Just a question to those who have the MIC video. I purchased mine from Collage before I knew about Cathe's site. I have exchanged the tape a couple times because the audio during the workout gets really poor when turned up especially Cathe's voice. Has anyone else out there experienced the same problem with this video?
I tried searching the forum for previous inquiries on this subject but couldn't come up with anything so hopefully this isn't a duplicated question.
I have the MIS video and don't have any problem with the audio. I also just ordered Power Hour, Body Max, I-Max, Circuit Max & Cardio Kicks. Pray for me! :-rollen
I tried searching the forum for previous inquiries on this subject but couldn't come up with anything so hopefully this isn't a duplicated question.
I have the MIS video and don't have any problem with the audio. I also just ordered Power Hour, Body Max, I-Max, Circuit Max & Cardio Kicks. Pray for me! :-rollen