Please pray!


Hi All,

I wanted to ask you all to pray for my fiance's mother. She is just the sweetest person....but her foot was in a lot of pain the last month. At first they thought it was a pinched nerve. Then they thought it was gout. Lastly, a blood clot in the leg. She had surgery last Monday to try and get the blood to the foot as tests showed that there was no blood getting there. When they did the surgery, they found a lot of clots, but they were hopeful. She was also on morphine - boy, that was scary. She was delirious for many days last week. They lost their father to Alzheimer's and some of how she was acting reminded me of when he was getting ill.

Well, a week later and the top half of the foot is still cold. They tried to get her to walk, hoping that would help the blood flow, but it was too painful for her. Unfortunately, she has all sons and since I have been working, they are there during the day when the doctor comes in and they don't remember everything the doctor says. She is in incredible pain still and they gave her today to discuss with family and make her mind up about amputating. She thinks it's the top half of the foot, but one son believes that it will be by the knee. They will confirm more tomorrow. They have her on the prep tonight (no food, etc.) to do the surgery tomorrow as they don't want her in that much pain.

Please keep her and the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Any experience or advice on this and/or what to except in recovery is appreciated.

To top it off, we have a winter storm warning tonight and into tomorrow...

Thanks, all!

Consider it done. What a terrible thing to have to go through. I wish her the best possible outcome! Prayers and thoughts and hugs are being sent her way!
Sorry to hear about your MIL. I hope her surgery goes well and I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I don't have any experience with this so I'm no help there but hopefully prayers will help her!
Prayers have been offered for your future MIL. Please keep us posted. I can't imagine how frightening this must be.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

She still is being "prepped" for surgery - no food, but no time scheduled, etc. It's lunchtime and she hasn't had breakfast or lunch. The foot is still cold. I called the nurse and the nurse said the surgical resident was there before she got there so she was going to call them to see what the plan was. That was about 3 -4 hours ago and no call yet. I talked to one of my future brother in laws about 2 hours ago and they still waiting to see. Frustrating waiting to hear what will happen. I am very concerned and worried about life for her after. I'm sure it wouldn't be a short surgery. I am continuing to pray for a miracle that the blood starts getting to the foot! But I would think after not getting there for so long, it would be "dead"??

I will keep you posted. I am here at work just waiting.

Thanks again for your continued prayers and support - it is greatly appreciated!
Hi - another update

They thought about doing part of the foot, but they felt there wouldn't be enough skin to close it and not sure if it would fix the problem and then they'd need to do surgery again. Therefore, she has opted to get it amputated at the knee. They are waiting for the surgeon to come back and they are trying to get it taken care of today.

I will keep you posted.

Thanks again!
Hi All,

They took her in @ 4:00 and at @ 6:00 she was done and in recovery. She came back to the room at 7:30 tonight. They amputated about halfway up the shin. She was screaming in pain – crying and asked for someone just to get her a knife to put in her chest. Then she made the comment that it felt like someone “bit her leg off” The nurse gave her morphine and adavan (sp?) to calm her down as she was fidgeting and trying to pull the bandage off the leg. The nurse explained to her what happened. We gave her a game and it seemed to take her mind off of it for a minute, but then she cried and said she didn’t remember how to play. Then she was pretty much out and they said she’d likely be out for the night except for when they wake her up to do checks. She asked me if she was scaring me, then rubbed my head and said “Jane, my daughter”. DF almost lost it a few times just seeing his mom in this pain.

The delirium concerns me a bit. We’ll have to see. This has to get better!!!?? Maybe from pain?

I heard counseling is incredibly important to help rid them of the “ghost” pains which can be as worse as the original pain I guess.

She should be released in some days – depends on how things go. Then she would go to a 24-hour rehab type place (not sure where it is yet). It’s very important for her to do the exercises so the leg doesn’t lock or something – because then she can not get a prosthesis.

Thanks for your prayers and well wishes.
What a horrible ordeal to go through. She is definitely in my prayers.

Could the delirium be caused from the pain medication?

Wishing her a speedy recovery. Hugs to you for being so strong for the family.

I'll definitely be praying for all of you...

When my Aunt was in the hospital, she experienced disorientation and what appeared to be dementia symptoms. It turned out to be the combination of drugs they put her on. In particular, one of the antibiotics was REALLY strong and caused all kinds of confusion for her.

I hope that she improves and that her healing process goes smoothly. Please keep us posted!


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