Power Circuit Fans??????


Active Member

Im fairly new to Cathe and would like some opinions on Power Circuit. I was reading through all of the videos and feel this is the next one to purchase( currently doing PS Legs twice weeky)

My goal is to slim down my mid section while still building mass in my legs............(They dont call me cricket legs for nothing). Is this the video for me??????????
If not, any recommendations?


Once you get away from the hi/lo section (not my favourite of Cathe hi/lo) I enjoy MIC and Circuit Max more I really enjoy the Kickbox and Step circuit. The back work is good and challenging and I am surprised how heavy I can lift with Cathe's tapes.

Overall I would say aim to go heavier on the leg sections when you do this workout and could you consider raising your step on the step sections?


You reminded me, I forgot to ask if I need to buy the large step I see in all of Cathe's cardio and step videos or can I continue to use my little 12 inch "rubber-maid" step!
I always say how much room to do you have to exercise in and can you afford it. But yes I would recommend The Step.

I use Reebok as I don't have room for The Step and haven't used one since I started stepping.

When I had the Forza step I went up to 8 inches and noticed that my legs got very bulky so I went down to 4 inches. If you can do Cathe's work or the leg portion on 12 inches "be very careful with your foot placement then do so.

Thankyou for the reply. Im gonna take a look at the Reebok step. Is it as long as Cathe's??????????
Its slightly shorter and narrower and has only one moveable part. I am only 5ft and as I say I have limited space (I can't do Reebok Extreme Step) because of some of the side moves Gin does.

When I was buying a new step I took the measurements for The Step and used my tape measure on the floor to work out how big it would be it was too big so I went for Reebok. Also I had been using Reebok step at the gym so I was familiar with it.

If I had the room I would get The Step but now me and my Reebok Step have a good working relationship so we will stay together for the time being.


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