postpartum check in week of May 9


Hi everyone,
Spring weather has finally hit new england yeah. Hope everyone is enjoying nice weather.
On wed. I left Alexis with hubby while I went to an all day training, Alexis did great. I couldn't believe it. I finally dropped those last few pounds now that I am nursing less(due to solids and using formula when away from home). Its hard to believe Ms. Alexis is 8 months old, she remains around 14 pounds. Bardric can probably squish her. Last night I had her around my 20 month old niece who is big for her age, she almost sat on Alexis and would have squished her. On to workout week:

Sunday-cardio fx-phillip gray
Monday-Imax +walk to the park+ cardio and weights abs
Wed-Timesaver day 5 (legs and glutes)
Thurs-Imax 2- blast premix plus bodymax upper and abs
Friday-ctx-10-10-10 cardio plus hi/lo and kickbox from power circuit-all step abs
Sat-firm strength plus walk to the park

Weather is nice in NJ as well....!

Here is the breakdown for the week:

Sunday - off
Monday - Timesaver #4
Tuesday - 3 mile walk/jog
Wednesday - Winsor Pilates - Advanced Slimming
Thursday - Cardio & Weights
Friday - 3 mile walk/job
Saturday - off

Have a good week!
Hi everyone,

enjoying beautiful spring weather here too. The garden has burst within the last week, and we had our first barbaque in the weekend. Gosh, just grilled chicken breast, champions, onion, zucchini...yummy, yummy, and very healthy! Anyway, I'm trying to eat really healthy as I notice I've actually gained some muscle lately. It's showing on the scale (maybe 1-2 pounds), and I'm doing my best to convince myself it's not fat. I know I should really avoid the scale for some time... I notice my endurance getting better, too, the imaxes have started feeling a lot easier (I don't mean EASY by any means, just more "doable" than before...;))). Also, I've been able to up my weights in the Pyramids and PS, which feels really nice.

Anyway, enough babble, here's my log:
mon: Imax 2 + Abs from C & W
tue: KPC + PUB
wed: PLB + Circuit Max
thu: Intense moves
fri: C.Taylor hi-lo heaven
sat: Body Max
sun: Push & Pull 2 set premix

Gotta run, have a good week everybody,
Maria, put the scale away or you will drive yourself nuts. With your workout schedule it is all muscle. You need to talk yourself through and also give yourself a break with the workouts. It seems you are doing such extreme workouts and if you don't do these you feel fat or down on yourself. I am sure you are in excellent shape at this point , remind yourself of this so you don't eventually harm your body doing too much. Sorry, I guess the therapist in me has come out.

thank you very much for your concern, and you are very right. I'm really struggling to not feel fat and think I'm losing control if the scale shows more than before. I haven't really had a chance to maintain my weight (I've lost about 35-40 pounds within 1-2 years) with the pregnancies, so I'm still "feeling new" with my new weight. I think that's why (at least one reason) I'm overly concerned about gaining it back (with all the writing about what a huge percentage of dieters end up gaining all the weight back withing a few years). In any case, it's good to hear what you said from someone else, even though I know it deep down inside too ;). And, I can actually see the muscle gain in the mirror (my husband almost popped his eyes out at my bicep one day after coming out of the shower...;))), so I should really feel confident that it's muscle, plus my clothes feel actually nice and lose. Besides, fit people do weigh surprisingly much looking fabulous, so... at 5'4 and 110-112 pounds I know I could even gain some (hopefully) muscle. I think....

Anyway, sorry for all the blabber, but it's nice to vent out some! It does help ;)

Thanks again for your post, hope everyone else is doing good and feeling more confident in yourselves!

Hi everyone!

Very busy around here as usual. (I wish they had a frazzled looking smiley:p ) Anyway my husband has been out of town a lot since January--almost 4 days out of each week and it is wearing on me a bit. At least he is employed and it is a good job for us and there is a lot of work coming up closer to home, so that's good.

I have now lost 28.5 lbs total since 2 weeks pp and I'm just fitting into a size 8 at 5'4" (I was a 16), so I am feeling a bit more normal, but my weight is very high for this size (Maria, I would squish you:)). I would like to be a size 4, which is where I was between babies 2 and 3 and was a good size for my hight and frame. I think this is a doable goal within the next 6 months or so.

Shopaholic--thanks for the post partum laughs you sent me, I replied, but our e mail keeps saying that there is an error in sending it, so I don't know what is going on. I think that Bardric would squish Alexis, but she is gaining on him--he has not put on much weight since January, but boy he sure looks chubby.

My workout week (Jillybeans CTX rotation, I think?)
Wed 12-CTX kickbox (all)+CTX back
Thurs 13-CTX 10-10-10 (all)+ CTX chest
Fri 14-CTX Power Circuit(all)+ CTX shoulders
Sat 15-CTX Step and Intervals(all)+ CTX biceps
Sun 16-CTX All Step(all)+CTX triceps
Mon 17-CTX Leaner Legs + 20 min stationary bike--I was bad and skipped the abs portion
Tues 18-rest

*I also tacked on 2 intervals per day of IMAX II to the CTX cardios, for a little extra cardio--except on the LL day.

Well, take care everyone
I am off to work out
I did receive one email from ya, glad you enjoyed the laughs. It is amazing that you fit your workouts in, given your big family and hubby being out of town so much. You should be so proud of yourself going from a size 16 to an 8. Please tell Bardric that Alexis remains petite, her size 6-9 bikini was too big for her so I had to get her a size 3-6 month bikini. She is still available.
I DID post once this week.However I don't see it above so it most not have worked. That's a shame b/c I had such an insightful post ;-) LOL LOL LOL I'll re-post my log. It's not too impressive, as it's so difficult to find a good 60-min frame of time where Justin's content enough to let me workout. I can see that his naps are beginning to be more reliable maybe not too much longer. He's FOUR months old already! Shopaholic & Maggie, I can't believe your bundles are EIGHT months already?!

SUN: Imax 1 + abs
Wed: RS 1+2+challenge + PH abs
Fri: MIC step +inverals + PH abs
Sat: KPC minus abs

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Shopaholic..I second your theraputic advise to Maria. (Maria, you sound too much like me). We must throw out the scale!!

I'm typing with a cast, so I'll keep it short, please excuse the typos, no right hand!! If you want the scoop, look under tendonitis (which it's NOT) x( x( x(

sun - shoulders and arms (all P90X)
mon - legs and back
tues - Kenpo X
wed - stretch X
thurs - chest and arms
fri - plyo
sat - hospital.....p90x is extreme
sun,mon, rest (actually I did ab ripper each day)
tues cast put on my right hand Ab ripper
wed - Ab ripper, legs and back (okay i slipped my cast off (it's possible)and did lap pulls on my universal gym, don't tell the doctor). I feel pretty good so far (my arm that is).

I just realized that i posted this week....I was copying from my work out log and got carried away...sorry.


Oh baby is so sweet, almost 5 months old and the happiest baby I've ever had. the nurses had ablast with him when I was getting the cast, i could hear him giggling out in the hall. :7 :7 :7 :7
forgot to add, sho paholic i got your email, but nothing would show when i opened the attachment. sounds like it was really fu nny from your email note. Maggie, maybe you could try to send it on to me and then it might work???

I will try once more to send that email, wonder why you can never open my emails. Melanie, I do find it hard to believe Alexis is already 8 months old. I will tell you, at least for me this is the best age as she can entertain herself and now naps for part of my workout as I result I now have a full hour plus some time to workout so it does get better. Maria, all of us here on this board probably have a little obsessive behavior when it comes to eating ,exercise and weight. My own nuttsiness is what makes me a good therapist, glad you took my feedback in a positive way.
Briee, I can't believe you! Taking your cast off and doing the "ab ripper"...sounds really bad...:) :)!!! (in a good way I mean). What do you think of the PX90 now that you've done it some; is it comparable to any Cathe's? I understood from some threads that the cardio wasn't that tough, are Cathe's cardios tougher you think? Would you think of it more as a strength thing? (Sorry about all the questions... I'm just really curious to whether it's something I'd like some day...).

Anyway, as I'm probably about to order the CTX and Slow & heavy series soon (I'll probably wait to hear feedback on the new advanced DVD) I was wondering if any of you have the terminator? What do you think of it? Is it worth the extra money even though I have the rest of the intensity series?

Maggie, you're doing fantastic with your weight loss!!! Way to go!!! You'll be down to your goal in no time! And keeping up the workouts with DH gone, WAU! I know I feel exhausted having to take care of just 2 kids by myself for any extended period of time. I don't know how you do it...!?

Shopaholic, thanks, and I think youre right; I suppose I'm not the only one having obsessions about these issues (thank goodness;))!) There are so many posts on the forum that could've been written by me... One would think that having lost weight would solve the whole weight "problem", but it seems like that's were the problems start...;))) I mean, I never thought about these things before losing weight, I didn't even own a scale for the longest time. Yes Briee, you're right, the scale would have to go. Maybe I'll have my husband hide it from me...;))) soon...;))

Now isn't the time to ask me about P90X as I'm in P90X heaven at present. I guess the weight workouts in my opinion are wayyy beyond Cathe, but in a different way. For instance the chest and back workout is almost all push ups and pullups for the hour with different hand placements to hit the complete muscle. When I am done, my arm literally feels pumped and HARD. I've never had that feeling before. There are a few rows. The difference may enter in when you are doing the weights that are heavy for YOU, everyone does something different and you do YOUR heaviest. Cathe's workouts are generally endurance based and maybe that's why I like the P90X. (I know S&H is the exception, but the other's are still primarily endurance oriented instead of heavy). I'm a fast twitched muscle person who thrives on these workouts. I've never done the cardioX tape, but when they say it's easier, it is, but compared to your other days where you are REALLY worked out, you need this day of less intensity. They are focusing on muscle development, confusion, and thus growth. It's just what I've dreamed of!! Can't wait until Cathe comes out with this. I can't finish the ab ripper yet unless I do it on it's own and even then I can't quite do all of it. When I do PH and I haven't done it in a while, I get sore right in my quad and tush...when I do the leg workout from P90X I am sore through the WHOLE leg. I like this...just something different, I'm sure I'll get tired of it in a while ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) .


(oh's probably our dinosaur computer that is the problem!! hopefully we'll get a new one soon)
Briee, thanks so much for your description. I think the PX90 will have to wait on my part, and hour of pull-ups and push-ups sounds above my league...;) Plus I think I'm more of an endurance type, so I'd probably have a pretty hard time with it... Maybe some day, who knows...:)


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