Post partum check in


Looks like we lost this for a while but I'd like to bring it back.
Alexis went to pediatrician today. She weighed 9.3 and measured 21 1/2 inches. She is now 8 1/2 weeks old. Looks like she'll be petite like me. She continues to have her crying spells and rarely sleeps but last night she did sleep from 10-4:30 whereas usually she wakes every 2 hours. I am almost back to me preprego weight and many of my clothes fit again, although not as comfortbly as before. I am on a cathe kick doing leaner legs+bootcamp lower body and cardio yesterday-Tues
Monday-MIS-upper body
Sunday-core cardio (firm)+intervals 4-6 of imax2
The week before I did imax2 as well as imax and power hour. Can't remember which days I did what. It so nice to be doing my high impact again. I usually work out while Alexis is sleeping or put her in her swing.
Hi there!
Mr. Baby had his 2 month checkup as well this week. He weighs 14lbs 8 oz and is 24.5" long. He eats and sleeps well, except that recently, he has found me most amusing and will grin at me while nursing which causes him to lose his latch, so nursing is taking a bit longer. He is nursing right now, so I am typing with one finger:p .

I have lost 7 lbs so far(since 2 weeks post partum), around a pound a week, which is good for me. I am in this for the long haul, so I am trying not to get discouraged about how fat I still am.

Looking at my notebook, my November workouts have been this so far
Oct 30: PUB, 20 min stationary bike
Oct 31: IMAX I, somewhat modified
Nov 1: PLB, 20 min stationary bike
Nov 2: Step Fit
Nov 3: ME
Nov 4: All Step (cardio only), MIC step portion (about killed me)
Nov 5: Rest

Nov 6: MIS
Nov 7: Rythmic Step
Nov 8: off
Nov 9 off (we went out of town--fun:7 )
Nov 10: C&W
Nov 11: Body Max, sections 1&2
today: Rest

Sound like you are doing great, Shopaholic. Have you had any more luck with the bottle? Sorry I don't have any advice, I couldn't even get any of mine to take one with expressed breast milk.

Hope to hear from some of you other ladies as well.

take care
I got the mendula pump to work and switched to gerber bottles. Last night as well as Sunday we got Alexis to drink one ounce from the bottle. she still gets up frequently at night but she still is so small, that may be the reason. Good idea to write down a workout log. Sounds like you are working out really hard Maggie so that weight loss should continue. Be proud of yourself.
Is your pump electric? When I was pumping for our downs baby, I had this huge double electric pump (he did not take a bottle, by the way, he was fed through a nose tube). But anyway that pump was the way to go. I could pump a lot of milk in a short amount of time--more than he could take, so I had excess to freeze. If you are planning on going back to work, and want to continue breastfeeding, it is worth the investment (they are rather pricey, but our insurance covered most of it).

thanks for the encouragement.

Pump I am using is a small electric one. Slow, but does the trick as I will only be going to work two nights a week. Maggie I just reread your workout log, I thought I was working out hard, but oh my goodnes you are really doing some toughies. Reading your logs during your pregnancy and after I would never have guessed you are overweight, it goes to show you can be fit at any weight.
Let me just say that I do modify the workouts somewhat, so my schedule isn't as impressive as it looks. I have a bad knee, so
I do some jumping, like jumping on two feet (but not for long sustained periods), but not a lot of "one foot" jumping(for example, I don't jump during power 7s). Hi/lo is very difficult for me, but as the muscles around my knee get stronger, I am able to do more and more, so hopefully someday...the great thing about Cathe's workouts, is that the more I do, the more moves I find to substitute for the stuff that is hard for me, all the while keeping up my heart rate and getting my leg muscles stronger. :)
Congratulations everyone on your progress. I started a Cross Train Express rotation this week. Hopefully I will be able to squeeze in more workouts, knowing exactly what to do and that it will be under an hour.

I am longing to get back into impact and more intense workouts, but I am still suffering with incontinence. I am peeing my shorts when I do impact and it is so frustrating (and embarassing to talk about)! I am supposed to be doing lots of kegels, but I always forget.
Have you seen a doctor about the incontinence? It must be miserable to be so out of control. Is it getting better over time? Maybe something could be done to make it better faster. Anyway, don't be embarrassed with us. And don't be too embarrassed to go to a doctor if you need to. Keep us posted and take care.

My midwife said to do 10 kegels each time after using the bathroom, then come back in a month if it doesn't get better. Well, it has been about a month and it hasn't gotten better, but I haven't been doing very many kegels - so I guess it is my fault. It is weird, though, it's like my pee just falls out of me. I'm thinking about posting to Sheila for advice, but I guess first I'd better put up reminder signs around the house to do my kegels. Thanks for the kind words!
The signs are a good idea. Don't forget that us post partum gals have "baby fog" right now. In this state, I have momentarily forgotten my name, our address, and our children's names among other things;-). I'll find myself in a room and wonder, "Now why am I here?" If I was assigned 10 kegels each time after using the bathroom, I would certainly forget without a sign. I also think that asking Sheila would be a good idea as well--just for that second opinion.

take care

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