Postpartum check-in Week of March 28th


Hi-di-ho ladies! Is everyone enjoying Spring? The weather is marvelous. Our lake has thawed & is completely liquid now. This is the earliest I've ever seen it thawed in the 12 years we've been here. Now I get to start working on cleaning up the yard.

I have one more offical week off before I go back to work for good. I'm mentally preparing myself for this change. Justin is getting older, and stronger. He's also falling into a schedule & has become more portable and able to fit into life better. Does this make sense? He pretty much does everything with me and is content and easier to calm down when he's upset.

This Wednesday I will write down his feeding/sleeping times & come up with a schedule (very soft & flexable) to make the work transition as smooth as possible. It was nice to have the one week 'trial' week--so I know what to expect. Enough babbling!!

Sun: off
Mon: IMax Extreme + KPC abs (only did about 1/2 of cardio b/c Justin was fussy)
Tue: Cardio Kicks
Wed: Circuit Max + PH Abs + 40 min jog (wasn't going to run--but it was sooooo nice out)
Thurs: C&W upper body Timesaver + 60 min walk/jog
Fri: Raked leaves 60 minutes (does this count? I was super sore from Thursday's run!)
Sat: Mindy's Awesome Intervals + PUB Abs*

* I inflated my stability ball. I haven't re-inflated it for about 3 years. I read on another forum that this could make stability ball usuage even more challenging. I DID find pikes easier with a fully inflated ball. ;-)

Have a great week!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Spring has been beautiful here in Oregon as well. I have not wanted to go down to the basement to exercise or be on the computer, but for me weight loss will not occur without exercise, so I do it anyway.

Keep us posted on how the work thing goes for you. It sounds like he has a good child care situation, which must ease your mind considerably. I will be praying for you.

Your workout week looks amazing!

I am technically not finished with mine until tomorrow, but here it is so far--

Wed 31 C&W
Thurs 1 PSLA
Fri 2 Power Max
Sat 3 PS CST, CTX Kick box (cardio only)
today Body Max, parts 1 and 2
tomorrow PS BBA, stationary bike

So far I lost another .5 lbs this week, but yesterday's eating was not so good because I made a special birthday dinner for our dd who is turning 5. Chocolate truffle cake--you understand:9. My weigh in day is Wednesday, so I'll see if I can be good for the rest of the week. I have a dress I want to wear on Easter, and it fits everywhere nicely, except my boobs are so bigx(. I am not typically a busty woman, but boy nursing sure does it to me. I feel so matronly. But I am stoked to be back in what I consider to be "normal" sizes. (although I am not where I want to be yet)

Bardric is doing well, but is not sleeping so well through my workouts, which means that either a sibling has to try and keep him happy until I am finished or else he just gets to scream in the swing until I am finished--not pleasant for either of us.

Well, I look forward to hearing how all of you and your dear little ones are doing:)

take care
24.5 down (since 2 wks post partum)/? to go
Hi all you post pregos!!! Melanie...I will pray for your transition and Justins schedule!! I'm so glad you have found a wonderful caregiver!!

Maggie....Noah is not cooperating with workouts either and it was a frustrating week "altogether". I had company here this week and so I'm not even going to write my workouts....just too sparse. And this morning I was so wiped out, my dh took the family to church and I kept Hannah, age 2, and Noah home. Got them down for a nap and snuck downstairs to do dah, dah, dah....get this (drumroll please)

ONE INTERVAL OF BOOT CAMP (actually it was more like 1/2 an interval) and then one of them woke up!!! I could have screamed (I think I did). Tonight I'm going to get them to sleep and do a 5 hour workout...and I'm not kidding. My body is screaming for an intense...EVERYTHING!!

Noah is still eating about every 3-4 hours all night long. When do they sleep???? It takes me about 1 hour to get back to sleep and....I'm getting crabby!! But he is so intensely cute really quite a good baby!!! He rarely cries, just a little sweetheart!!

I'm happy for all of you who had some good workouts!!

Maggie, thanks for the complement on workouts. I've been trying to workout hard since I'm going to take it easy during my transition week back. I will keep repeating this to myself too. I WILL take it easy my first week back to work. I WILL allow myself some slack. I WILL allow my house to be messy. etc... A little bit of brainwashing won't hurt me at all!! Oh, and good job on your weight loss. You're doing AMAZING!!!
You two have so many kids. I think it's amazing that you're able to workout at all. Maybe you could get one of those jogging strollers that fit 5? That would be a site!!!!
Briee, I totally empathize with the one/half interval workout. Many workouts I've had to start/stop about 10 times before getting through them!!! I"m sure your week went better than your giving yourself credit for!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Maggie, thanks for the complement on workouts. I've been trying to workout hard since I'm going to take it easy during my transition week back. I will keep repeating this to myself too. I WILL take it easy my first week back to work. I WILL allow myself some slack. I WILL allow my house to be messy. etc... A little bit of brainwashing won't hurt me at all!! Oh, and good job on your weight loss. You're doing AMAZING!!!
You two have so many kids. I think it's amazing that you're able to workout at all. Maybe you could get one of those jogging strollers that fit 5? That would be a site!!!!
Briee, I totally empathize with the one/half interval workout. Many workouts I've had to start/stop about 10 times before getting through them!!! I"m sure your week went better than your giving yourself credit for!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hey guys....we've all had such a nice time going through pregnancies and post partum experiences together. What happens if someone gets pregnant and is anyone thinking about this already???? I would really miss anyone here if they went and got pregnant on us.

I was just worrying about this lately as I'm not nursing and I really need a few years break between the next and would actually probably be happy if this was possibly it. (not that we don't love children and wouldn't welcome more) I just have these visions of going on cool family vacations down hill skiing trips, canoe trips and you just can't do this when there is a baby. I have to pick up the copy of "Taking charge of your Fertility". I think that was the name. Anyway....just rambling here!!

Ha! A jogging stroller that fits five--now that would be a workout:p. Someone gave us a bike trailer that will fit 2 kids, who will ride behind my husband, while I push Mr. B in the jogger and the 2 big kids ride their own bikes. We plan to do this down at the highschool track just down the hill from our house soon, I hope. So you have one more week until you go back to work?

I hear you Briee on the baby thing. My kids are already talking about the next one and I am like Please--a little more time here--hands full!! Nursing tends to spread them out for me also, but we went 7 months without conceiving after I quit pumping for #4, which convinced me that I should no longer take my fertility for granted. Part of me hopes that this is it, but Bardric isn't old enough for me to have baby fever yet--usually strikes when the baby is 18 months or year at this time I'll probably be longing for another. And we have to keep trying until we have a red headed child--the only reason my MIL approved of me was the prospect of red-headed grand children and I have produced nary a one}( (actually she does like me, but she did want those red headed grand children)

enough of my babbling
hope everyone else is doing well
Hallo there!

Spring coming along wonderfully here too, and we've started enjoying nice walks with the whole family in the evenings. Still some snow, but if it'll stay this nice it'll be gone in no time at all, for easter, I'm sure. It's nice to know there's a holiday ahead, and more time with the whole family, grandparents etc. I've been feeling a little tired myself lately, those early morning sessions start catching up with me finally I think, so I've been really easing out on the workouts this week, which has felt really good. It's strange, a little while ago I couldn't wait to do all the really toughies, interval workokuts etc., now I just shiver at the pure thought of doing one. So I'm not doing one for now.

Ordered and already received a few new DVD:s from Collage, which has given a nice break from the regular routine as well. So far I've tried K.Andersons Angles, Lines and Curves II and C.Prickett's Crazy for Step. Seemed really fun, obviously not Cathe, but a nice change for lighter days.

You working (or soon to be) moms, you're doing great! And I do think your toughest challenge at the moment is to be kind enough to yourselves, try to lower your standards for a while at least ;)), and let others help as much as possible. That goes for the workouts as well! I do think we can be our own worst enemies there if we're not careful, and in a way I think society helps that along a bit; quite a lot is expected from the "perfect mother"... Where are the similar expectations for the "perfect father"? Anyway, enough of that ;))) just wanted to remind you to give yourselves enough slack.

Last weeks workout log is here (I'll start mine Monday, as that's how I usually count them):

Mon: Imax 2
Tue: MIS + Tamilee Webb Cardio Blast
Wed: MIC + Cardio Kicks + Abs from BC (had to see if I could pull that one again, boy it was tough, no wonder I started feeling like I needed a lighter week after this one...;)))
Thu: Rhythmic Step + a 2 abs (Pyramids and something, I forget)
Fri: Intense Moves (G.Miller)+ Abs from BC
Sat: Angels,Lines and Curves (K.Anderson)
Sun: off

Hope everyone has a wonderful week,

Hi everyone,
We are now back from New York. It is 5:00 pm and I am hoping to get a workout in after dinner but the energy is lacking. Alexis was good on the trip but did awake screaming at 11 pm 2 nights, I don't know if it was from being in a new crib at grandma's or teething. The thought of another child at this time has not crossed my mind, one is plenty. Anyway here are my workouts if I can remeber them:

I'll have to finish later, gotta start dinner.
Forum wouldn't let me edit last post so I'll continue here.

Thurs-bootcamp/muscle endurance-bonus combo
Sat-christi taylor-7002-hi/lo section

Reading other people's workout child obstacles sounds familiar. Recently, Alexis has been much better especially since giving her solids, but I have started and stopped many workouts due to crying or like maggie left Alexis screaming in her swing.
Believe it or not, I'm ready

Well, I know that Justin's one of the youngest ones on the forum...but I'm ready for another one whenever God's ready. It's gotta be on His time...and with nursing I probably won't get pregnant until he's weaned...but we're not using protection. ;-) I could be postparum AND pregnant. Hmmmmmm. That sounds scary!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Believe it or not, I'm ready

The big news this week for Max is that he rolled over front to back and back to front on Sunday. Every time I put him on the ground now, he rolls onto his tummy! He is so cute and squirmy, fidgety all the time now. I fear I'm losing my baby - he's just going to start crawling and becoming independent! I now know what you guys mean by having baby fever. I know I'm going to have it when Max gets just a bit older. I want another one but I feel guilty because I don't want to "replace" him. It must be hard because he's my FIRST and ONLY right now.

Last week was a good workout week. I did 5 out of my 6 planned workouts. This current week is bad! I haven't worked out once yet this week. I feel slothful, but I've have friends visiting, so that's my excuse.

Mon- PUB/PLB Bonus Combo
Tue- Imax 2
Wed- Boot Camp
Thu- L&G Xtreme (Standing Only)
Fri- Imax 1 (omitting recoveries recoveries after Int. #2 - aka A-Jock's "Interval Max Enhanced") + BC cardio only
Sat- none, had a slight fever and alternating sweats and chills all day (could this be due to the crazy workout the day before?!)
RE: Believe it or not, I'm ready

Yes Emy....this is called interval fever. I prefer to look at it as interval ecstasy omitting the fever completely }( }( }( . I have entered into this "state" this past week and I think your Friday workout looks just fabulous!!! Wish I could have joined you :7 :7 :7 !! I'm going to retape this workout (since I don't have it on DVD yet) and omit the recoveries. Do you do the warm up/cardio preceeding the blast (in Imax)? I would actually like to tape the blast and a slight recovering going right into another blast and then tack on BC cardios at the end with like 15 second recoveries in between the blasts. I really need these in DVD, but I shall make due until I can!!! Intervals are very addictive - it's like an need more and more and more...and you end up screaming at the TV "bring it on Cathe!!!!".

Okay...can you tell that I am having a very good morning!!!!;-) ;-) ;-)


Do you guys do just the high intensity portion of the intervals? Or do you do just the cardio portions without the cooldowns? Is this what the 'blasts' are?
It's snowing here in MN, so it doesn't look like I'll be running tomorrow. Maybe I"ll try this ... I hope this is what you guys mean. It's sounds tough. Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!! :7 :7

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Believe it or not, I'm ready

I did do the cardio portions before the interval blasts. I think that is what Aquajock meant to do. Has anyone tried doing just the interval blasts with no cardio or recovery? If so, how many in a row? And my other question if you have done this, do you need a psychiatric check up??!! HAHA...

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