Postpardum bodies question for Cathe

Mandy Lee

Active Member
Hi Cathe!

I am so excited about your new video's coming out!! They will come out right when I'm due. It will be so motivating to get so many great new video's from you. Since it's been 4 months since you delivered Eric, how is your exercise training going? Are you nervous about filming new video's? It takes me over a year to lose all the weight from my pregnancies so my hat goes off to you for filming new video's after you've just had a baby! You must have a very positive self image. It really shows in your video's. I'm sorry if my question's are too personal it's just that I sure could use some encouragement about body image and being positive:)))
Hi Mandy Lee!

So great to hear from you. How are you feeling these days (silly question, right?). Are your other children getting excited to meet their little baby brother? You have such a full schedule with all of your children. I'm amazed at your energy level.

The exercise training is going very well. The baby weight has pretty much come off but my bone structure in the hip area seems a bit different and the skin in the abdominal area is still very jiggly. But I'm not complaining in the least. My healthy and happy little Eric was worth every "distortion" my body endured. I continue to keep active, workout, and eat a healthy diet. I'm sure that in time my body will work itself back to what it was.

I'm very excited to film the new videos. It has been a year and a half since we last filmed and its time to get back to it. Thanks for asking and please take care. I'll be thinking about you.
Thanks Cathe and guess what?

My sister just had her baby! My sister is 9 years younger than me and it was fun both being pregnant together. She had Simon on April 27th and he weights 9 pounds 13 ounces and was 23 inches long!!! We have tall genes in my family! Anyway, we all held him and he was so precious and it made me realize how in just a couple months, I will have a baby boy too. My sister had Simon all naturally and it was very hard for her but she is proud of herself. I had all my babies naturally(without pain medication) except for my last baby girl. I wanted to not suffer like I did with the other labors. I actually was so impressed with the epidural and the way the medical staff handled my pregnancy. It was wonderful. I've done both ways of laboring and now I like epidurals:) My children are getting excited about the baby. Especially my little 2 1/2 year old. She saw my sister's baby and now she really understands why Mama has a big belly.

Sorry to ramble but i wanted to say one more thing. Lately, I've noticed that just a bit of low impact activity will make my heartrate in it's target heart range. Just using a 4 inch step will get me sweating. I also have to drop all arm movements. I can't believe how fast I can get in my target heart range when normally when I'm not pregnant, I have to jump and use a higher step to get my heartrate in it's zone. Pregnancy sure does change your body!

I'm so encouraged by your great success with your post pardum recovery!! That is so awesome. And about the loose skin, that will go away. It just takes a little time. Especially when you are breastfeeding.
Hi and Heartrate monitoring

Hi Mandy Lee,

Not much longer now. You are amazing and such an inspiration to us all. We will all be waiting for that big announcement.

I was reading your post and couldn't help but notice your reference to heart rate training zone. Don't worry about monitoring your heartrate while you are pregnant, especially here in the "home stretch." Just make sure that you can speak 2-5 word sentences when you work out. According to the 1994 American College of OB/GYN Guidelines for prenatal exercise, heart rate is not recommended as a valid measure of intensity because of the profound cardiovascular changes (that you experienced while working out!) seen during pregnancy. The talk test is a much better measure of how hard you are working. So - have fun and don't worry about any "magic heart rate numbers." Worrying about keeping your heartrate at a certain level can drive you crazy when you are pregnant as it can change daily. As long as you can talk and are well hydrated you and your little one are fine.

Keep us posted!

Hi Mandy Lee!

A big congratulations to your sister. Is this your first time being an Aunt? And wow, you sure do have tall genes in your family---23 inches and 9 lbs. 13 oz---thats a sizeable baby! I enjoyed reading about your excitement and anticipation. Thanks for sharing.

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