Post partum book recommendation...:)


Hello all,

Just got my hands on a copy of Caroline Corning Creager's "Bounce Back into Shape After Baby" and can say from my experience as an exercise physiologist, that it would be good recommended reading post partum.

I've only skimmed through it so far, but it contains a progression of exercises from the day of giving birth to later on post partum. It deals with vaginal deliveries,post C-Section recovery, scar management (for episiotomies and C-Section scars) and both stretch and strengthen progressions using a Swiss ball (and some with plain bodyweight). It also has an excellent section and explanation of Kegels and some good tips for using the toilet immediately after delivery.

Wondering what some of the experts on this forum think of the book?

Me, I'm looking forward to using it when my time is "due".

Take care,
Liz N
Liz! Thanks for the info.! I've yet to get Dr. Clapp's book but I think it's for pregnancy only. I'll add this to my list!

Hi Liz,
Thanks for the suggestion -This is definitely one I will look into. I'm at 32 weeks and the end is in sight! I don't want to spend any more money on "pregnancy" books & videos, because I've been getting tired alot lately and I'm afraid it would be a waste. At least with this book, I could start reading it now and hopefully be prepared for post partum. My fear is that I'll be sooooo tired once the baby gets here that I won't read any of the information I've accumulated for that time!! So I really do appreciate your suggestion, I am going to try and find this book right now!! (Did you get it online or at the store?).
Thanks again,
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to "put my two cents in" about the Caroline Corning Creager book. I think that it is excellent! I have been through it cover to cover and am very impressed. Caroline has done a wonderful job. The book includes a lot of exercises on the Resistaball or birth ball, which makes me very happy since my company, Healthy Moms, and the the Resistaball company just launched the "Prenatal Training with Resistaball" Instructor Course.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness Programs

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