Hi Cathe if you have the time I could REALLY REALLY use your help!!I have bought every workout you have ever made...lol I want to grow old with you doing your workouts! I think if I do that I will stay healthy for ever!! So as you can tell I am not having problems with my fitness...its my nutrition I am major confused with....some books I am reading tell you that you should cycle your carbs and others that I am reading say that you should eat more carbs and less fat when you are pear shaped, and today I was told I was not eating enough protein for what I want to achieve...I eat 3 oz of venison, chicken or protein shake 5 times per day at each meal on low carb days I have the protein with veges and 1/2 of nuts or low fat cheese, on high carb days I have the protein with high carbs such as an apple or orange or other fruit or a serving of yams or oatmeal and my last meal of the day I have 1 hour before I go to sleep as I cannot go to sleep on an empty stomach or I get way to hungry I have 1 oz of walnuts with 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk...and I allow myself according to Chris Powells carb cycle choose to lose 3 cheat meals of my choice but I don't go crazy...like coming tomorrow for my cheat meal I was going to have was 2 pieces of pizza just cheese and a small serving of moms homemade apple crisp (I have not had any other cheat meal this week as its been a all high carb week) but I am thinking that next week I will have only one cheat meal as well as to many treats can't help with the weightloss...I weigh in at 165 5'7" I can bench 3 sets 10 reps of 100 so I know and can feel my muscle just can't seem to lose my last 20-30 lbs of body fat...I used to weigh 225. I just really want to be cut like you! Can you help me? PLEASE?? I AM SO CONFUSED!!!
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