Post-partum ab question for Sheila


Hi Sheila!
I was wondering what a good workout routine would be for me -I'm 6 weeks post partum and I had a c-section. When my doctor cleared me at my one month checkup, he said I could work out but nothing that puts strain on the incision. SO - I'm wondering what I can do now, and how soon can I incorporate more difficulty? (I imagine this will depend largely on how stong I feel...) Just knowing where to begin would be great, I've lost all the baby weight but still have a "saggy section" above my incision area that I would love to get toned back up!!


Hi ya,

I'll bet Sheila didn't see you down there... she's had a rough deal with pneumonia and more recently a bad sinus/ear infection, so I'll put in my 2 cents, and she can add more later...

I had a c-section this time around as well, and my abs have healed quite nicely. I began with belly breathing, and then went on to abdominal crunches on a stability ball and pilates. Someone on this board recommended the pilates for post-c-section, and I have to agree that it is great for strengthening the area.

In terms of the incision and "how much is too much" -- I'd say listen to your body. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I could comfortably do when I got back to exercising...


Thank You, thank you, thank you!! I was thinking about Pilates, but was afraid it might be the wrong approach. I wonder if you have any input on another question?

I'm kind of dealing with a situation now - I may have mastitis.
I started doing the crosstrain express late last week, my most recent workout was on Monday. When I woke up Tuesday I was really sore and had to take Isabella to the doctor early that morning. (I didn't get to pump any breastmilk before we left.) SO I was rather engorged by the time we got home, despite an attempted feeding in the changing room at Motherhood....(she was too tired to eat!!)

Anyway, Tuesday night I was having chills and sweats all night, and got nauseated in the morning hours, as well as some burning pain in my abdomin. This continued throughout the day Tuesday - finally decided to take my temp at 6 p.m., it was 102.1, at 7 p.m. it was 102.6. (Did I mention that I live near Charlotte, NC - we were in the midst of the ice storm?, My doctor asked me to come in today (Thurs) to the office as long as my fever didn't go any higher (it didn't).
I no longer have a fever, I feel pretty good -but I'm still sore. I haven't seen my doctor since there's was no power there today.

I'm just wondering if you know anything about mastitis, does my situation sound like that's what's going on? I'm sorry this is so long, but since everyone is out of power around here, it's hard to get hold of anyone to ask. (So of course I turn to the best forum around!!)

Thanks again!


PS - Sheila, I hope you feel better soon!!!!!!!!
Hey there,

I'm in Mt. Airy! Brrrrr....

I am not a medical professional but I did nurse 5 babies. I never got to the fever stage but suffered through several sore periods. I was told to massage my breasts and/or apply hot compresses to relieve the pain. I would say that without a fever now, you are probably OK. But definitely call your doctor! The hospital he/she works from should be able to page him/her for you if offices are still closed (my hubby is a doctor and patients do this all the time).

Take care and love on that baby!!

Sorry -- I've been away!

I think that Pilates is nice because it great for stabilizing your entire core... Sheila can also give good advice about the stability ball. She wrote the Resist-a-ball prenatal/postpartum manual!

By now I think you've probably gotten through the worst, huh? Joanna gave good advice. I've not had mastitis, but everything I've read says to nurse through it... and, like Joanna said, take hot showers (ugh... hope you had your electricity/hot water after that ice storm!), use warm compresses, and massage your breasts... start under the armpit and work it out.

Hope you feel better... I understand that mastitis is pretty miserable.
I'm fine now..

Thanks Susan and Joanna - I made it through and we're doing fine now. I'm pretty sure it was just a plugged duct, it never progressed to mastitis. (That's as close as I want to get, believe me!) We only lost power for about 2 hours the first night of the ice storm- we were extremely lucky. I had neighbors that went 4-5 days without electricity!

I went back to work this past week and survived that, too. Isabella is a hit at daycare, which takes a load off my mind.

Thanks again for the great advice.

RE: I'm fine now..

You know I was just thinking as I saw this post that it would be nice if this area was called "FitMoms Pregnancy and Post-Partum" instead of just "FitMoms Pregnancy." I know that we post-partum women that have been on the forum prior feel welcome here anyway, but I'm sure that we have just as many questions and unique circumstances now as we did when we were pregnant, so it might be nice for any post-partum newcomers to see it's for all of us.

What do you think Sheila? (I'm just a month post-partum, BTW and REALLY appreciate Cathe's "behind the scenes" post-partum report).
RE: I'm fine now..

Hi Renee! Sheila brought this to my attention and we will change the name. Great suggestion! Just give us a little time since we have to focus on the DVD's right now. Thanks! Oh and glad you enjoyed the post-partum report.
RE: I'm fine now..

Wonderful! And, yes, feel free to tend to those DVDs first -- I am certainly excited to try them out! -- Renee

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