post partum check in week of July 11


Hi everyone,
Where did everyone go? melanie, are you on vacation?
Emy, its great to here from you again, what a bummer about the incontinence.
Alexis remains around 14 pounds and continues to roll and roll, she can stand for a second on her own but still no crawling. She now sits herself up in the morning and plays. She is back to eating her baby food but loves mac and cheese and slices of cheese.
I put on my bikini over the weekend and asked hubby how I looked and he told me my legs looked thinner than before I was pregnant yeah, although I never thought my legs were where my fat was. later we were laying down and he wanted to know where my boobs went as I am back to my A cups, can't win them all.

Sunday-supersets -upper 2X
Monday-legs and glutes
wed-SPJ/stepblast-85 min, premix-hi/lo/step and weights
Thurs-fitprime-fast cheetah
Friday-strong bear
Sat-Christi-totally hot cardio plus bonus abs
Hi Shopaholic, I had to laugh....asking ones husband how one looks in a swimsuit has to be the most dreaded question for a dh. He's not going to win either way. My dh always says "you look beautiful, better than when we got married" (that's the standard answer and I'm beginning to hate it).....I told him "you would say that if I looked like a toad, wouldn't you?". Yep - your absolutely right, he says. Bethany is in here reading this and she said....I'd like it if you looked like a toad mom...toads are pretty, I love toads. (aren't daughters precious)

Anyway....I'm off track here....I meant to say congratulations Shopa, you must look great (your dh sounds much more honest than mine)!!!! As for the chest....mine has disappeared into my pecs too. But...I don't miss 'em, they get in the way of a good workout!!!! :7 :7 :7

Question....Noah still spits the cereal back out and I've quit trying. I was wondering....He loves to pick up tiny things. What if I set some cheerios on his saucer, would he choke on these or would they just mush in his mouth and MAYBE JUST MAYBE he would swallow some? Has anyone started with this??? Can it be done??? We have been calling him Bob lately, as he is just like a little bobber. I set him in his crib for his nap and he scoots his little knees up to his chest and pushes with his arms and "bing" he's sitting straight up. He loves to do this, it's like a game to him. BUT...I can't get him to lay down until he completely exhausts himself and then it's so funny, his head gets heavy and he rests it between his legs and falls asleep sitting up. I lay him down and "pop" he's back up in a sitting position, just like a bobber in the water.

Monday: REST (I just couldn't bring myself to do Chest and Back after that long rest and vacation, needed one more day)
Tuesday: Chest and Back (he says "in the beginning don't expect too much from yourself....just show up" That's what I did...I just showed up, but it did get better as I got into it.
Wednesday: Imax II and Ab ripper (in place of plyo)
Thurs: Arms and shoulders (great workout)
Fri: Yoga
Sat: Legs and Back
Sun: SJP premix in place of KenpoX, just didn't feel like kickbox
Mon: Stretch X and ab ripper(oops that's too far isn't it, sorry)

Hi there everyone!

Maybe Miss Alexis will go straight to walking. It does happen.

We must have fed Bardric something wierd, because he has 2 rosy spots, almost like bug bites, one on each side of his mouth. My MIL fed him some ground up pot roast that she had stewed in some kind of soup mix yesterday and I am convinced that's what did it. Grrrr...but he's alright. I have found that putting him in his swing with a snack will keep him occupied while I exercise, because he is not being a good little pig during workout times as of late.

I lost another .5 lbs this week. I'm happy, because I totally plateaued for a while, so 2 lbs this month is good. I am 12.5 lbs away from my revised weight goal. My original one was not realistic.

My workout week:
Wed--S&H chest+Step Blast (ooooh this was sooo fun!)
Thurs--S&H biceps+Step Blast (without the interval blasts)
Fri--S&H shoulders+Step&Intervals, cardio only
Sun--S&H triceps+SJP step +Step Blast, combo 3+Interval challenge
Mon--S&H back+KPC(all except high intensity part)
Tues--I'll rest:)

take care, all
Hi all,
Yes, asking hubby how one looks in a bathing suit is a set up. Last time I asked him, his reply was that I look good for a women that had a baby 6 months ago(thank goodness Alexis was 6 months old at the time). Maggie, have you tried letting Bardric play in a pac and play while you exercise, Alexis does really well in hers if I give her cheerios and a bottle. She really has become a happy little girl. We went to olive garden last night, and she just loved it. Gave her a little pasta and bread as well as baby food which she is eating again. Briee, check with your pediatrician about the cereal maybe he has some reflux? Alexis started loving her cheeriors around 6 months, we do leave her cheerios in her exersaucer. As I type, Alexis is in the kitchen watching dragon tales eating in her saucer. i should get her dressed as she is only in a diaper.
I am happy with my figure, still not at my ideal, but i do think I am thinner than before I had Alexis, I am exercisng more now and yes i must brag, i have gone from 4's to mostly 2's. (but do remember that i am barely 5 feet with a tiny build).
I think you deserve to brag, shopaholic!!! Your husband should be REALLY proud of you. I remember sitting at a church function (Maggie, I'm sure you can relate) and the women were talking about how "after all we've had two children and we will NEVER be the same, why would our husbands expect us to be the same". I could scream.....what a cop out. You can be even BETTER. I was just watching a home video that we took and we were celebrating dh's 30th birthday. I was about 40 pounds heavier and I had my first two children in the video. I looked so chubby and even dh looked terrible. He was working in the corporate world in Chicago and was white as a ghost and kind of scrawny looking, no muscle tone. Since we gave up the corporate world even He looks better, because he's working outside doing "physical work", so even without working out he looks pretty good. I'm in LOADS better shape than I was after I had two children.

And...back up before that.....When I turned 15 I went and applied at the Chicago Health Club to teach aerobics and somedays I taught 12 classes a day and I'm still in MUCH better shape. I'm convinced that you can do aerobics until the cows come home and you will not get in the kind of shape that you do when you lift weights!!! I'll get off my soap box now.

Most importantly...think of what your doing for your future and your children. You'll be 80 and doing Cathe's geriatric tape....IMAX LXXII, where she leads us in wheel chair handstands while balanced on the aerobic ball, how cool is that.

Briee (NOW i'll get off the soap box). :7 :7
Thanks Briee,
I am not feeling thin these days. scale went up 2 pounds and just got my first monthly"friend" since preprego. Who decided to call it their friend? no friend of mine. I know though, whilepregnant the secretary at my office in conversation was saying my stomache will never be flat again. Well, there she was eating chocolates and sweets all day and gained 60 pounds during pregnancy. Then i went to my husband's cousin's home on the beach, she told me how lucky i was to be able to where a 2 piece after having a child, luck? I don't think so, hard work as I worked out even on the day Alexis came into the world.
I am loooking foward to the cathe geriatric tape as I am only 5 years behind her. I think it will be the hit at the "home' 40 years from now.
Let me take the time to mention here...Bobbi (my sister (in the Cathe Forum that is)) explained the water weight thing that goes on a while back in a thread in open forum. The reason you lose immediate water weight on a lo carb diet is due to the fact that high carb foods store water in the body. When you cut the carbs the water is not held in your system. Technically you can't lose two pounds and gain two pounds of "real" weight from day to day. Your water is just fluctuating. I know that I weigh about 3 pounds more by the end of the day just from all the intake of water/food etc. So you actually haven't "gained" two pounds, your storing the water in the form of pre period water weight. For some reason knowing this helped. I know that on my days when I consume more carbs, by the next day my weight has gone up some, but I now understand why and know that it really isn't a big deal. I haven't REALLY gained two pounds, the water is being held in my system by those wretched carbs. }( }( }(

As AJ would say....throw that scale out!! I didn't say that AJ did....I'm still too attached. Just curious every so often....but I step on it less and less and it doesn't stress me out as much after I understood this whole concept.
Hi everyone! I'm so busy!!! I've been working out as much as I can, but I haven't been writing it down like I normally have in the past. I can tell you I've been running/jogging 3-4 times/week & doing one Cathe exercise/week. I also try to do abdominals on run days.
My 5K is this Saturday. I"m pretty excited!
Justin had his 6month this morning. He is at 75% for weight, 50% for height, and 60% for head. HE WEIGHS 20 POUNDS!!!!! He still isn't eating solids. Just doesn't like them. Will try to give him carrots today...
I'm glad everyone is doing well. I'll check back again when things calm down. ;)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi everyone-i dont post much on here-i was going to ask you when you started giving your babies baby food.My baby is going on 5.5 months old-and he has eaten a few bites of baby food-but just does not seem to interested.I have been nursing him and giving him some formula(when i can get him to take this;) ),and some juice.oh-and usually once a day rice cereal-i am thinking about trying the oatmeal cereal soon.He loves to eat -but he is so active that he burns it off.He is already crawling!:eek: How old were your babies when you weaned them?
Smiley--With 4 of our children we started solids at between 5 and 6 months, but they all showed indications of wanting to eat. I think that starting with a few bites a day is fine and just gradually increase as his eating skills and interest in food increase.

As far as weaning, I nursed the first three until between 18-20 months. (the 4th has downs syndrome and couldn't nurse, so different story). I am still nursing our 5th and he is 10 months. I will probably nurse until 18 months.

Most ladies don't nurse this long and some babies lose interest in nursing well before this, so do whatever works for you.

Briee and Shopaholic--about the body thing. When I gained all that weight with Malcolm, I was so tired that I thought I would just give up on being fit. I let myself go for a while, but it didn't last. I couldn't stand it. I mean we expect husbands to be faithful and all that and of course they should be regardless of how we look, but I feel like at least I should make it easy for him. Does that make sense? My husband has never pressured me or made me feel bad at all for carrying extra pounds, but its just a standard I have for myself. Does that make any sense? I like knowing I look good for him.

Oh and by the way, I saw my brother today (I rarely see him because he is a very busy person) and he said "boy you've lost weight"--MADE MY DAY!!! If he noticed, then it must be obvious, because he is not the type to notice.

got a little wordy here

Hi Melani!

take care
Maggie:p :p
I began with solids at 4 months. At first Alexis did not like rice cereal but did much better with oatmeal. She began eating more solids as time progressed. Alexis hated the bottle but after i introduced solids, she slowly began liking it. At about 6 months I began giving Alexis bottles when we went out in the afternoon.She began favoring the bottle especially as she began holding them herself. At 9 months, she started crying when I tried to nurse her and just wanted the bottle this is when she was weaned as it seemed to be what she wanted. She still loves her bottles and now i am trying to get her to like sippy cups. she is 10 months old.
Hello to all you fitness moms! I just had my fifth son June 18th. His name is Dominic and he arrived 5 1/2 weeks early at 5 lbs. He just had a one month check up and is up to 5 lbs 13 oz. My other boys are 8, 6, 4, and 2. I exercised throughout my pregnancy and now I am just starting to get back into it post partum. This week I did MIS, IMAX2, Power Hour, and some pilates and I am sore all over!! I also have been doing maximum intensity breastfeeding with my little man. Does that count? I look forward getting fit with all you inspirational ladies! Love, Jenny
Hi everyone- Maggie, congratulations on your workouts and weightloss. I am impressed by your commitment. Every time I'm on here you seem to have more weight loss to report. I really need a kick in the butt workout wise. I have been doing the bare minimum to keep up my fitness level. My strength has decreased, though. I'm too tired to lift weights lately. I really need to order that P90X. Briee, I'm glad you keep emphasizing weight work. I know it is important, and it is a goal of mine to improve in this area.

Anyway, the only difficulty in my life lately is how to get my child to fall asleep on his own. I mentioned before that I have created a problem for my 10 1/2 month old, in that he is used to being nursed to sleep. He will not take a nap or go to sleep at night unless it is via falling asleep on the breast. This week I have tried putting him down in his crib still awake, or even slightly groggy, but he stands up and starts screaming like I have put him in jail. Should I leave him? I feel terrible!
Hi Jenny, Welcome to the group!! Your children sound similar in age to Maggie's. She has five also. I had my sixth last December so he is turning 7 months today.

Shopaholic...I think all of our children have an extremely sensitive gag reflex and this has prevented them from eating early on. I don't think Noah will be eating anytime soon. I put cheerios on his tray, but he really hasn't gotten one in his mouth (and he knows how, he just doesn't care too). I put one in and it mushed almost instantly, but when he got a peice of it further in on his tongue, he began looking like he would throw up and he pushed it out. I was thinking the other day...babies are resilient little chaps and everyone seems to do something different and the children seem to turn out okay. My oldest ate and DRANK nothing until he was 25 months old. He nursed constantly and was normal weight and development. Actually he was potty trained at 23 months and could say the entire alphabet at 22 months and identify every letter at 22 months. We would joke that he would do jumping jacks while nursing. He NEVER sat still and never slept for more than an hour at a time. I was truly exhausted. The others have been a little more normal, but none of them ate before they were one.

Melanie...Justin is adorable, thanks for the picture, can't believe he is 20 pounds already. Noah is about 16 I think, I'll have to weigh him again.

Hi everyone again:)

Welcome, Jenny--I have five also--son age 10 (almost), daughters ages 7 and 5, and sons 3 (almost) and 10 months. Yes, I think that Breastfeeding Max counts as does Breastfeeding Extreme and Power Breastfeeding}(

Emy--actually, my weightloss has been extremely slow lately--about 2 pounds per month. I don't think I am going to reach my goal by one year post partum. My biggest problem is food. I love to eat and I know I could lose faster if I had more self control regarding food.

Briee--funny you mention active nursers. Bardric is doing this thing where if I am nursing while lying down, he sort of turns over on his belly and pushes his butt up in the air while balancing on his toes--almost like a pyramid pushup. I am calling this one Rythmic Breastfeeding;)

Melanie--Justin is almost as big as Bardric now, who remains stuck at 21.5 lbs.

take care

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