postpartum check in week of 11/16


Another week has gone by, its hard to believe Alexis is 10 weeks old. She is more alert now and smiles, especially when being changed. She is back to awakening every 3 hours, so i'm still tired. She continues to take a 2 ounce bottle of breast milk when given by someone other than me, but still fights it, hoping for the real thing. She still nursing frequently during the day, thinking mom is an all you can eat, all day buffet.

monday-Bootcamp(skipped core work) and added premix of lowerbody and cardio from this tape
Tues.-Upperbody split
Wed-Bodymax powercircuit segment and ctx powercircuit cardio and abs
Thurs-Franny benedetto-cia 9903, i think it is-hi/lo
Friday-Tough tape 2 + 5 day abs-day 3
Sat-Bootcamp by cia with helen vandengurg + cardio from cathe bootcamp.
Shopaholic, your workout week makes me tired just looking at it. I have not yet attempted Boot Camp yet, or Circuit Max. I have them, but I am saving them for when my knee is stronger and I am lighter.
Hang in there. Before you know it, she will be weaned. I keep looking at our 9 year old and thinking that in 9 more years, he will be an adult and it has gone by sooo fast.

My work out week is not finished, because I go Thurs-Tues with Weds off, so I will post it later.

Well, the scale budged downwards again after all my despair last week. I have not stood on it yet this week, but I will Wednesday and I will take my measurements to see how much I have lost this rotation. (Every 4 week rotation I have been and will continue to write down my weight and measurements--keeps me a little accountable anyway.)

The holidays are freaking me out a bit. I have always been the dessert maker at holiday events and this Thanksgiving is no exception. I tend to "taste" quite a bit while concocting my creations, which is calorically disastorous, so this year, I am taking precautions, such as wearing my retainer while baking (It's super nasty to eat with a retainer in). My fit day account comes in handy. I am also sticking with things that don't taste very good until they are done. Finally I will just have to rely on good old fashioned will power and self control, both of which have been better for me lately, because I really want to be the fit and thin person I used to be. I am babbling.

Bardric is doing well. I got him to laugh last night, which was a thrill:7 :7 . I love the sound of baby laughter. I can't tell, but I think his growth rate may be slowing a bit. Perhaps wishful thinking on my part, because if he keeps up like this, he is going to be around 30 lbs at a year. Our downs child is small (he is 2 and weighs 23 lbs), so next year, they are going to be like twins--partners in crime}( . Also, he is rolling onto his side, and the older children insist that he rolled over on his own, although I suspect he may have had help in this endeavor.

My I am chatty today. I look forward to hearing from the rest of you.

take care,
I should add that often I do start and stop workouts to go to the bathroom, feed Alexis and nurse her at times so schedule isn't as intense as it seems. scale is not budging yet but body may be holding onto those last few pounds for breastfeeding.
Well, aren't all three of us all-day, all-you-can-eat buffets! That is a good way to put it, shopaholic!

You both seem to be doing well in the workout department. In that area, I have plenty of room for improvement, especially if I ever want to get the weight off.

Mon- CTX Power Circuit
Tue- CTX 10-10-10
Wed- none (I meant to, but it never happened!) but I did have a fun day in Park City with my mom
Thu- CTX Step & Intervals
Fri- CTX All Step
Sat- none (again, I meant to do Leaner Legs, but it never happened)

Max has settled in to sleeping 7 hours at night. It was ranging 8-9 hours for the first couple of days (which were heaven!).

I was checking out on the other forums some peoples' rotations, and man have I sunk to a real low! I miss my glory days. I would run 8 miles or do an hour long step tape, and then do a full strength tape. I used to be so fit!

Okay, no more self-pity!
Hi everyone,
I'm back to post my workout week.

Emy-I think that the CTX series looks pretty intense, but then again, I am really intimidated by hi/lo stuff. I have done the upper body tape and leaner legs and all step, and I enjoy them . I can't wait to try the rest, but I think I need to be lighter and stronger. I am thinking of trying the cardio of step and intervals in my next rotation.

Okay this was the last week of this rotation and the next four weeks will be basically the same as far as weights are concerned (the pyramids and ME weeks 1 and 3; PH, MIS, C&W, and Body Max leg circuits weeks 2 and 4), I am going to try IMAX II for some of the cardio and I can't wait. I know I am going to have to modify some of the intervals, but that's okay, it will still be fun.

Thurs: PH
Fri: Rythmic Step
Sat: MIS
Sun: Power Max
Mon: C&W
Today: all slimey and red from Body Max, sections 1 and 2
Tomorrow: REST

Tomorrow I weigh and measure:p
take care

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