post partum check in week of 1/18


Tried giving Alexis rice cereal with little success. last night decided to try stage 1 sweet potatoes since the doctor said we could. She loved them. Hopefully this will work so she will eat when i am gone.

Sunday-(was still at my parent's home)-firm-sculpted hips, buns and thighs, half of carribean workout on fittv(wish I had this channel) and NAC interval challenge
Monday-Body pump(arrived home mid afternoon and tried to squeeze in a workout)
Tues-Reebok-intense moves
Wed-CTx upper body+all step abs
Thursday-leaner legs +firm power cardio
Friday-ctx 10-10-10 =intervals from step and intervals
Sat-the gautlet+firm 5 day abs(day 3)
Holy cow shopaholic...Leaner legs and firm power cardio???? No wonder you've lost your weight so quick!!!

I'm so excited to join you here on the wonderful post partum checkin!!

I started working out on day 13 after baby and have really gotten back at it. Had to put that bicep vein on hold for a few months, but now I can refocus (that is when the baby sleeps - which come to think of it isn't a whole lot!!!).

Monday - Slow and Heavy all upper body (minus 1/2 of tricep work) and ABS from PP or SS can't remember which it was.
Tuesday - Slow and Heavy Legs and PLB Stability ball stuff
Wednesday - Supersets Upper Body Blast
Thursday - rested...very sore legs!!
Friday - PP whole tape
Saturday - kick punch and crunch
Sunday - rest!!

How long do your babies sleep at night ladies...and when did they REALLY sleep at without you holding them, or patting their back...or holding the binky in so it doesn't fall out and wake them up again??

Briee (the tired)
Hurray! Briee you are back--I was missing you! About babies sleeping. Hmmmm...being a rather relaxed person (or lazy?) I have always just nursed them to sleep at night, so they learn to sleep on their own around 18 months or so when I wean. Anyway, a bunch of ladies at my church are into the scheduling thing hard core, so all their babies sleep through the night by 12 weeks max, so apparently it can be done:).

Shopaholic--sounds like the solids are just the thing. My plan is to start Mr. B at around 6 months, although, if he starts getting really interested, I will start him sooner. I want to go see The Return of the King and I can't right now, because I would not want to leave anybody with a starving baby (and although I have a big old fancy electric breast pump, I have no desire to use it ever again--I estimate that I spent around 1000 hours pumping breast milk for our Downs baby during his first 9 months--and another 225 hours cleaning breast pump stuff) so anyway, I hope it(the movie, not the breast pump) is still showing somewhere in a month or so:7. I also, desperately need to have my hair done....

My work out week
Sun-Rythmic Step
Mon-BBA, 20 min stationary bike
Wed-IMAX II (and a new rotation)
Thurs-CTX UB
Fri-All Step (cardio only), 30 min stationary bike
Sat-LL, 30 min stationary bike

My weight loss has apparently stalled for the last week or so, so I went back to my Fit day journal and realized my eating was off track, so I will see if more accountability does the trick. I have put the scales out of the way, so that I am not tempted to stand on them every day. I hate how my mood can be dictated by the number on the scale--up? x( , down?:7

Emy?, anyone else?

take care
Briee, so happy to have you joining us. Sounds like you are already doing some tough workouts. Take it easy though, I didn't crank up my workouts until 6 week postpartum check up. In terms of leaner legs/power cardio mix, I thought power cardio had more cardio and less toning than it did. I traded it years ago and recently rebought. my legs were sore. My workouts still seem light in compared to emy's. Emy , how do you find the time? the scale says I am close to preprego weight but I still have to work on flattening those abs again, not ready for bathing suit season yet. On that note, bought Alexis her first bikini, a little yellow one, she looks really cute. Any of the young gentlemen interested in a date with this junior baywatch beauty? Could you imagine, baywatch babies? Bardric could be the big strong lifeguard. In terms of sleeping, Alexis usually falls asleep after nursing but I can put her half asleep in crib and if she is well fed she is fine. She usually sleeps from 8:30-5:30 but sometimes awakes at 2 or 3 for a feeding then even awake will go back in her crib. She hated her bassinet. Hope this info helps Briee. Also, we bought the fisher price aquarium to put in her crib, she loves it and sits watching it.
Wow! that must be some teeny weeny bikini:). I did not know they made them that small.

Maggie sleeps from 8:30-5:30...this sounds like heaven!! How long before she did that? are so much like me in this area. I always nursed through the nights and to get baby to sleep too. And yes there are many moms that let them cry it out, but I've never been one of them. I guess with this one not nursing (for the first time) I was hoping that he would sleep longer...remember all those rumors about baby sleeping longer when they are formula fed...well they're not true. But I'm not complaining...he is still so sweet and fun to look at even at 3 am. Just wondering how long it would be before I get a "stretch" of sleep.

Briee, for the fist 2 months Alexis was waking every hour to hour and a half to eat. Each time she would remain awake for an hour or more crying if still awake. At this point the only way she would fall asleep was in her swing. She started sleeping more at 2 months then began this pattern about 1 month ago. She doesn't sleep much during the day and as you may know from other posts of mine nurses all day often wanting to eat every half hour especially from 5-8:30 pm. This is probably why she is sleeping so well. I remember in the beginner being in bed til 11am since I was up so much during the night and morning.
I've been trying to post for the past 2 days, and it hasn't worked on my computer for some reason! Anyway, Max is better from his cold, and I am almost over it. So, he is back to sleeping through the night, though he is waking earlier than usual.

Mon- Imax 2
Wed- Rock Steady Step with Seasun Zieger
Thu- no time! (added it on to Fri)
Fri- PS SLA + G-Force Super Step
Sat- Imax Xtreme + PS CST

I haven't done the PS series in ages. I realized that I don't really like the back/biceps tape. It seems that there are very few exercises in it, and that they don't really do much for me. CST is okay, not my favorite, but I am sore from SLA!

Shopaholic, does Alexis like the sweet potatoes? I haven't decided when I'm going to start Max on solids. I think I will play it by ear.

Maggie, is your knee still bothering you? You haven't mentioned it lately.

Briee, glad you got your internet fixed. Max started sleeping through the night (7-8.5 hours) at 2 1/2 months. He gained weight really fast, so that must have helped. We have a "sound machine" from Brookstone (I think it's called Tranquil Moments) that really helps him to fall asleep. The "white noise" setting is supposed to sound like the body noises they hear in the womb. It also has ocean and stream sounds which he likes to nap to, and several others.

Does anyone have a baby jogger? I'm considering getting one. Any recommendations? I'm really concerned about jogging though, with my incontinence! I have to use those serenity bladder leakage pads for high impact! Urine is still just falling out of me when I do really high impact. I might have to get a full on "adult diaper" if I start jogging.

I also have to ask, is it normal for your body to never be "the same" after having a baby, or does it depend on genetics and the circumstances of your labor? I really need to know I am not alone in thinking I will never be my formal self down there!
Emy, I am glad Max is feeling better. I bought the yakima jogging stroller from I got it when they had free shipping. It was only $89. and seems like a sturdy one. I don't like running so my plan is to do run/walks with it. In terms of your last question, I have been taking many bathroom breaks during my workouts. Emy, how are you finding the time to do such long workouts? Is Max good the whole time? I actually rediscovered ps series recently, I went higher on the weights and mixed it with mic for 2 days , you may enjoy that combo. In terms of alexis' new bikini yes, it is tiny, although still big for her since it for the summer. By the way it was on clearance for $2.80
Good idea, I will check out I forgot about that site - I did get Max's baby book from there.

As far as finding time to get the workouts in, I am utilizing various strategies. Some days I will concentrate on "wearing him out" (long stretches of playing, practicing standing and lying on his stomach, and lots of eating to get him to conk out so to speak). Other days I am lucky and he will play and watch me exercise at the same time, which sometimes will keep him amused. I also will put him in his bouncy chair or the swing, and depending on his mood these things may or may not work. And, some days when I work, I will not work out until the evening, and then my husband plays with him. Today I did C&W and L&G (from cathe's jan. rotation) and I had to stop 3 times during C&W, to feed and amuse Max. Then after playing with him for an hour, I finally got to L&G and he slept through the whole thing and is still sleeping now!

Also I should note, I usually wouldn't have done those 2 workouts in a row, but I am determined to complete my current rotation!
Hi everyone--

Briee--not only do I nurse through the night, but much to the disapproval of the hard core schedulers we have always let our babies sleep with us--it has worked for our family very well. But I want to make very clear, that I realize this choice is not for everyone and no judgement here about how anyone does anything different with their babies:)

Emy--thanks for asking--my knee feels very good. The PS/Cathe classics and stationary bike rotation was very good for my recovery and I had good results--I lost 5.5 lbs. I am doing more high impact (and loving it) this rotation, but I am making sure that at least 1-1.5 hrs of cardio per week is on the stationary bike, which I find terrifically boring. I am currently watching all the dvd documentaries on the making of the Lord of the Rings (the only dvd player we have is on the computer)while I bike and that makes it tolerable.

We got a baby jogger(I can't remember the exact brand) back when we only had one car and I walked everywhere with our oldest son to run errands, etc. It is very sturdy and has a rain covering thingie(good for here in Oregon) and a sun covering thingie. By the way, have you seen a doctor about your incontinence? I would think that by now things would be getting more back to normal. Keep us posted.

Shopaholic--this summer you will have to send a pic of little Alexis in her bikini--sounds cute.

My I am wordy today and I think the older kids are sliding down the stairs in a box which can be a somewhat dangerous (albeit fun) activity--I'd better check it out.

take care
Maggie, I have to smile at your response regarding the children sleeping in bed. When our first born came along he always slept in between us and then the next was born and both of them were in bed and then the third was born and we tried so hard to get number one out on his own. (he was 5 by then) I don't think we got number one out until he was like 7 so you can see how crowded the bed was and my mom used to say "how on earth can you ever manage to have more kids with all those kids in bed". Some people told us...don't worry when he's 18 he won't be in bed with you any more. They were right. We just moved out number 3-4 into their own bed (together) and they still return frequently and I'm sure we'll have number 5-6 in bed for the next 2 years at least. At that point, I don't know if I'll sleep at night without a little person cuddled up next to me.

I think were kindred spirits!!

Thanks for checking! I'm going to keep my eye out for some good prices. I keep seeing joggers listed for $200 to $300 - I can't believe paying that much - I am determined to find a good deal!
What about I lucked out just as I was talking about getting one someone posted the deal I got at Another idea is to check children's 2 hand shops, if you have any near you. I am glad to know that sometimes you have to stop your workouts. I keep seeing your workouts and envision happy Max sitting for 2 hours staight smiling while alexis keeps screaming. She has been good the past 2 days, yesterday she let me do the viper without stopping, she slept and then played in her "gym'.
Yes, Briee, I think we are:) Wish you lived closer. But that's the fun thing about these message boards--people from all over the world can chat.

My husband is out of town this week, so everyone has decided to camp out in our room, so there are kids all over the place--the 2 big ones on the floor and the 3 little ones with me--usually we just have the baby in the bed--so it is a bit snug.

We got number one out of the bed at 4 1/2, then we weaned out the girls together. Malcolm, our downs child was a bit trickier because of all the feeding tubes and whatnot, so once he got wiggly he was in a crib on his own at 6 months or so, but once we got him off the tube, I just had to have him to cuddle with sometimes(he is such a doll), so he slept with us periodically and that was my fault--I mean, whoever thought of bringing a baby capable of sleeping on his own back into the bed? But he wasn't in bed with us every night, so for a while before Bardric, it was just the two of us and it was kind of nice in some ways--very spacious:), except for my very pregnant belly. But now there is Mr. B. and I have no idea when he will leave, but he will have his older brothers to share a room with, so I think that will help:p

By the way, if you would like a picture of Bardric, I can e mail you one, because I have learned how to do that.

take care
Maggie, envisioning your bedroom makes me chuckle. Do you have pets as well sharing the room?
i am happy to report that last night while I was at work Ms. Alexis drank not 1 but 2 , 2 ounce bottles. She is so stubborn, looks like she's drink from the bottle when she wants.
Emy, check out they have various priced jogging strollers for sale, and free shipping over $80.
Check out is a jogger stroller (graco) on there site on sale for....i think it is $89.00.:eek:
Yes Maggie...please send me a picture, I'd love to see him. I'll try to get some of baby as soon as I can. Our digital is a cheapie and takes crummy pictures, but it can give you some idea. We've had the whole family camp out in our room too...many times. They claim sleeping on the floor in our room is much more comfortable than their bed - ha ha.

This week has been a wash with working out. Baby has been a little colicky. I've had to try different formulas and his little tummy is in terrible shape. This has been so tough as I know breast milk would be the best. We are going to try a formula recipe from a really good book called "nourishing traditions". It's made with raw milk, expeller pressed oils, bifidophilus....etc.... and we've heard great things about it. Maybe he'll do a little better on this...we'll see. If you click on my email icon you can email me, it should be up to date. Thanks a bunch.


Shopaholic....glad babies starting to take a little from the bottle!!!
Briee, those first few weeks are really about exhaustion, not exercise. Hope you find a formula that works. Hope you are not feeling guilty about formula feeding. Sounds like your breast infections in the past were awful. I couldn't believe it Alexis actually drank 4 ounces of formula from a bottle tonight from me. Hope this lasts.

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