Postpartum checkin week of 2/15


Hi everyone. Alexis weighed in with clothes and sneakers on Friday at 12 pounds . She no longer is the smallest baby in breastfeeding group. She was beat out by a 5 week old who weighed 11 pounds 7 ounces. She was cranky the beginning of the week, most likely due to growth spurt. She is rolling tons and now dances in her johnny jumper(ok, moves around a little, if you dance in front of her)

workout week:
Sunday-circuitmax (stopped numerous times due to Alexis being cranky)
followed by kickboxing cardio on timesaver day 4(hubby took Alexis for a drive)
Monday-RAW-Helen Vandenburg
Tuesday-Upper Body split +power circuit abs
Wed-Legs and glutes plus intervals 6-10 imax2 +abs(forgot which)
Thurs-Ctx 10-10-10 +hi impact from power circuit and intervals from step intervals +abs(forgot which)
SAt-Step,pump and jump

Hi Shopaholic and everyone else:)

Bardric now weighs 19 lbs. His weight gain slowed around Christmas and has not picked up. I am not worried or anything, because he is active and healthy--but boy does he drool and spit up--I think I get barfed on at least once per day--the lovely cottage cheesey stuff. He is over his cold and is a happy baby once again, which makes me a happier mom.

I only lost 3lbs and 3 inches on this last rotation. My new rotation is focused almost exclusively on the intensity series and I hope to have better results.

My workout week:
Feb 15-C&W
Feb 16-Power Circuit (cardio only), Body Max part 2 only
Feb 17-REST
Feb 18-Boot Camp--for the first time
Feb 19-40 min stationary bike
Feb 20-ME
Feb 21-IMAX II

Hope you are all doing well

take care
Well, it's the original 3 starting out the week! Hello!

First I want to know if you all have seen any signs of teeth yet? None here. People keep telling me Max must be teething because he is drooling so much. I just smile and shrug my shoulders. He has been drooling this much for 2 months, I think it's just part of being a baby. I mean it's what they do, right?

Maggie, Are you down below your prepregnancy weight now? You seem to be making excellent progress.

Shopaholic, I still am so in awe of what a teeny chiquita Alexis is! I haven't weighed Max lately, but he is probably about 19 pounds like Bardric. I am curious what is in the RAW workout and do you recommend it? You seem to have the largest collection of workouts videos. How many do you have?

Mon- KP&C/L&G cardio drills plus kickbox and strength circuit
Tue- PUB + Imax int 1-5
Wed- Imax 2
Thu- Timesaver #5
Fri- C&W
Sat- Imax int 6-10 + KP&C combo #2 & 3

Still hovering between 7-9 pounds to go depending on my eating habits. Getting ready to make a huge batch of Oatmeal Raisin Walnut cookies! Hope to give away most of them so I don't end up eating them all. Anyone want to come over and have some?! - they are as close of a recipe as I have been able to come at home to the Mrs. Field's version.
Hi everyone,
Glad Bardric is feeling better. Emy, are any of those cookies left, sound yummy. Maggie, 3 pounds in the rotation lost, that is great. I am pretty much at preprego weight about 1 pound to go not including the 1 1/2 I keep flexuating each day. I just got to work on that lower abs. I got back my pictures and have a bikini shot of alexis but i need to send picture to my mom to get it scanned, now she has nice abs. LOl. Yes emy, you have figured it out I am a vidiot with probably 100 plus videos. I like RAW-real Athletic workout it is an interval workout. Tape also includes yoga which is not my thing. I find Helen Vandenburg similar to mindy mylrea-more athletic than cathe. I also like her tape step, bootcamp and stretch. Both are by cia and previews can be seen at
Where are all the moms of the new babies? All sleep deprived? Melanie, Briee, all you others? Will Maggie, Emy and I soon be thrown off this board when ar babies get too old? Just kidding. maggie, Alexis just fowarded some pictures to bardric, no bikini shot though. I switched providers and lost my address book. Wrote down Maggie's but no one elses. if anyone wants to see the pictures email me at [email protected]
I'm here. Today I begin working out. I'm so excited!!! Justin is sleeping in my arms (I want to make sure he's good and out before I begin). I was going to wait to post until after I worked out. I feel a little bit like an outsider posting on this site when I haven't even worked out for 5 weeks! I am a little sleep deprived though...

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Justin is doing great! I just love being a Mommy to my kids, it's such a rewarding role. :) I worked out this morning, did Timesaver #1. It felt really good to sweat. I felt so light, like a feather jumping (flying) over the step. It feels good to workout again. I weighed myself this morning and I'm 2-lbs away from prepregnancy weight. That feels so good. I feel like I have 10-lb boobs and about 10-lb of spongy flab around my torso. So once I loose those I'll be at my high school weight. ;-)

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi everyone and got pics!

Shopaholic-she is so cute and so much bigger and older looking than the last pic. I will try to send updated pics of Bardric out. Is the beautiful lady in blue you? If so it's nice to have a face to go with the on line you:)

Emy-Yes I have lost my preg weight and as of last weigh in am 1 lb below, but the scales are irritating me right now, so I am going to stay away for a few weeks. Still want to lose around 29 lbs (or so, depending on possible muscle gain.

And no teeth yet for Mr. B, although he drools all the time.

Melanie--congrats on a successful workout! When I started after having Bardric, I felt like I could really breathe--it felt soooo good.

Hope to hear from everyone else!

take care--
Hi girls! Looks like everyone is doing just fab! Shopaholic - I am quite impressed with your workouts! You go girl!!!!!

Melanie - congrats on working out again! I am sooooo happy for you! Doesn't it feel fab!!!!???? Feel like you're back to the land of the living huh! I can totally relate to you holdin' your punkin till he is dead and passed out!!! I am also REALLY sleep deprived! uggghhh!

I started Body For Life (BFL) last Sunday. My hubby did too! We took our before pics and I about died! Oh well... my lil' punkin is worth it!

I also got my Body Blast DVDs on Wednesday. I am so bummed as 2 of them don't even work. They are sending me replacements :(

Here was my workout for the week...

Sun - PUB
Mon - Powermax
Tues - PLB plus extensions/presses on machine
Wed - Treadmill run 25 min
Thurs - Push/Pull (didn't like a whole lot, didn't feel like a good workout?? :(( )
Fri - Step/Jump/Pump
Sat - Free Day / Rest

Also, I took Tyler to the doc today. He is a month old and finally gaining weight. He is up to 8 lbs. 8 oz He was 3.5 wks early and weighed 7lbs 6 oz at birth. Doc said not to worry about him not getting enough breast milk as he is gaining like crazy. 2 wks ago he was only 7lbs 2 oz so he has gained more than an ounce a day!!!

Are any of you supplementing with formula yet?? We just started doing 1 bottle a day.

Hope you all have a fun, healthy week! My hubby went back to work today (after a month off with me and Tyler) so I am going to be even more busy the next few days until I get use to life without him:(
RE: Hi everyone and got pics!

Please feel free to send me pictures of all your angels. I love seeing baby pictures...especially all of yours. ;-) I have to say we have the best looking bunch. Here's my address: [email protected] If anyone would like a look at Justin, let me know. We have a digital camera (it's wonderful) so I can easily send albums over the internet. :D :D Don't worry though, I'll only send one. :)

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Hi everyone and got pics!

Melanie, i will send you pics. Alexis would love to see a picture of Justin, she just loves younger men. Yes, Maggie, the woman in blue is me, wonder where Alexis gets her hair from,lol.
Help me!

Patiently waiting pics of all those babies. ;) J/k take your time! I worked out today again. Have I told you how wondeful it feels?

I have a new dilema (sp?) though, my chest hurts so much! I've always been smaller busted (size B), now with my larger 'working' breasts it hurts when I do high impact (even with my sports bras on). Has anyone found a real good sports bra to wear for larger breasts? I've always used Champion Jogging bras...I'm thinking that I should get one with separate compartments (the bra I have now keeps my breasts in one comparment).

Briee, I did not order Terminator. I already had that DVD, so I just ordered the other pack. I think I will stick to Timesaver this week and CTX next week...then I will venture on to Body Blast. I feel like I have so many new workouts (Body Blast was released shortly after I conceived so I haven't used it that much).

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hello all!

I got sick last week and then we went on a spontaneuos roadtrip to surprise my hubby's dad for his 70th birthday party. Needless to say, I missed a few days of exercise and indulged in food all weekend. Today, I did Bootcamp and Zachary woke up during the skaters cardio (can't remember which cycle#). He fell back asleep after a little while of crying. I continued until he woke up during the lunges (7th cycle). So, I breastfed him and then put him in his bouncy seat so I could finish Bootcamp. Can you believe he was more interested in looking at the stars on his bouncy seat than me exercise? :) I love Bootcamp. It has got to be me my alltime fave exercise video.

Zachary has napping issues and it's driving me crazy. He'd rather nap in his carseat than his crib. If he's in his carseat, he likes being in his baby bunting and has a hard time sleeping without it. We discovered this during our weekend travels. I didn't want him to overheat in the car so I put him in his seat without his bunting. He could not sleep and just cried and cried. He's happily sleeping now in his carseat, snuggled in his bunting. It's been a couple of hours. (We went to Target and he's still sleeping when we returned.) My girls never had this problem.

Melfitz--cute kids! Looking forward to Bootcamp tomorrow. Lets restate that--I am going to do Boot Camp tomorrow, I am not sure whether I am really looking forward to it;-) It was fun, but hard for me.

Shopaholic--Yup she surely has your hair--We have to keep trying for our redhead, though}(

I want to send out pics, but I just looked and none of the new ones are on the computer yet:-( And hubby is out of town again ( I need his help--I can send them now, but do not know how to scan themx( onto the computer)

take care everyone
Here's my e-mail address so ya'll can send me pics of your precious little ones! [email protected] Thanks!

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Thanks for the cute pictures Shopaholic and Melanie! I will let you know when I have more to send.
Hey guys, wow what a busy week, here it's friday and i'm just checking in!!! I have to get my workout log down stairs as I can't even remember what I did last week, I think I had about 3 rest days though due to baby. He's still not sleeping overly well. I try to get a good 1-2 hour workout to make up for it if I miss too much.

I want pictures guys!! I've seen Bardric and Max and Alexis, but I'd love another Alexis picture with mommy, love to see what you guys look like. And Melanie, any more new pix-send them over PLEASE. I'll try to email some in return.

Melanie you'll want to know this, I was doing great on the diet and then something happened and yesterday I believe I had like 10 choc chip cookies and a cinnamon roll. Actually I threw up at night I felt so gross, but most of the stuff was well digested by then. Actually I've had a few bad days, but that was the worst. (10 cookies was probably a conservative estimate :eek: :eek: :eek: ). So emy - go ahead and send a few cookies my way too!!

I went downhill skiing on wednesday - any of you guys enjoy this? I hadn't gone in years and it was SOOOO much fun. Much more fun than LL (sorry Cathe). My 10 year old daughter picked it up really quick (isn't it amazing how kids have no fear!!!). Actually she was terrified going up the lift, but not at all of flying down the big hills at speeds that made me worry.

Everyone's logs look great!!! I've been doing Timesaver #3 cardio a lot because my dvd player still won't play the step blast DVD so at least I can get part of it!!! I like to do this and then add on heavy upperbody stuff, usually two parts per workout and some AB work. Have a great weekend guys!!!


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