrike has a very 'authentic kickboxing' feel to it, and the form is excellent. If that's what you are looking for, they are perfect. If you want a 'dancy, cardio workout with some kickbox moves," they aren't the ticket.

As Laura said, 1 and 2 are more intense, but I like 3 as well. It builds up more gradually, and allows you to really focus on form. If you hit hard and go low on squats, it's an intense workout as well. I think it feels less intense to some because of the more gradual build-up. But I sweat like mad when I do it (I do add weighted gloves, though, which I've been doing with most of my kickboxing workout for several years).

And if you can find any pre-millenium Powerstrike workouts, they are all excellent, and all high intensity. There are about a dozen in all, including the Milleniums, and including a bag workout and a forza (sword fighting) workout, and a 'kicks only" workout. The farther back you go, the worse the production value is (their very first workout almost makes me nauseated if I watch the screen too much, because it looks like it's been filmed by a 12-year-old with an old camera without motion stabilization. With any other workout, I would have gotten rid of it long ago, but the workout itself is so great, it makes up for even the most horrible production values, IMO).

Illaria (one of the two instructors, the one with the martial arts black belt(s)) is coming out with two new workouts sometime in July (latest update). One Powerstrike kickboxing and one Forza (sword). There are also future workouts in the plans. These are workouts I have a hard time waiting for! I need more Powerstrike!
Thanks for the feedback, definitely sounds like another one I will need to start collecting and using! Appreciate the feedback!
I've read so many great reviews about these workouts but I'm having a hard time finding them. Can you buy them online?

Could you pass along a list of the actual workouts that are an absolute must have so I could do a search for them I would love to add these to my collection as well.

Thank You


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