Please help me decide: HSCh or HSTA?


Please help me decide which one of these to get. I'm trying to decide between High Step Challenge and High Step Training Advanced. Which should I get and why?

P.S. I will probably eventually end up getting them both just wondered which to get first. Not sure if I'll like the band work on HSC

I have them both and like them both :) I would get HSC first, b/c the band work is GREAT for variety, and you get ab work, too. HSTA has no ab work. It is, however, not fussy. You use just 2 sets of dumbells and a fixed weight barbell, so there's no changing weights around. That doesn't bother me, though, and I really like to customize the weight to the specific muscle groups. They're both a lot of fun, but there are a LOT of leg presses in HSTA. I like to think of it as "Leg Press Max" lol. Just some thoughts for you, they're both great workouts! Good luck choosing :)

Hmmm, I'm going to confuse you further b/c I'd vote for HSTA. I think it has moves that are unique to it like one armed dips, side to side pushups (off the high step platform), kneeling lateral raises, sit and stands, and it has butt kicking cardio. I reach for HSTA quite often when I want a power packed circuit.

*(Calvin): People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. (Hobbes): Isn't your pants' zipper supposed to be in the front?
Hi Debbie,

I agree with Carol. I have both HSC and HSTA. I love both of them but feel that HSTA is more advanced of the too. HSC is tough too but in a different way. I actually love the band work and really feel the "pump" in my muscles afterwards. The workout has a quick pace so your heart rate usually stays up in the challenging range. I also like the ab work at the end. HSTA is a bit tougher. I believe the cardio sections are longer and you do leg presses in every circuit. I think you should get both but perhaps start with HSC first and then move on to HSTA. You won't be disappointed in whatever you choose.
I agree with Jane. HSTA is harder for me than HSC. I would start with HSC and if you like it, get HSTA. I alternate them in my rotation.
I second (or is it third) Robin. I have both, and for some reason, HSC doesn't feel as hard to me as HSTA. I didn't feel like I kept my HR up during HSC (too much down time doing other stuff) but HSTA keeps my HR up during all the weight sections.
Have 'em both - love 'em both. HSTA!! I agree with the different moves - like those one arm dips -OH MY!!!! You can always add on more abs if you don't feel you've worked them hard enough. I reach for HSTA more than HSC because the cardio is so much fun ("you're like - is that a good thing or a bad thing?") :) Good luck choosing.


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6

You're probably right! I have other workouts on my wishlist and so I won't be getting both of these with my next order so I was just wondering which one to get first. :)
I love them both. I find them both to be quite challening. I feel really worked out after HSC, especially the upper body. I feel that HSTA is more cardio based than HSC. I think it is all the dang leg presses that keep the heartrate up there. I would probably go with HSC because of the band work and it is more recent. but, you will have to get both because you are an obsessed catheite like the rest of us:)


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