Political Theme Article


I procrastinated and on a paper due TODAY now searching and can't find a single article. Anyone have suggestions on a political theme article/opinion/letter to editor that you disagree with :) Please help!!
Check your local newpaper or go to the Washington Post or NY Times. They have extensive Op/Ed pages.

Like you I also have a paper due tonight and I waited till today to start it!!

Hope you can get yours done!

Thanks! I checked all opinions from every source i can imagine. the problem lies with either im gullible or i cant find one that i can even pretend to disagree with :)
Hmmm, if you lean to the left politically, you might find some things to disagree w/ at the WSJ, Forbes or several columnists at the Washington Post. If you lean to the right, you'll find plenty of fodder for disagreement at the NY Times or other columnists at the Washington Post. If not, there's always Fox News vs. MSNBC. :eek:

Also, the "torture" debate is pretty hot right now too. Plenty of fodder about that. Just an idea.

I bet a reference librarian at your school could point you in direction of some good ones.

Exactly! Why do things to hard way when a librarian can direct you to a whole slew of excellent resources? Baffling! I bet your library has CQ Researcher, an excellent resource for background on a political topic so that you can develop those critical thinking skills and produce a well written opinion paper.
let's make it easy for you:

liberal/left-wing sources: ny times, la times, sf chronicle
conservative/right-wing sources: wall street journal, washington times, fox news

go check out the opinion/editorial sections of these major media sources and i'm sure you'll find something you disagree with.
I should add that you are writing a simple opinion piece many of the sources mentioned are fine. if you are expected to write something more substantial and back up your opinion with some facts you'll need to dig a tad deeper.

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