Potty Training tips,advice!



Any tips on potting training? My son turned three a couple of months ago and i figure its about time. I tried early this year without any luck. And kinda pushed it off for a while,i didn't think he was ready then. I think hes ready now,he seems to be hiding when he goes poop....

The first time i tried i purchased a portable potty but i thought about trying those little seats that sit on the toilet,the ones that come with a step stool.

Ive heard little boys are easier to train than little girls.....My DD was pretty easy.....

Thanks for all replies!
I hate potty seats. My boys used those little seats that you sit on the toilet. Henry, who is 3 and a half, is just about completely trained. He still has an occasional accident at night. What worked for him were rewards. I kept a treat jar filled with either chocolate chips or M&Ms and when he went to the potty he got a "potty surprise." Once he went to the potty for a whole week without accidents, we went to the store and let him pick out his own underwear. Good luck!! :)
Hey Stephanie, i will buy a potty seat the next time im out and start PT soon! Thanks for responding! I love the idea you had on rewarding your son....i will try that too!
We are potty training this weekend. I'll have to let you know how it goes. My little girl will be 3 in Sept.
We did the Potty Training in a Day method


Potty training is frustrating and can seem overwhelming to you and your child, can't it? What I did, that worked for us, was use the Potty Training in Less than A Day method by Drs. Azrinn/Fox. This is also how Dr. Phil did it on his TV special, and his website has info to show you how/what to do. It's a pretty intense 3-4 hour training period of just you and your child, a potty training doll, lots of snacks/drinks, praise, reminders, practicing, and celebrating when they do go. (Throwing a party/having a special phone call from a favorite character to say Great Job!!) I had a call from Cinderella for my daughters and for my son, it was Pappy. You can get an "Enchanted Call" from the Disney website, for $4.95 - you schedule a call and what character/message you need. This can be rescheduled if you're not quite ready for the celebration call, but you need to do it about 1/2 - 1 Hour prior to the scheduled call time, I think. The doll I got for my son was called a Potty Scotty doll (anatomically correct!), but you could probably get away with the regular doll if your son doesn't notice stuff lilke that. My son said, "Hey - Scotty's a boy just like me!! But - warning, Scotty is about $50.00!! I got my girls doll at Fred's for about $9.97!!

OK - I just threw what seems like a lot of random information out there!! Sorry, I just get typing and can't stop - especially when something has worked for me. With my oldest DD, we trained when she was 3 yrs, 2 mos. and were done in about 4 hours. Next time around, I did my DD at 2yrs. 10 mos., and it took her about 7 -10 DAYS to get it down. (She had fear issues with bm on the potty, and was more stubborn about it.) My DS was trained at 2 yrs. 11 mos. and he trained in 5 days. I feel like I rushed the twins into it, and that's why it didn't go as quick as their older sister. But, I was so done with diapers!!

So, I'm going to stop typing now...Let me know if you want any info or have questions.

HTH, :)
Gummi Vitamins

Hi! I give my DD a "gummi vitamin" in the morning and before bed when she uses the potty. They are yummy and she likes them a lot. Since the dosage for these is 2 per day, she doesn't get anything when she uses the potty during the day. Seems to have worked. She is 2 years and 4 months old and is about 75% potty trained.
Thanks everybody for your responses!!!!!! I appreciate it! Still working on getting a potty seat :confused: I just came back from the store and they didn't have any ,i guess everybody in the area is potty training these days,lol. I will get one soon.......

1gruntgal-How has the potty training been going? I hope good,good luck to you!

tricia-i think i saw that same episode on doctor phil about training with potty dolls....i will go to his website and read some more about it! Thanks and don't worry about typing too much...i do the same thing,LOL:confused: once i start,its hard to stop sometimes.

Cruncholi-Glad to hear the gummy vitamins are working for your potting training! Thats a good idea! I tried the kids on the gummy vitamins a couple of yrs ago and i guess they just don't like gummy candy? thanks for your reply and good luck to you as well!!!
We had a great weekend! I just hope it continues at the sitter today.
She did great w/pee on the potty. She had like 5 accidents the first morning (which I expected & was prepared for) then she was on a roll! I put the potty seat in the living room & she would run to it & go. I am working on her telling me that she has to pee. She did get OUT of the bath last nite & tell me she had to potty. I was so excited!
She also pooped in her panties :( that's a lot my fault though as I should have been paying attention to catch her. We were playing outside & she ditched me LOL.
1gruntgal-how exciting...yay! Iam sure your little one will do fine at the sitters today! High fives on the potty training.....
Amelia-My DH and I are also in the midst of potty training our 3-year old son (he'll be 3 1/2 in a few months). Since last Monday, he started peeing in the potty chair and also standing to "pee like Daddy does". He doesn't do it all the time, but he does better each day. When he wakes up, he gets regular underwear on. I watch him for signs (grabbing, antsing around, holding "it"). I bribe him with gummy worms too. Sometimes we also go naked b/c then I can see when he has to go. A little untraditional, but it works for us. He's about 1/2 way there to being potty trained. Good Luck!
Best advice I can give you .... you need to make potty training your CHILD'S accomplishment, not yours.

Sounds simple, but so true. I found this to be encouraging as I was training my daughter a year and a half ago.
Jen-Congrats on the PT....yay! Your story reminds me of how my DH got potty trained, he ran around with no clothes on and peed in the back yard,LOL! With all the neighbors around my house,im not sure i can let my ds pee out side but i wouldn't mind he he ran around w/out clothes inside! whatever works,LOL Thanks for sharing your story and good luck to you as well!

Kara-Thanks for the advice!
I just wanted to keep everybody updated and say I STARTED POTTY TRAINING YESTERDAY......no victories to speak of yet,but hes seems curious about his pull-ups & potty seat! kinda funny because he has to take ALL his clothes off when we go back for a "potty break" (aka, mommie talks alot about going peepee in the potty and then he says ok and thats all that happens,LOL)

My mom suggested yesterday that i buy some undies instead of using the pull-ups so when he wets his self it will agravate him and he will stop doing it.....i may try that!

How is everybody else doing on the potty training?
We went right to undies & never put pull-ups on again (except after Mia falls asleep at nite.)
Honestly you have to make a big deal out of keeping them dry. You have to attach yourself to your child for about 2-3 days straight. You start to learn the signs of when they need to go & that's when you dash for the potty! We had several (4-5) accidents before things even started to "click."
Good luck!
I am FINALLY having success potty training my son (he will be 4 in two months). I felt like I tried just about every reward/treat, but nothing motivated him. He just wanted to go in his pull up. He is also pretty stubborn

Finally I just had to say no more pull ups. I decided to spend an entire week at home with him and was prepared for tons of accidents, but he only had a couple before he started going on the potty. I still let him wear a pull up at night, but he has only had one accident in the past few weeks.
I just had to pop in and say that im so excited about PT now!!! He had some accidents the first couple of days(peeing in the floor) but yesterday was so great...no accidents! I got him some spongebob undies and he loved them and said he didn't want to 'pee on spongebob' LOL! He went peepee in the potty all day yesterday! Also did a #2 as well....yay! Im so very proud of him! I know he will have good days and bad days but it just feels so good as a parent!!!!

nspaulding3-congrats to you and your son!! yay!

Lynne-Thanks for suggesting that I make a big deal about him being dry...i think that helped alot! congrats to your little girl!!!!

ok,just wanted to keep you guys updated!
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That is so awesome!!! We are still struggling w/number 2! :(
I am attached to this kid at home right now waiting for her to go again so we can "catch" it. Ugh.

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