Postpartum check week August 22nd


Hi everyone!

I haven't posted in quite a while, and I noticed there was no check in for last week, so I though I'd start up one for this week (even though I almost feel I don't deserve to since I've been away for so long...;/). Anyway, we've been away a lot, and the few days at home in between have been filled with doing laundry, sorting out the post etc... (excuses, excuses...)

My little one (second daughter) is already 8 months, and I can't believe how much quicker time passes the second time around. She's made her first attempts at standing up against a stool, and toghether with my first-born they keep us both quite busy;)).

Working out has worked out surprisingly well even through all these out of the ordinary activities. I've tried to relax about the whole issue, and instead focus on enjoying and finding new fun summer activities like swimming etc. I have even tried adding running to my rotation, though that's not going too well...;)) (just posted about that on the open forum...). I haven't even kept a log of my workouts, but I just started a slow and heavy rotation again. It worked such wonders last time. I won't even try to remember my workout week, but wish you all a great week instead!

Hi Maria,
Great to see you back here. I have started to check in at vf's marvelous moms check in as Alexis is almost a year and I no longer feel like I can call myself postpartum. I can't believe yours is already 8 months old .
Hi Shopaholic and Maria - Just stopping by to say hi.

I definitely can't consider myself postpartum by any means. In 6 days, Max will be 1 year old! I can't believe it. Does it make sense that the time has gone by slowly, yet so fast? I have savored every day of this past year and feel like I've really taken the time to enjoy it, so in that sense it has gone by slowly, but when I look at Max, I wonder where all of the time has gone.

Alexis must be turning one is several weeks too, right? Glad you both are doing well!
Hi ladies--

Since Bardric is almost a year old (Sept. 9), I am not really post partum either. I am incredibly busy, preparing for this next school year (making freezer meals, planning schedules, figuring out what to do with the "babies" while I teach K, 2nd and 5th, and getting those last bits of curricula).

One big change is that I am going to start working out very early in the morning, instead of the middle of the day. That should help, but I am not a morning person!!!

I have 9.5 lbs to go to reach my goal.

I'll try to pop in occasionally--

take care everyone
Where's all the new moms? I hate to throw in the towel for the weekly check-in. It's so nice to to have a place to 'check-in'. I'll have to go check out VF's Marvelous Moms site. :)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
New moms keep the tradition going. This check in has been so helpful. Happy early birthday to Max and then to Bardric. I sit here staring at the invitations I need to fill out for Alexis's birthday party. Sept. 12 she too turns one. I am becoming teary eyed as I type this as it seems just yesterday that Maggie and I were posting our pregnancy workouts. Alexis is now crawling and getting into everything. she is also saying momma and dadda. The year has flown by but I am glad the newborn stage is over. Alexis is such a little person now and I always was a lover of toddlers. Melanie, check out the marvelous moms/moms with muscle check in, they are a great group of moms.
Justin turned 7 mos just a couple of days ago. He's finally gotten the crawling down & is now cruising along furniture. He'll be walking sooner than I'd want him to be. Now that he's more mobile he's beginning to chit chat more. It's so fun! DH & I are discussing the possiblities of having another baby. :) It's the perfect time in life for us. We'll see. Maybe I'll be posting on the pregnancy workout check-in's by early next year?! ;)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi ladies! I am checking in late, but it has been a busy week. The fall semester began Monday for the community college, so I have been busy dropping off course materials for the independent Med Term class I teach. Sydney had her firts gymnastics class Wedenesday evening followed by her first dance class Thursday evening. I tried to start her last year in dance, but she wasn't ready. She loved it this week, so we will see.

I did try checking in earlier in the week, but we keep getting hit by storms. We have a satellite interenet provider, so when the weather is bad I lose access to the net.

I repeated the CTX series this week. I just love that series.

I hear thunder rolling in, so I better finish and try to read a few more threads.

Take care ladies!
Sorry it's taken me so long to check in. We've all been sick around here and it's been a bit hectic. Dominic (now 2 months old and 8 lbs.) has started to sleep through the night!! I feel like a new woman and started the Slow and Heavy series. I'm fairly new to Cathe workouts and was wondering how you all do this rotation. I have just one hour to work out and it seems wasteful to me somehow to just do triceps and biceps for example, for a whole hour. How do you fit this series in with other types of workouts? I used to do all FIRM workouts so I'm used to a little cardio, a little weight training all kind of thrown in together. I'm extremely sore from Cathe weight work though--this must be a good sign.

Maggie, I too am trying to get my homeschool year all started. It's always a challenge to keep the little guys occupied while I work with the older ones. Dominic will be easy though--he's happy as long as he's nursing!

My six year old gave me some pointers as I was attempting to keep up with Cathe on the Slow and Heavy series: "Mom, she's lifting a lot bigger weights than you but she doesn't even look like she's trying as hard as you!" How encouraging!

I have a question for all you postpartum ladies--what kind of exercise bra do you all wear? I'm not very large chested, but I hate the feeling of having my full nursing breasts squashed into most jogging type bras. Thanks!

Jenny--mom to my own little basketball team of boys ages 8,6,4,2, and 2 months
Momtomany, I am pretty flat, I am now back to my 34A's but when nursing was a 34C. Instead of buying new sports bras, I used the ones i bought when pregnant and doubled them for support.
Mom to many

I just squish my nursing boobs into whatever is available, because I am cheap:p

About the things kids say--Occasionally, my daughters (7 and 5) watch me work out and if things get really tough, I'll gasp, "She's killing me!" or some such. They look at me indcredulously and say gently, "mom, you don't have to do this." But they don't understand, I do--I do!:eek: :p }(

happy birthday to Alexis and Max (coming up anyway)

It is so hard to believe that Max is 1, and Bardric and Alexis are almost 1 and Justin is 7 months and all these new babies are here.
Hi Ladies, I won't even go into all the things that have been going on around here - busy and lots going on - we'll leave it at that!

Jenny, I'm giggling at your workout bra dilema. Like Maggie, I used whatever worked while nursing, cheap jog bras. Right now I hardly need anything it seems. I think I'm the same as Shopaholic, probably more so, as I went from a triple E to nothing and now they are just empty. Oh well!!!

Melanie....did ya get the P90X stuff???? I'm on my second rotation of the P90X. I spent a week doing Cathe, but for some reason I get a sore spot in my back. I struggled through PUB with Cathe's weights and realized.....she is the endurance queen!!!! (not that I didn't know that before). I'm hoping desparately that her new workouts will be hard and heavy and NON ENDURANCE with lots of stretch breaks in between. I am thriving on the P90X style of workout and hate to leave it.

Noah is all over the place now and will probably be an early walker too. I wish he would be an early "sleeper through the night" but that's just not happening!! x( x( x( I'm not sure where I'll be checking in - I've never visited another forum and can't imagine not checking in on Cathe. It's been so helpful to have you all this past year!! I'll try to check in every so often, but doooo continue on all you new moms!!!! Melanie.....thinking of more already....we'll be waiting to hear. Maybe we'll be starting up (or joining)the prego checkin again!! :7 :7 :7 Oh not me... I didn't say ME...I need a little sleep before I think of that, this past month has been tough....I'll be happy with a little break or a long break :) :) :)

Melanie, Even though I don't have my period yet, we're thinking about trying soon anyway. We'll see what happens. Maybe I'll be with you soon in that pregnancy check-in!

Max has been so fun lately. When we go to church he crawls up to other people and wants everyone to pick him up. His birthday was fun. He got to have at his birthday cupcake and squished at all over his face all nonchalantly as if he does it every day.

Briee, I'm still thinking about acquiring P90X, but I like strength and cardio equally. Are the cardio workouts challenging and/or fun? I would want to get it if all the workouts are good, not just the weightlifting.
Emy, fact I don't think I've even previewed the cardio tape, but I still don't care. I do Cathe for cardio and primarily her interval tapes....she's the best. Although I have to admit I haven't been doing her step tapes as it is just not getting my heart rate way up like I like. I've lately been sticking to IMAX and IMAX II, and the cardio bursts in BC with SPJ 19 minute hi/lo added onto it for my cardio days. BUT there is nothing like the P90X workouts....I love them. I love the stretches, love the pullups, love the pushups, love the heavy weight work in shorter bursts without the endurance, love the time clock at the bottom that tells me how me many minutes I have left, love the workout attire (just like I wear, old cut off T's and shorts), love the room - old garage, gym like room. Get them just for the strength tapes, but obviously not the cardio - they are still worth it!! I realize that I need to do some heavy leg weight work with Cathe, but I'm trying to figure out how to add that in currently. I think I'll just add a day of S&H legs in. The P90X leg tape is excellent, but I need some leg presses and good old weighted squats added in again. Hope that helps.

Glad your having so much fun with Max. Noah is a blast too, except at night, still can't figure out how to handle the night time wake up calls every 2-3 hours at least!!! I thought bottle babies slept through the night.....LIARS!!! x( x( x( (at least that's what I heard!!!)

Hi there

Hey ladies! I looked over at videofitness site for magnificant mom's. Seems like a nice bunch...but there's like 20 something women over there & it's overwhelming. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. I'm so used to our group here. :( Why do the baby's have to grow up so fast?
Justin slept thru the night last night. First time ever. He has 2 teeth now & he has finally found a solid he likes--carrots. He'll only eat carrots & BM. :D
Briee, I'm doing Ab Ripper. Love it. It's so fun. I haven't seen any differences as of yet, but I know my abs are stronger!!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Hi there

Melanie, Congratulations to Justin for sleeping through the night. I can't believe he took that long, but I hope it continues!
Watch out your little guy is going to turn orange like my little Maxy. I'm still waiting for my guy to walk. Grandma taught him to climb up and down the stairs, so now he always wants to be on them. I have to watch him like a hawk. emy
RE: Hi there

Emy, does Max just like carrots too? BTW, Jory was 8mos when he first slept thru the nite too. Genetics?!@?@?

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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