Power hour lunges


What am I doing wrong? During the lunges my BACK leg and hip flexors are burning. I try to push up from my front glute, but I have to quit early because of my back leg. Am I using that leg to cheat?
Same with me, Maureen--my back leg BURNS!!! I think it's normal because Cathe even mentions the back leg burning during the one-legged squats in LL. I,too, would like to see what Cathe has to say about this, but I just thought I'd add this 2 cents.:)
Hi, Maureen! I don't think you are doing anything wrong; in fact, from what you describe I think you are doing it totally right.

When I do lunges with my trunk totally vertical, and both legs bent 90 degrees, the quads and hip flexors of the back leg are working hard to balance and assist in lowering and raising; the glutes and hamstrings of the forward leg are working hard also to balance and lower/raise. When I do lunges with my trunk in a moderate forward lean, and the back leg straight, I feel it almost totally in the forward leg only; the back leg is just for balance. I like those of Cathe's workouts that incorporate both lunge positions.

I'm trying to find a good pun to end this reply with, but it's too early in the morning. :)

I would love if Cathe could answer this question, because I am having the same problem. I've looked in the mirror to make sure I have the correct angles and it looks good, but when I do the lunges my back leg burns. When Cathe starts the lunges she says that you are mainly working only one leg, which she says is the front leg, but with all the burning on my back leg I think I must be doing this wrong. I know that aquajock said that she feels her front leg when she uses a forward lean, but Cathe doesn't lean forward and says you should be feeling it mainly in the front, so I'm confused. Help Cathe. I love powerhour alot!!
Although I can't remember what tape it's in (PS SLA maybe?), Cathe does say the you are working BOTH legs with a lunge.
Hi Maureen! It doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong. When doing lunges, you are especially targeting the glute and hamstrings of the front leg and the quad and hip flexor of the rear leg.
Hi Kristie! I am not able to view Power Hour right now to hear exactly what I said to clarify this to you but I am sorry if I mislead you. You are working both legs during static lunges (mostly the glute and hamstring of the front leg and mostly the hip flexor and quad of rear leg). Take Care!
Thanks Cathe and everyone, now when I do it tomorrow I'll concentrate on making it through the whole section.

Thanks SO much for your quick response.

You didn't mislead me in any way, I just misunderstood. I should have known I was doing something right with that quad BURN let me tell ya. I absolutely love this work out!

Kristie Schultz
Same here on the burn! Except my calf of the back leg is just toast. Does anyone else find their calves are extremely involved here?

Oh, by the way. The minute I was done doing this tape the first time, I knew the next day would be painful (in a good way). Well, I wasn't disappointed. My quads were fried and my hip flexors were toast (in a good way).

My calves get toasted, too!

In fact, the other day I had to take a break during the lunges because of my back calf -- not my glutes or quad. I've been playing with positions for my back leg and that's seemed to help a little.

Lucy K
RE: My calves get toasted, too!

Lucy, if you find a postion that helps take a little of the toast out of that area, please post with a description.


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