Postpartum check-in Week of April 4th


Hey there ladies! Beautiful week here in MN, I was able to get lots of running done. :) This was my last week here at home with my precious little one. I'm mentally ready to go to work on Monday. :) I've got about 30bags of frozen breastmilk in the freezer, which is pretty amazing considering my recent thaw-out.
Today, as I did Inveral Blast I positioned a large mirror in my workout room so I could critique my moves. Although I've lost all my pregnancy weight--I'm extremely flabby. :( I could see my skin moving around like jell-O when I was jumping up and down. Especially around my torso. :-( Urgh!!!! So, I"m going to cut way down on my sweets (which has really gotten out of control) and increase my water intake.

Anyway, here's my week:
Sun: 45min run
Mon: Action Packed -- Mindy
Tue: 50min run
Wed: 60 min run/walk
Thurs: 2-hr karote
Fri: KPC quick pick #2
Sat: IMAX 2 Blast Max + I want those abs

Happy Easter! He has Risen!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi everyone,
Melanie, Glad you are getting your runs in. Good luck with your big return to work. You may be better off with disposable nursing pads, they are more convenient and less chance of infection.
Alexis has had a tough time with all the traveling this week, as we once again just returned home. The day after we returned from new york, Alexis was one cranky little girl. She is not napping much and is also teething, but she seems happy so far tonight. She is still loving her exersaucer and johnny jumper. Due to traveling, my workout week is kinda muttly(an odd mix).

Sunday-Karen voight-great weighted workout-leg and ab floorwork
Monday-Franny Benedetto-cia 9903-hi/lo +firm abs-day 5
wed-Franny Benedetto-cia 9903-step+ abs(forgot which I did)
Fri-Firm-super cardio+firm abs(day 1)
Sat-Firm-vol. 2

I am still holding onto those last 2 pounds, hopefully body is just holding onto them for nursing. 2 pounds is alot on someone short like me.
Hi everyone!

Looks like you both had pretty good workout weeks. Keep us posted on how work goes, Melanie. I am keeping you in my prayers. And congrats at being at your pre preg weight. That flab will be gone in no time. It does take a while to firm up again, but you are doing well.

Shopaholic--Bardric is teething also and crankyx(, but is feeling much better the last couple days, probably because one of the teeth is through. Very cute picture of Alexis, by the way--I had Bardric's pictures done at a studio in January, but never got them on the computer. And probably no one notices those two pounds but you! I'll bet everyone is amazed at how quickly you've bounced back after having a baby.

My daughters just informed me that our 2 year old pooped during naptime, took off his diaper and poop is everywhere. Oh I am so glad that my husband is here--he is good with stuff like this. I am not.(if I have to I do, of course, but I get the dry heaves and whatnot--he does not.

Well, no weight gone this week so far and I am bummed bacause I was so good (until todayx(). I am 4.5 lbs below my pre preg weight and have more muscle than I used to, but I am still would like to be about 3 sizes smaller. I have upped my goal weight, because I don't think I will have to lose so much to be the size I want to be. 18-20 lbs more, would probably do it, instead of the 25.5 more I thought I would have to lose when I started. Enough obsessing about my body.

My workout week
Thurs-PS CST, 30 min stationary bike
Fri-Rythmic Step
Sat-PS BBA, 30 min stationary bike
Sun-(today) IMAX II again with extra intervals and less recovery
Tomorrow-plan to do PS SLA-standing part only, and power circuit, cardio only--I'll check in if I get it done

Well, Mr B is coming undone about some such...better attend to him

take care
Maggie, thank goodness you have a good sense of humor. It must help you through alot with your family. I should motivate myself to exercise as Alexis is happily playing on her gymnee mat. Is talking about exercise a form of exercise? If only. Maggie, to be honest you are right that to most I look like I am back to preprego shape but like most exercise addicts, I have high standards for myself. I made the mistake of asking hubby if I looked like I did before having the baby,(I know bad question to ask), hubby replied that I look great for someone that had a baby 6 months ago. I of course snapped back, so I don't look the same.
Good job to all of you on your consistant workouts and weightloss/maintenance! This past week was crappy workout wise for me. But I had a fun time with friends visiting, and they loved Max and he loved them - so fun! Max was spoiled with gifts and purchases by them this week, he is such a lucky duck. His mom is saving for landscaping, so she hasn't been as generous with him!

Mon- 20-25 measly min. strength training with dumbells and barbell
Tue- none
Wed- none
Thu- KP&C/L&G Kickbox Cardio Drills Plus Kickbox & Strength Circuit
Fri- SB + ME upper body split
Sat- 30 min. run

Maybe I will try another crazy A-Jock mish mosh this week. Hopefully it doesn't give me another fever!
Everybodies doing so well with the weight loss!! I'm extremely tough on myself too shopaholic. I see this little ripple of cellulite looking fat on the back of my leg and I'm determined to get rid of it, because I know if I can cut my weight will disappear. This is one of those completely "I'm the one who can see it and it bugs me things!!!" and I really never wear the type of clothes typically that would ever show this. But in a sense it gives me some motivation and drive to push on. Some times were too tough on ourselves, but other times it can be the motivation we need to do another rep....jump a little higher....push a little harder. Does this make sense??? (can be good and can be bad :) :) :) )

This was a good week and I'm really pushing those intervals and I CAN'T BELIEVE how addicting they can be. Melanie...I am understanding your passion for sweat...finally!!

Mon - Bootcamp
Tues - Imax II 1-5, SS upper body blast
Wed - SB warmup, SB combo 2-3, SJP Hi/Lo add on (19 min), L&G all standing work and L&G cooldown, KPC Abs, I like this combo very much
Thurs - IMAX intervals 1-5, then PUB and abs, then finished IMAX 6-10, this was a fun day!!
Fri- IMAX II and Heavy Biceps
Sat - BC and Shoulder's Heavy
Sun - rest

I'm usually one who has to do my workout first thing in the morning or I don't do it, but I'm finally learning to be more flexible. I'm fitting it in whenever I can. The really weird thing is....I'm used to being sore from a weight workout by the next mid morning. Now the soreness might come late the next day or evening and this feels so "weird" to me. Oh least I'm fitting it and feeling more flexible with workouts.

Noah has a cold so you know I'll have a fun day x( x( x( . Hope all you teethers are quick about it. That's no fun either!! Thanks for the picture Melanie, great stroller, CUTE baby!! Also I didn't get the one of sweet little Alexis!!! Noah can't wait to see it!!!

Wow Briee! What a week! That's amazing. Have you been working out with Maria?! ;-) I totally know what you mean about the flab thing. I have it going on & I"m really hard on myself. Everyone tells me I look so thin & even suggest that I"m below my pre-pregnancy weight. I blow it off I think to myself that they're just trying to be nice! I won't even let anyone give me a complement!! So silly am I!

This week has been going pretty good considering I'm not with my little peanut. Sunday I developed a clogged milk gland. OUCH!! These are incredibly painful. I've never had one of these before. I think I've worked my way out of it...but this certainly wasn't the way I wanted to start my 1st week back to work!

Yesterday went well for Justin & his caretaker. Today when I called I was told that he was uncomfortable with gas most of the day & hasn't really napped. This makes me feel awful. :-( He didn't seem too uncomfortable when he was home with me. He has been taking several 'mini' naps through out the day... instead of longer naps. Is this typical of babies this age? I"m thinking that once he gets a little older they will be bunched more together? BTW I did invest in a couple pair of washbale BF pads. For the most part I don't leak. I just wanted extra security when I"m in public at work.

I worked out on Sunday, and have taken M & today off. I told myself not to push myself & I feel at peace with this. Tomorrow is my day off & I plan to go running & maybe do a video too!!! We'll see. No expectations, right? ;-)

Thanks for your prayers. Keep them flowing p-l-e-a-s-e!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie you're so sweet. It looks like more than what it is because I have clips of this and that tacked together!! I love DVD's!!! Now I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't have got that terminator DVD with you!!!! Does it have lots of premixed workouts with interval blasts like BC or IMAX? Just Curious.

I know all about the plugged milk gland, had them at least every 3 days or more often than that, along with the infections. We have finally realized that I had so much scar tissue in my chest from all the infections that it blocks the milk quite easily. This is NOT your case!! It took many years of soooo many infections for this to happen - yuck, don't miss that at all!!!! Noah sleeps in short bursts quite a lot too and he still eats frequently. I've never had good sleepers, although he is probably the best (he does take one good nap usually in the afternoon and I've been trying to get a workout in at that time if not in the morning.

Maybe Justin was fussy because he was with someone else and he will adapt the schedule (we'll pray for that!!).

Shopaholic...I meant to ask you. You mentioned that Alexis gets crabby when she gets around too many people (or something like that). I notice this with Noah too. When we go to church on Sundays or go shopping, (especially at the waterpark - that was definite overload) he gets fussy - it's almost like "too much going on", he would much rather see me at home and that's it (brothers and sisters too, but really I end up holding him most of the time). Some babies don't seem to mind so much "action", but mine have definitely been home bodies. And travel.....Oooooo that's hard. Glad you are back home and she should settle in soon!!

Hi Briee, first I am not sure if I still have your email to send you Alexis' latest picture. Alexis actually does great in the mall, which is not great for this shopaholic. The cashier in sears kid dept. and children's place know us. By the way, children's place has some great spring/summer clothes on clearance. Alexis doesn't do well at large gettogethers though, and just cries. It is interesting because she is fine with the noise of the mall, but just doesn't like too many people around her. She also has stranger anxiety/separation anxiety and often cries when held by people other than me, or away from me. Melanie, I hope your boob and you have a better day tomorrow. I have finally this week started Alexis on structured naps, she slept today and yesterday for a little over an hour in her crib from 10-11 am. Prior to this she was just taking cat naps. believe or not Alexis is now 7 months old.
Hi everyone!

Hey girls, wow, what workouts! Really! I can't believe your cardios!!! I've never tried the intensiefied versions of the interval workouts, I don't think I'm ready for them... I'm amazed!!! Your fitness levels must have just boomed way up there...!;)))

I'm actually starting to see some tiny improvements in the ab area; it's far from good (!!!), but at least something is happening. I'm trying to stabilise my bodyweight, it's really frustrating when it still fluctuates 3-4 pounds in just a few days! I've just upped my weights doing the pyramids and PS, and my muscles have been really sore (which they don't seem to get that often) after that. Perhaps this is adding water weight too... Still, as has been mentioned here before, it's just depressing to see the scale move up 3 notches when you've been resisting your cravings and keeping the diet... (or even if you haven't). I should probably hide the scale for some time, and only weigh myself once a week or so... I don't know...

Anyway, here's my workout log for last week:

Mon: Legs & glutes
Tue: C.Prickett; Crazy for Step + PS CST + S,J&P Abs
Wed: Circuit Max + PS BBA
Thu: Body Max (parts 1&2) + trying out some new Christi Taylor hi-lo
Fri: K.Voight; GWW (all except abs)+ SJP Abs + C&W Abs
Sat: off
Sun: Intense Moves (G.Miller) + PUB (with new weights, ouch!!!)

Have a great week everyone ;)))

Hi everyone!

I lurked on this board a little throughout my pregnancy, but I think I would like to officially join this check-in. I'm really going to need some motivation and accountability. My second son is 1 month old and I just attempted to resume working out this week. My oldest is 2 1/2 and it is going to be quite difficult to find time to work out with 2 little ones. I can get a few minutes here and a few minutes there, but definitely not one solid uninterrupted hour.

It's amazing how much more energy I have now than when I was pregnant and how much easier it is to workout without a huge pregnancy belly when I can squeeze in a few minutes.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I'll post this week's attempted workouts on next week's thread.


Aidan 3/12/04
Austin 10/12/01
Welcome Amy & congrats on your newest addition. I really like the name you've it a family name?
I"m looking forward to hearing from you in the future.

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Amy,

great to have you here. I also have 2 little ones (1yr 10months and soon to be 4 months), so I know what you're talking about! Boy does it test your "endurance" every now and then...;))

Amy WELCOME I love your names too!! Working out is REALLY tough with two little ones, but it can be done. Remain flexible and realize that you may start a workout and have to pick it up later in the day (I know...this frustrates me to no end too, but if you don't accept this will never workout!!)

This is a great forum and we will do our best to encourage you. Just ask Maria (I gave her a wonderful welcome just weeks ago:p :p :p --and she forgave me).


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