Pneumonia anyone ?


Hi all,
I have been working out with Cathe for about a year now... I was in the middle of a 12 week tank top rotation, getting great results, and WHAM--I got pneumonia ! Today is the first day that I have started to feel human again (hurray), its been about 10 days since I was diagnosed, so my question is has anyone else had this, and approx how long before I can start working out again? I realize I wont be able to go full force for a little while, but any thoughts on how long I should wait.

Thanks for any input.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-02 AT 09:33PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey Jayne!

I'm glad you are feeling better. I've had pneumonia myself and it's a hard hurtle to get over. Please though - take it easy. :) Give yourself time and allow yourself to get over this because you could get a setback of you do too much. I would wait until your Doctor says it's alright to be active again. By the time he gives the go ahead, you'll be ready!

Take care!!!


Kali :)
Well, I had pnemonia about 3 years ago. Caught it at work, cause I got stuck taking care of all the pnemonia patients in the hospital I work at.
Now mine was pretty bad, involving my entire right lung(I just didn't want to admit I was sick) and I spent 3 days in the hospital.
It took me about a month before I really could workout. I coughed so hard all my chest muscles felt like I'd done S&H chest for a week solid. It really hurt.
Give yourself time to get over it. Pnemonia kills people to this day, and not all of them are elderly people. You want to make sure your doctor gives you the go head. I waited until after my x-ray was clean, again, that took a month for me. But my case was very severe.

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