Post partum check-in 3.23


Happy Easter ladies!

I hope you had a great weekend. We had a lot of people over on Saturday for a BBQ -- wonderful weather. And today we saw relatives and did house work. I am pooped. Weekends should be for relaxing!!

Here are my workouts for last week...

MON-a.m. walk 00:35:00
MON-a.m. zen weights 00:22:00
MON-p.m. bike intervals+floorX 01:05:00
TUE-pm walk/carry 00:45:00
THU-interval ride+abs 01:00:00
FRI-walk w/Sienna front pack 00:36:00
SAT-quick weights, walk 00:21:00
SUN-am walk w/Sienna 00:50:00
SUN-bike intervals+floor 01:00:00

Total: 6:34:00

Arancini, I finally got Sienna into her front pack and out for a longer walk. The trick was to keep her looking in the mirror while she was being put in it...otherwise she doesn't quite get all the strapping.

Our first walk was on an extremely brisk night with a full moon, it was 7:30pm and she was awake for the whole thing.We got home and she was all smiles with her rosy cheeks, and she slept sooooo well that night! It was awesome, she slept straight through from 9am - 9pm. Yayy! No wonder Nico sleeps so well. :)

Hello to all the boys...I hope they enjoyed their first Easter, if you celebrated it.

Hello hello!

I'm so glad to hear that Sienna likes her front pack :) Nico loves his so much that all I have to do is wave it in front of him and he laughs.
When he outgrows it there will be be trouble ...

He is teething and not sleeping like his usual self. He's been getting up a couple of times/night, poor little guy. We've discovered that he likes his bottles ice cold right now - the cold liquid keeps the nipple chilled (I can't get him to chew on other cold things). But he can't eat all the time - close to it though.

Workouts ... lemme see ... I should start writing things down more - my brain can't quite make out the order sometimes (chest which day? biceps the other day - the other way around? same difference I suppose).

Wed: Butts & guts; 1 hr. walk w/Nico
Thurs: elliptical 1 hour; GS Chest & Tri
Fri: 1hr walk w/Nico; GS Shoulders, Biceps, Back
Sat: my bday - 1 hr walk with Nico
Sun: 1 hr. walk w/Nico; 1 hour elliptical; abs
Mon: Butts & Guts; 1 hr walk w/Nico
Tues: 1 hr. walk w/Nico, GS Chest and Tri; abs

More later,

Hi everyone.
Work is really kicking my butt. I'm so wiggy woggy for lack of sleep that I opened an envelope of oat meal this morning and poured it into the trash instead of my bowl, and I dialed my husband's number and forgot I was making a phone call. Egads. I have two classes to teach tonight. Barely slept at all last night. Tamal is not taking well to teething. The little guy is extremely sensitive to pain, I guess. He does manage to sleep on me, so we spent some time in the glider last night. However, I can't sleep in it because I'm afraid I'll drop him.

As for babywearing, we do it all day long. He loves to see me wrapping my body in the Moby Wrap, and he loves to be inserted. If he's tired he falls asleep by the time we hit the outdoors, which if you know how this little guy resists sleep, that is a miracle.

How's the teething going for you Arancini. It sounds like it's bothering Nico, but not severely. Have any teeth popped through yet?

I think Tamal is also being bothered by gas at night because he wakes up straining and passing air a lot. After the colic disappeared, I grew lax about my diet in terms of what might affect breast milk. I guess I thought it really didn't matter what I ate, so I started in heavy on the cruciferous vegetables again. Allegedly, these could make babies gassy. Anyone had experience of this being true?

Exercise? What's that?

We're going through a rough spot right now. I hope after this third tooth pops through that we get a break for a while. I can't understand why the Tylenol doesn't seem to be working anymore.

Kisses to all the little cuties. I'd love to see some updated photos. Tamal has changed so much now. I'm not the most objective person to ask, but he is so damn beautiful. Sometimes at night, I lay in bed just staring at his beauty, captivated, unable to sleep. I'm sure every mother must feel this way about her munchkin.
Hi Manmohini,

I so understand your sleep deprivation and trying to work, it's tough! I did some of the same no brained stuff when Sienna was in her tough sleep mode for 3 weeks. I left toast in the toaster waiting for it to brown but somehow forgot you had to push it down!!

It's gotten better, we had her sleeping lying flat for a while and when I read about GRE(?) ...gastric problems in babies, I decided to prop her again and things improved. I know Tamal is co-sleeping with you guys but maybe there's a place to put him so he's propped a bit? It really helped her gas and it might make a difference for him as well. She was waking in the middle of the night crying and her gas sounded like a machine gun firing. Seriously. Poor kiddo.

I should try the Moby wrap again. I left it b/c it was too complicated and Sienna fussed while I wrapped it -- impatience! She also didn't like being to snug inside of it. She might like the front wrap with feet and arms out though, as long as she can see the world and move freely she's happy.

Send me some pics of Tamal, I'd love to see him at this age. I'll try to post new pics of Sienna and invite you to the album...she's filled out a ton. I looked at her birth photos last night and was amazed by her scrawny legs, she's got cute rolls now.

Yeah, you're so right. I love my munchknin, I find myself amazed by her little self, the cuteness and beauty...and I spend time just looking at her and feeling so grateful when she's sleeping. :)

Hello to all the munchkins and the moms.

Hey Arancini,

I keep forgetting to ask you, how heavy are you lifting these days? Just curious. I've been squeezing in quick and light workouts b/c that's all I have time for but I'm considering going heavier for a greater payoff. And trying to devote more time to it each tough to do anything beyond 10-15 minutes when I have Sienna. She's only mildly amused to watch me work out. ")

Hey there,

We just got back from Sienna's 4 month appt. She's growing well, catching up quickly. Her weight is 13.5 lbs, length 24 inches, head 40cm. So she's 46% for weight, 38% for length, and 41% for head circumference. I may have gotten the length and head percentages mixed up, but it's close. She's come a long way from 1-5% for height and weight, and I'm glad she's pretty proportional. :)

Hope you're all having a good day -- there's a hail storm here!!

Hello there,

Nico is catching a couple of z's in between walks (his teething makes napping for more than 5 minutes pretty rare though).

Poor Tamal - Nico is bothered by teething, but not to that extreme ... I have no advice, just sympathy :) And yes, I stare at Nico all the time. Sometimes I still can't believe he's real.

I am lifting back at near normal levels (for me) these days ... since my legs bulk up if I lift heavy I've gone down to 45 lbs for squats and the like ... for upper body stuff let's see:

Back: barbell rows 40 lbs, single sided w/dumbell 15 lbs
Shoulders: between 5 and 10 lbs depending on the move
Chest: benchpress 30 lbs
Biceps: barbell 35, dumbells 10-12 per side (pyramids I use 8-12 for now, so many reps!)

It sounds like Sienna is growing like a weed - good for her! I met a baby girl who is 10 months and weighs 17 lbs! Nico weighed 15 lbs 2 weeks ago and is average.

Gotta run - take care everybody and here's to fewer gas and teething pains.

I am so happy to hear that, Steph. She really has gained. Actually, she has gained as much as Tamal since birth, and he's a little chubbs!
By the way, Tamal is done teething for now. The two teeth are all the way out, and he has become a happy baby again. But it was hellish while those teeth were pushing through. He is so restless and whiny all night long. Then he is cranky and grunts in frustration all day long. Today, he is cooing and peaceful. I just pray we get a few weeks before the next round. Pray for me everyone. This mommy needs a teeny weeny break!
Congrats Manmohini, I'm so relieved for you and Tamal! I hope things don't get that bad when Sienna gets closer to cutting her teeth - yikes!
And yes, she is definitely a chubs too, but in a good way. I think plump babies are cuddly...cherubic. :)

Arancini, sorry to hear tha Nico is having a tough time with his teething too. Geesh, walking for 4 hours? You are Ms. Stamina. But whatever it takes eh? I hope his pop soon so he's out of pain and back to his lovely pain free self.

Thanks for the stats on your lifting. Looks like a nice range. My standard weight is about the same when I do Cathe's DVDs. The thing is, my DVD player in the workout area isn't working properly, it's mis-wired through the entertainment system. Once I fix it I'll be so happy! I've got a netflix back-up and baby sign language DVDs for Sienna that haven't been watched. (kind of like your tech difficulties with your computer and modem :) pia!) I've been doing Fit TV DVRs from cable and much lighter weight so far...

Hi Everyone,

Long time no talk, how is everyone doing?? I wanted to start a new thread but wasn't sure if you guys were on the boards these days or not.

We've had lots going on...illnesses (colds, laryngitis, etc...all of us), birthday parties and transitioning to daycare. So I'm just getting back into cycling (inside) and working out hard again. Have been doing long walks and squeezing in pilates mostly over the last few weeks. It's working though! Very happy about that!!

How are you guys doing? What are you and your little ones up to?

Sienna rolled over tummy to back today, first time. :) She seems to have pink eye now, probably from daycare, and is doing well otherwise. She's been lots of fun. I've tried her on rice cereal a few times now and she seems to be getting more interested in solid food. How many of you have started your babies on solids? How's it going? Has it changed their sleeping habits at all?

What are you guys planning to use for sunscreen, which brand? I'm looking for a good one for when she's 6 months. It's heating up here so it's more of an issue lately. She stuck her toes in the sand and water at our town beach one evening last week -- that was cute, she was all smiles. She loves to be outside but the sunny weather limits our outings unless we plan to camp in the shade. But we both like to keep moving when she's in the baby bjorn so it's a challenge...

All for now, hope you guys are well!

HI Steph,
Glad all is well there. With work and all for the past 7 weeks, I've reached the point of chronic fatigue. Tamal has some real sleep issues as well and I'm at my wits end reading this expert and that expert. The fragemented sleep is really beginning to take its toll on me. Other than that, he is generally happy and healthy. He loves the outdoors too. Totally mellows him. Sorry to hear about Sienna's pinkeye, but other than that, she sounds like she's moving robustly into life.

I havent' exercised since February. All of my pants are falling down on me because I've lost my shape and tone. Oh well.
Oh Manmohini, I am so sorry to hear that you're going through this with Tamal. What you've described in the past sounded exhausting. I'm sure you've had your fill of advice and are at your wits end. I'll keep you in my thoughts and send some good sleep vibes your way.

I don't have any advice other than to take extra good care of yourself and maybe grab a nap while Tamal is in his caregivers care. You deserve and need it.

There's a woman in one of my mom's groups who went through something similar, sounds like it anyway. She had a high needs little girl with challenging sleep/settling issues. After trying lots of things to the point of exhaustion she wound up moving her daughter into another room, they were co-sleeping and had intended to continue. Anyway, I guess her daughter "needed her own space" so after some initial fussing for the first couple nights she slept soundly. I don't know her mom very well but she appeared to become more relaxed (sane) and more able to cope with day to day life. Both seem much happier actually. FWIW I can't imagine putting Sienna in another room I'm not sure I could do this myself.

Anyway, I sincerely hope he outgrows his sleep issues soon!!

I'm wondering if Sienna's nights will be less disrupted when she's on solids. She awakens 0-2x depending on the night, it's been 2x a night lately -- but I'm not complaining, it could be MUCH worse, I know. I'm not convinced that it's a reason to go down the solids path too early though. So far she's just had some minor feedings as a trial. Are you going to wait a while for Tamal too?

Be well Manmohini, and keep in touch.

Hey there -

I hope Tamal's sleep issues improve - I really hope you and he find some relief soon. I don't have any advice, but will be thinking of you.

Sienna sounds like she's doing great :) It's so much fun to watch them roll all over the place, isn't it?

Nico has been eating solids for about a month now. His favorites are carrots and peas. Applesauce and bananas are okay - but not as beloved yet. It doesn't seem to change his sleep habits much - although his teething does that already. It does however change his poo :) He is now rolling everywhere. If I turn my head for a second and look back he's halfway across the room. We are still walking about 5-8 miles a day and I am doing cathe dvds and pilates. I am anxiously awaiting my orthotics - it turns out I have a stress fracture in my right foot. Bleah. DH is traveling this week, so things are extra busy.

Take care,

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