post partum check in week of April 18


Hi everyone,
Hope everyone had a good week. Alexis is now making rasberries when being fed so it leads to a huge mess, any advice? She is definitely teething more and thank goodness not crawling yet. I don't know how you are handling it Maggie, no wonder you have some memory loss. She now can hold her bottle and sits up withour support, although does fall backward after a few minutes.
Here is what I remember of my workout week:
Sunday-rythymic step+abs(forget which)+walk to the park about 3 miles
Mon-power hour +walk to the park about 3 miles
Tues-Fitprime-from the ground up+walk (about 2 miles)
Wed-MIS upper +abs+MIC step(even though I prefer hi/lo Melanie and Briee)
Thurs-legs +glutes +stability ball work from pyrymid lower
sat-kick,punch and crunch + a walk to the park
What a great workout week Shopaholic! Way to go! All those walks to the park are a great bonus too. How long does it take to walk there? About 15-20 min? Just curious.
My week went well. This is my 'heavy' work week. Felt really good energy wise--much better than when I was pg!!!

Sun: KPC QP42min
Mon: off
Tue:Step+wts QP 42 min + I want those abs
Wed: 60 min jog
Thurs: Action Packed hi/lo + I want those abs
Fri:Janis Saffel's Kickbox Express 40 min
Sat: off

Basically, I did shorter spurts this week. This coming week is my 'light' week. Hopefully I'll be able to get more 60 min workouts in.

Today I got a Johnny Jump Up for little Justin. I remember putting Jory in his the first time. They're so much fun. It's a keeper for Justin!! When are the baby's typically ready for the Saucer/Walker? About 6 mos? Just curious. NOt rushing anything here. Enjoying EVERY day!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Melanie,
Thanks for the picture of Justin. Alexis thinks he is a real cutie. She too is best friends with johnny. Check the box for age for saucer, I am thinking 4 months. If he can hold his head up in the johnny jumper he is probably fine in the saucer. Alexis loves both of these. A walk to the park takes about 15-20 minutes, I haven't clocked it though, and I usually stop at in laws on the way . Sometimes I walk the track as well, it is a great park with a track as well as playground. How big is Justin now? You did some intense workouts with your limited time. Once again, I am sorry you didn't like action packed hi/lo.
Your welcome for the picture. I think I will hold off on the saucer until Justin has outgrown his swing. We have such a little house---it just can't handle both a swing AND a saucer. ;-) Your so sweet, your comment about the intensity of my workouts. I guess that's my motto, if you can't go longer, go more intense. It works. BTW, it is NOT your fault that I don't care for hi/lo. Wouldn't it have been awesome if I would have done hi/lo and fell in love? I haven't tried hi/lo in a year or so. Preferences change, maybe I'll like it in a year or two. :) Unlikely though.
I haven't weighed Justin since his 2month. I'm thinking he's about 15-16 pounds. He's so solid. Unlike my oldest son who was/is so skinny. I should weigh him. I bought 2 more packages of size 2 diapers & 2 boxes of size 3 diapers. I figure at the rate he's going he'll be in size 3's in no time. :-( Where did my itsy bitsy peanut go?!?!?!?

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Too funny to me that you think Justin will outgrow his johnny jumper, I see Alexis using hers right through the summer, she is about 13 pounds, I just started buying size 2 diapers for Alexis. In a month or so, you may just want to alternate johnny jumper and saucer. Alexis loves both and is playing in her saucer as I type.
Where are all our other mommies?
My update for the week of 4/18....

Workouts for the week (4/11):
Sun: Off
Mon: CTX - 10-10-10
Tues: CTX - All Step
Wed: Off
Thurs: CTX - Step & Intervals
Fri: Timesaver #1
Sat: Off

I only managed to get four workouts last week....but I am determined to get 5 or 6 this week! I go back to work on Monday...actually traveling (with baby) for a conference Sunday - I'm trying to get into a rhytmn before the hectic days return! I feel good about my progress so far! Tonight is my weigh in night at Weight Watchers....! Wish me luck!
Good luck with your return to work. What kind of work do you do? Good luck with weight watchers, I forget how old is your baby?
Thank you very much! This forum is very supportive and it makes all the difference in the world! I lost 1.8 this of 9.4 on WW for 4 weeks! Now I have 16 pounds to baby is 9 weeks, born 2/21/04!

I am an Account Manager/Project Manager for an IT company....

Thanks again for the support!
Hi everyone!

No advice on messy meals:) Alexis is discovering fun with food. Just wait until she wants to feed herself. Hoo boy...

Glad to hear that your week went well, Melani. Bardric likes his Johnny Jump Up too.

Congrats on the weight loss, vgigi. I am doing WW online, but I am not always faithful. They give me so little to eat. Needless to say, I've lost weight slower than the promised 2 lbs per week, but that's my fault, because I like to eat. It is coming off, though.

Well, I finally had the courage to stand on the scale again, and I lost 2 pounds. I think that maybe getting on every 2 weeks rather than daily is psychologically better for me.
My workout week--
Wed--home made upper body--heavy weights
Thurs--LL, CTX kick box (cardio only)
Fri--CTX sh, bi, tri, 45 min stationary bike
Today--10-10-10 (cardio only), 30 min stationary bike

Hi everyone else--hope your weeks all went well. My husband is home this week, so already things are better.

take care
Hi everyone,

everyone seems to be doing great, this past week has been okay here too. The kiddos do keep me busy though, and I find myself needing my private time desperately at times...;)). Even a short while does wonders every now and then.

Briee, from what I understand it's normal to lose a lot of hair postpartum. During pregnancy the general blood flow (and blood mass, I understand) increases, and this causes the skin to glow and the hair to thicken for many. Postpartum the situation returns to normal, so you're not really losing any extra hair, from what I understand, just the "extra". Of course though, like you said, nursing does require some extra energy and nutrients, so it can be a good idea to take an appropriate supplement. Besides vitamin B-s I take calcium which is also supposed to help with your hair, nails and skin, and I know the demand for that also increases when nursing.

Anyway, to make a long story short, here's my workout week:

mon: M. Mylrea; Awesome Intervals + PUB
tue: K.Anderson; Hot Steps + checking out some new C.Taylor hi-lo
wed: Circuit Max + C & W
thu: KPC
fri: Body Max (parts 1 and 2) + MIS upper body
sat: C. Taylor; Step heaven (loved it!)
sun: Imax 2 + PUB

Learning some new Christi Taylor was great this week, I loved her Step Heaven -tape as well as her hi-lo (got a DVD with 4 her workouts on it, great!).

Enjoy your weeks,

Hi girls,
I haven't posted on here in a long time. My name is Lisa. I just had my second son on 3/15/04. He was born on his exact due date so I'm kind of proud of that. :eek:) My first was 2 days late. I had to be induced. Anyway, I'd better stop before I start babbling away. I haven't worked out since late Jan. due to my knee. I fell down and possibly tore a ligament. I couldn't walk normally for 2 months. Now I'm walking normally but still haven't started an exercise program. I didn't get a check up because I was pregnant at the time and didn't want to go through X-Rays. I still haven't gotten a check up yet either because I'm nursing. I don't want to stop nursing if they want to do surgery. However, I need to lose about 75 pounds. I was at my normal weight but gained a lot of weight because I couldn't walk and had to sit on my butt all day for over a month. My doctor told me I can't lose weight while nursing because when you lose weight, your body produces toxins and it goes into your breast milk and can harm the baby. The baby won't get the nutrients he needs so it's driving me nuts a bit. She did say I can go back to my working out but not to lose any weight. It's driving me nuts a little bit but the baby's health is more important than mine. I lose weight quite fast once I start which I'm not worried about. I'm just tired of sweating a lot and having my stomach roll hanging out. Any advice would be nice! Also, have any of you ever tore a ligament in your knee as well?
Everyone's workouts look usual! I'm in such awe of Marie's workouts. I'm envious. Can't help it. How do you do it?!?

Lisa, it's so nice to hear from you. Congrats on your little bundle! How exciting! I'm really shocked at the advice your dr gave you. I've NEVER heard of this warning not to lose weight while nursing...the toxin thing. It doesn't sound right to me at all. I'd do some more research on that. Many moms (dare I say all?) lose weight when breast feeding. Studies have shown that if you're still hanging onto that weight when your baby is 1 years old---it'll hang on forever...

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Melanie,
Thanks for the congrats. :eek:) I've never heard of your body hanging on to weight forever when the baby turns one. I lost all of my weight when my son was about 14 months old then I got pregnant again. Hope I get the calculations right...My brain has been shot since Tennyson was born. Nicolaus is going to be 2 next month. I've done research on the toxins. Some say no, some say yes. I have no idea. I know 3 months after Nick was born, I was losing weight. My dr (the same one) gave me a green light to lose weight but this time she told me not to lose weight for a while. From what I've read on the research, they said it's a lot better not to lose any weight for two months after the baby is born because that's where the breast milk is the BEST. I don't know. What is your diet like? Don't say salmon. I can't stand salmon. It's one of the most disgusting things out there. I figure if I eat healthy all day long and forget about Ben and Jerry's at night when the boys are sleeping, I'd lose some weight. I cant stop eating Ben and Jerry's at night because Tennyson wakes up once or twice a night to eat and I get real hungry. Do you still produce a lot of milk while losing weight? I worry about that a lot.

I don't know about producing toxins while losing weight and breastfeeding but I do know that you will produce less milk when you lose weight. I have noticed a reduction since I have started to lose weight (after the first two months). It really depends on your goal --- to breastfeed for a long time or lose the weight right away. I will only breastfeed in the morning and at night when I go back to work so I'm right on schedule with the weight loss.

Hope this helps....
Well, my pumpkin is about 3.5mos old now. I was blessed that I lost all my weight by the time he was 3 weeks old. I didn't diet at all--just breastfed and continued with my pregnancy diet. I"m not a super healthy eater. I take my prenatal vitamins & I try to eat more fruits/veggies & drink more water. That's it. No other modifications. I have not noticed that my milk is waning at all. My little moo gets as much as he needs. :eek:) I"m still in awe as far as the toxin thing goes.
The study I've read shows that woman that hold onto their baby weight by there baby's 1st birthday are more LIKELY to stay overweight than woman who loose the weight by this date. The tendency is there---nothing is concrete.

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I think that weight loss and milk production are not usually related unless the mother is not eating enough. milk production may seem to go down when weight is lost but this is most likely the natural progression. As time goes by, the mother hopefully loses more prego weight while baby is aging and nursing less. I belive while nursing the mother should eat healthy(or fairly healthy) eating almost as much as while pregnant. Weight loss should occur though as nursing burns calories and I read somewhere that metabolism speeds after childbirth to rid body of fat held onto during pregnancy.
About the toxins--I've heard that if you lose weight too quickly (like due to a starvation diet or something really unbalanced like Atkins)that your body can produce toxins (ketones or something like that) that go into the breast milk and harm the baby, but I don't think that this applies to healthy normal weight loss of less than 2 lbs per week. No doctor or midwife for that matter has ever told me not to lose weight post partum.(And I've been through 5 pregnancies and have lost significant weight post partum with 4 of them)

Lisa, I think this is strange advice from your doctor--no offence or anything--I'd get a second opinion if I were you. Anyway-- I am glad to have you here and I hope you are able to start working out soon. Keep us posted.

And no offence to proponents of Atkins--it may work for some, but I think something like that would be dangerous while nursing.

Bardric bumped his head today and has an owie. At first we thought it was going to be really bad, but now it doesn't look so bad. He's going to be fine, but it about broke my heart when it happened.;(

well, take care everyone
I have heard about weightloss not being recommended while breastfeeding, but from what I understand, the harm from this is controversial in the least. From what I understand a lot of medical personnel don't even enforce this recommendation, as being overweight probably causes bigger problems health-wise than losing weight while breastfeeding. Also, it is a natural part of pregnancy for the body to store some extra fat so that it can be used for milkproduction when breastfeeding. This is why many women find it quite easy to lose weight at that time. So, as you wise ladies have stated, unhealthy and/or crash diets are totally another story (obviously!), but I have a hard time believing that a healthy, balanced diet coupled with exercise would be of any harm to the baby. On the contrary! Besides, we get so many toxins etc. from all kinds of various sources, that I really doubt losing weight while breast-feeding would pose any noteworthy threats. Healthy eating in general I believe is a much bigger issue here!

Anyway, everyone should do as they feel right of course, this are just my humble thoughts on the issue...;))

Thanks for the "awe" of my workouts again... I think everyone is doing great exercise-wise, and I come to realise over and over again that it's just as important to know when to cut back on workouts as when to push yourself a little harder. I still have some learning to do there, so that I don't tire myself. It all has to add to your life...right?!

Enjoy your week,

I spoke with my dr last night about losing weight. She said I can go ahead and lose weight but I have to be careful because I could lose a lot of my milk. From what I've read online, they said it's better to wait 2 months after the baby's born before trying to lose weight. I only have 3 more weeks to go. I eat fairly healthy but could do better. Too tired and lazy right now to try hard at my eating.

Last night was a long night. Is it normal for breastfed babies to have trouble pooping? I know formula fed babies are often constipated. My pediatrician said to use my pinky or a thermometer to loosen his butt up. I've been doing that for a week. Lately he only poops with my help.

Maggie, your son's name is interesting and unique. What nationality is that name? How'd you guys come up with names for your precious poopoo heads? :)
Lisa--actually, breastmilk has a natural laxative it in. Many times baby only 'pretend' to be constipated. My little moo will even turn reddish in the face as he's grunting away...only to have super loose mustard size turds. He's quite the rascal!!! I believe by grunting they are working out their rectal muscles... for the time when they DO have to try harder for a bowel movement? Are your little moo's stools hard? If not, he's probably not constipated...just exercising his muscles.

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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