

Caroline Knorr
OK, OK, you Powerstrikers really got my attention there, but I need some more information before I pre-order Millennium 3. I have to say, I so rarely do any non-Cathe videos. I was thinking about buying CardioKicks - should I buy Powerstrike instead? Do you Powerstrike afficionados enjoy it more than Cardio Kicks? Is it a tough workout? Which Cathe tape would you compare it to?
thanks in advance!
Hi Caroline,

I have Cardio Kicks and both Powerstrikes and wouldn't trade one for the other! They are very different workouts from each other, just both being absolutely superb! :)
So having said this, basically I'm saying go for Cardio Kicks, it is an awesome workout, you could never be sorry for buying it, but Powerstrikes are worth owning also!
The biggest difference between the two to me is just that Cardio Kicks is high intensity and high impact (it can be reduced to low impact) with constant shuffling, jumping jacks, etc., and Powerstrikes Millenium 1 & 2 are high intensity, but low impact, so they are perfect for me following a day of Imax or if I've done just too much high impact cardio and want a solid workout but no jumping.
So as I said, they are different enough that in my opinion, both make their own contribution and are worth the $.

Caroline Knorr
Thanks for the info. I have really been thinking about getting Cardio Kicks. But I certainly wouldn't want the Powerstrike bandwagon to leave me behind!
RE: Powerstrike ordering

ok, you guys have convinced me. i just tried to order the millenium 1 and 2 on their website, and it says to fax your credit card # or call. i tried both and got no answer. how did you all get through? should i keep trying?
Yes, Lynne!

I would just try again. I may be wrong, but when I called, it seemed like someone just answered from their home. Glad we convinced you to spend some more $$. You won't be sorry! Have FUN!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Caroline!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-02 AT 09:59AM (Est)[/font][p]I am in total agreement with Donna. They compliment each other well. I have spent waaaay to many $$ on tapes I just never use. I ALWAYS go back to only my Cathe's. These are two tapes I DO use. I think you will be pleased with them.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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