Power 90 or P90X?


Okay, sorry sorry, but another P90X question!;)

I see that there are the two different systems. Did you all just start with the P90X series or did anyone do the Power 90 first?

Just trying to figure out how you have all been doing this!
I went right to P90X after reading all those threads!! I don't believe P90 has the 12 DVD's that P90X has...I think there are fewer DVD's in P90. Hopefully someone that has done it will post....P90X is awesome...:)...Carole
I have never done, and am not interested in P90, but I LOVE P90X. Many people at videofitness who have tried both, didn't like P90 (some hated it because Tony is really annoying in it) but love P90X. P90X is worth every penny. Don't waste your money on P90.

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