Please help with rotation


I would appreciate any suggestions from anybody willing to help.

I will spare you from the long story behind this and keep it short. For the next 3 or 4 months, I will only be able to fit in around 30 minutes of exercise per day 5 times per week. I know I can't expect to make any gains, but what kind of rotation would be best to help me at least maintain. I have all of Cathe's videos it that helps. I also like to run and walk.

Thanks so much!
Are you just looking to maintain or trying to lose weight/fat or build muscle? Depending on what your goals are, certain rotations may be more effective than others. For instance, if you are looking to lose weight, you might use more of the time to do cardio with a minimum of 2 weight workouts per week to maintain muscle & strength. Or if you can fit in even 45 minutes a day, a few of the CTX videos might work for you to get both. If I'm crunched for time, I tend to go for a cardio-intensive workout rather than weights but that's only because my immediate goal is to lose fat and that's my personal preference on how to do it.
I have 3 letters for you CTX!!!!

If your not running. Use the CTX series. You can split the cardio and weight. I will assume you have videos and not DVD. You can do cardio two days, don't rewind the tapes, then do two body parts the next day. Do another cardio day and do two body parts the next. You can always substitue running or walking for your cardio instead of the CTX for cardio so you don't get burned out with CTX. You can also split up MIS or the PS series to shorten your workout.

I don't know of many short yet intense cardio videos other then Cathies CTX Series.

Non Cathe options would be.
Crunch Boot Camp - 30 minutes of circuit training
Gilad's Fat Burning Workout - 40 minutes of easy cheorgraphy mixed impact Aerobics

Unfortuntly that's all I can recommend. I'm sure someone else will have some good ideas.

Hope your life becomes less hetic sooner then you think,
Dawn W
RE: I have 3 letters for you CTX!!!!

Since you're pressed for time I would do more of an overall upper body workout say the upper body segment from either MIS or BodyMax instead of the PS series. For lower body CTX's Leaner Legs would be good for one day of legs as well as the leg section from MIS. To incorporate some intervals and circuits into your cardio to get more bang for you buck you could do CTX's Power Circuit cardio portion on one day and then split up Interval Max into two, 5 interval sections. You could maybe doing something like....

-1/2 of Interval Max
-MIS upper body
-other half of Interval Max
-MIS lower body
-MIC hi/lo


-BodyMax upper body
-PowerCircuit cardio
-CTX Leaner Leg + abs
-BodyMax upper body
-cardio of choice

You could possibly alternate these workeouts, one week has 3 cardio, 2 strength, the other 2 cardio, 3 strength. You could squeeze in abs whenever you can, maybe even on your two "nonworkout" days if you're able to. Just my two cents :)

Great suggestions from everyone else....I would add to that taking LOTS OF STAIRS every chance you get. Also, parking the car and walking more. You can sneak in lots of this kind of stuff.

Bless those CTX tapes! And the chick who created them!
RE: I have 3 letters for you CTX!!!!

Thanks Carol, Dawn, Stacy, and Honeybunch for your replies! Stacy, I'm gonna print out your rotation and give it a try. This putting rotations together is difficult for me. Thank God for you guys!


Hi Stacy,
I love the idea of splitting IMAX. I will definetly try that on days when I find myself short on time. Although I don't have the patience to FF and RW to include warm-ups and cool down/stretches, so I'll have to wait for the DVDs ;-)

Dawn W

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