Happy Valentines Day everyone. My exciting valentines day was dinner at the in laws but hubby did buy me flowers and bought a ballon for Alexis. The restaurants we figured would be too packed tonight.
Briee, i am sorry to hear about your dvd crisis, unfortunately her dvds are so up to date that sometimes don't work on older model dvd players, doesn't make sense to me but that's what I've heard, hopefully this is not the problem though. Alexis's new toy this week is a johnny jumper which we borrowed from sister in law. She really loves it. Alexis did have a date yesterday with a young man 2 weeks younger than her, met the mom in labor class. So sorry guys, you were beaten to having alexis as your valentine. I did the bathingsuit check today, daringly tried on my bikini, suprisingly not too bad, but Oh my goodness, the cleavage I had. The boobs were ready for baywatch. I am normally an A, maybe B cup. The scale differs every day, One day the scale found the 1/2 pound I thought I lost, the next day, i lost another half pound. Today, scale found a whole new pound. In other words, it just shows how weight varies, whether water weight or boob weight.
Anyway, here is my workout log
Yes, it is muttly)
Sunday-Christi-hi/lo heaven- 1st seg. then MIC-step
Monday-push/pull upper body 3x premix
Tues-push/pull lower body 2x premix plus abs from supersets
wed-Cia step til you drop segment with Laura followed by cardio from Terrie rieves bootcamp (also on cia 2200 dvd) +terrie rieves abs + cardio from cathe bootcamp
Thurs-cia powerbar training
Friday-Mindy Mylrea-Extreme intervals +abs from all step ctx
Sat-Bootcamp/muscle end. premix
Briee, i am sorry to hear about your dvd crisis, unfortunately her dvds are so up to date that sometimes don't work on older model dvd players, doesn't make sense to me but that's what I've heard, hopefully this is not the problem though. Alexis's new toy this week is a johnny jumper which we borrowed from sister in law. She really loves it. Alexis did have a date yesterday with a young man 2 weeks younger than her, met the mom in labor class. So sorry guys, you were beaten to having alexis as your valentine. I did the bathingsuit check today, daringly tried on my bikini, suprisingly not too bad, but Oh my goodness, the cleavage I had. The boobs were ready for baywatch. I am normally an A, maybe B cup. The scale differs every day, One day the scale found the 1/2 pound I thought I lost, the next day, i lost another half pound. Today, scale found a whole new pound. In other words, it just shows how weight varies, whether water weight or boob weight.
Anyway, here is my workout log
Sunday-Christi-hi/lo heaven- 1st seg. then MIC-step
Monday-push/pull upper body 3x premix
Tues-push/pull lower body 2x premix plus abs from supersets
wed-Cia step til you drop segment with Laura followed by cardio from Terrie rieves bootcamp (also on cia 2200 dvd) +terrie rieves abs + cardio from cathe bootcamp
Thurs-cia powerbar training
Friday-Mindy Mylrea-Extreme intervals +abs from all step ctx
Sat-Bootcamp/muscle end. premix