Power Hour = FANTASTIC!!!!!



I know you are a busy lady, so no need to reply...I just hope you have a minute or two to read this post. Sorry it's so long.

I actually haven't had time to post lately as I have been busy with my sweet little guy, Nate (now 6 months), but I had to find a few minutes to gush.

I have been working very hard to lose the nearly 50 baby pounds that I packed on during my pregnancy and I'm almost there. I've been pushing myself to regain the endurance, strength and fitness level needed to work out with you again. ANYWAY...I decided to order Power Hour and use it as my first real Cathe comeback, so to speak. Well, I can't put into words what that workout did for me. My self-esteem is sky rocketing!

First of all, I have to give kudos to your customer service. It's absolutely excellent! The tape arrived at my house in ONE day! And Cathe, you look unbelievably, jaw-droppingly INCREDIBLE. And after a baby no less. Wow!

I thoroughly loved this workout. I loved the way you completely burned each muscle group. It was as if the minute I would wonder if I went too light in my weights, the fire would start and burn baby burn!!

Those seven count low-end split lunges...wowee-zowee! The shoulder work...powerful and effective...I just loved those "BAM's". The count changes, the music, the energy of each routine...I loved it ALL! The entire workout was downright flawless from start to finish.

Most importantly, you made me feel like an athlete...strong, tough and back in control. You have SUCH a gift of pushing us to our limit and loving every minute of it. (And that is saying quite a lot during that squat section little missy!)

I also wanted to say that I adored the "behind the scenes" photo of you on the bottom left of the new brochure. It's the one of you sitting in a chair writing something down. For some reason, something about that picture made me realize how much hard work, expertise, caring guidance and dedication you put into your workouts.

I'm so glad that you are doing what you do. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much you have inspired and motivated me.

And since this is the "ASK CATHE" forum, I'll throw one in...how is life with two little ones. Curious minds.

Candori~you said it ALL sooo well. I totally feel the same way. I LOVE PowerHour and the way it makes me feel when I am done. I cannot even begin to imagine how many lives Cathe has touched through her hard work and dedication. It surely shines thru to us as something she loves from the bottom of her heart! AND...to think she shares that with us all! Thanks for such a beautiful post to express how I KNOW many of us feel.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hate to jump on someone else's horsey here, but Candori said it, and I feel the same.
Actually, Cathe, I think you are a genius. I hope this doesn't embarrass you. We love you!!
Me, too. This is the kind of stuff I think about when I reach for one of your videos. The other day I was trying to remember what working out was like for me before I found you in 1997. Man, what a wuss I was! I honestly just do not feel as powerful or worked out with any other tapes. You have definitely raised the standard for fitness professionals...and for us as participants!! THANKS CATHE!!!
Oh my, that was so beautifully said. I feel that way too! I hope Cathe get the chance to read this. Girlie, you couldn't had said it better; when you said how Cathe makes you feel like an athlete...strong, tough and back in control, that's exactly how I feel, after a Cathe workout. Great Job :eek:)

I absolutely agree on Power Hour and all of Cathe's weight training videos. I have always done aerobics or light weight training since I was in high school, but not until I won my first trophy in taekwondo at the age of 34 did I feel like I was finally becoming an athlete, but then I started Cathe this last fall (one year ago this month to be exact!) at 35 and I can honestly say she sure does make you feel like an athlete. I have pushed myself harder and grunted and groaned my way up in weights (not always a high as Cathe, but I'm working on it!), watched my body weight drop 25 lbs and my clothing sizes drop and my husband's jaw drop at the changes. I have received comments and compliments at work and around town and I always sing the praises of Cathe. In fact, a close friend is starting to workout and I am hoping to ease her into Cathe... and Power Hour is what she is considering. I can't wait to see the changes she experiences from the most thorough workouts I have ever done! Now, if I can just get my husband to start Cathe...
Hi Angela! Wow, thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for such a kind and passionate post. I could not help but get a bit emotional after reading this. To hear such inspiration come out of you has meant the world to me. YOU are truly the power behind your achievements but to know that I played a part in helping you get there inspires me more than words can say.

And thank you to all of you who have also added such wonderful posts to Angela's. My emotions have catapulted to new heights:)! You are all so VERY special!


PS. Angela, life with my little guy's is incredible. I know you are enjoying being a mommy as much as I am. Give that little Nate a big kiss from me:)
>Hi Angela! Wow, thank YOU
>from the bottom of my
>heart for such a kind
>and passionate post. I
>could not help but get
>a bit emotional after reading
>this. To hear such
>inspiration come out of you
>has meant the world to
>me. YOU are truly
>the power behind your achievements
>but to know that I
>played a part in helping
>you get there inspires me
>more than words can say.
>And thank you to all of
>you who have also added
>such wonderful posts to Angela's.
> My emotions have catapulted
>to new heights:)! You
>are all so VERY special!
>PS. Angela, life with my
>little guy's is incredible. I
>know you are enjoying being
>a mommy as much as
>I am. Give that
>little Nate a big kiss
>from me:)

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