Post Pregnancy Workout


Active Member
I would say this workout should focus on core strength and cardiovascular endurance with some light toning. Perhaps it can be broken down into 2 segments, one segment to gradually help you get back into working out routine and the other when your strong enough to start working hard on core and cardio, perhaps at an Inter/Adv level? (How about some standing ab work for women who had a c-section and still find lying down to be a little challenging?)

Or you could market this DVD for anyone who is coming back from any type of injury or anyone who is coming back from a long hiatus.
this is a really good idea:) i think having 20 min segements would be helpful too so you could do a little bit at a time while you are taking care of baby in the background...that way you could pick a workout back up in between feeding and sleeping patterns.
Yes, that's even better! I have a 3 month old and as I was trying to get back into a routine, I found they were too long to do when we were alone, so I had to wait until my DH got home. Unfortuantely he doesn't get home from work until around 7:30/8:00 in the evening, so I found I wasn't able to start my routine until 9:00pm at the earliest! Not only did I have to try to maintain motivation after a long day, I also had to make sure it wasn't time to nurse! But if I had a workout designed specifically for post-partum and they were broken down into 20 minute segments, I know that I would have been doing the most beneficial excercises I could in the shortest amount of time.

Good idea and wouldn't it be great if Cathe decided to pull a DVD together like this?!?!?!?!

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