post pregnancy breasts


New Member
I had my last baby a year ago. I almost have my pre-baby body back with one exception. Is there any way to return the breasts back to their pre-pregnancy firmness and size? I am just starting to return to weight training, and I would like to know what I should concentrate on when training the chest area.
I am not Cathe but I can tell you what works for my 51 year old breasts is heavy weight chest work at an incline. I believe incline presses and flys work the upper area of the chest, therefore firming those muscles to help fight gravity :)

Hopefully, Cathe can shed more light on the subject.
I'm with candi! I'm still fairly young and have not had children. I avoided chest work for many years because I thought it reduced the size of your breasts. However, I have found that heavy weights plus an incline has actually given me a little boost. I don't know if you can get back to exactly where you were, but the heavier weights will definitely help.
>I'm not Cathe, but have some input on those breasts! I have two children - 19 and 22. Before babies, my breasts used to be a nice, normal firm small 34B. After those darling, nursing babies, they were tiny deflated 34AAs. :(

Finally, last year, I actually had implants...:eek: They are very reasonalby sized and have given back my self-confidence when it comes to my chest. 270cc. I can already hear all of you screaming at me! And I am not one to go for artificial anything. But, it was the best thing I have done in a long time. I love them. So does my husband.}(
I luckily did not shrink too much. I went from a nice full firm 34B, to some size between A & B, which is just annoying. But that little bit really does make a difference. My husband has "subtly, jokingly" mentioned getting implants, but I am hoping to fix this without surgery- I had enough of that after 2 C-sections.

Thank you so much for your advice. I have definitely upped the weight on my incline work from where I would have normally lifted. Obviously, I have just started so no results, but the funny thing is that I feel like I am bigger already, so this has really helped me with the emotional issues. Thank you.


1.) So how much of an incline are we talking? All I've ever done so far is arrange my step so it's on four risers at one end, and zero at the other. Is that the kind of incline everybody means?

2.) Do any of you inclining folks just go ahead and do almost ALL your bench presses at an incline?
Does anyone do decline benchwork for this problem? Any results w/that? This is a frustrating problem b/c despite weight training, it seems that you can only develop the pec muscles under the breast doesn't seem to do much for the tissue itself.
Thats true... you can only develop the muscle tissue below the breast (pecs)... breast tissue is fat and amount exercise will re-inflate "the girls".
I had a C-cup in highschool but after having DS & years of working out I was a deflated B. 10 years ago I got Implants. Since then I've had 2 additional surgeries due to implant failure but I'd still do it again. I have 550cc right now. And I love them!!!
Well, I do all my chest work accept push ups at an incline and all I can tell you is that I have seen much improvement. I really didn't need inflating since I am a C but the lift has been noticeable.

My incline is with four risers at one end and none on the other as described above. I'm using 15 to 20 lb dumbells in each hand.

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