Please Help . .I'm Scared!


New Member
Anyone with ay suggestions, PLEASE HELP. I have been super lucky and have been able to go to the gym 5 days a week. Three days of aerobic, two of resistance training. As of Thues. 4/22 my foot will be in a "hard shoe" due to surgery. I understand that aerobic/step is out for a while, but, what about my upper body? Is there some tape I might use to pump weights and stop my upper body from turning into mush. I'm at a crucial age to stop my training for 6-8 weeks min., I'm 55. I will go insane if I can't do something and my best work is done with someone/a tape to guide me. Please help. Sincere thanks.:-(
Any of Cathe's strength training tapes would be wonderful for you. Personally, I like the pyramids. More burn, less time. I'm sure others will pop in with their suggestions.

Good luck with your sugery & I hope you heal quickly.
I 2nd to the PUB, to me it is like a strength & endurance. I know what you mean about going insane from not excersing. I couldn't for 4 weeks because of my kneesx( and I just started about 1 week ago. You will get through it. Just do your upper body work. Take care of your foot :-(.
I would also use the PS Series and the Slow and Heavies.

I might carefully try to see if I could do some squats in the hard boot. Not with a barbell, but just with my own body weight to give the legs some work. They'll feel better that way. Maybe you could also ride a stationary bicycle, or use a rowing machine?? I'm not sure if any of this is possible but I thought I'd suggest it.
I also agree with Pure Strength, CTX upper, even Body Max upper section (a half hour). You can do many upper body exercises seated. For example, overhead presses, biceps curls,lateral shoulder raises.

For one-arm rows you can lie down on a high enough bench on your front with your one arm hanging down. You can do double-arm rows that way too, if you have trouble keeping weight on your foot enough for really heavy back work.

I feel for you! Can you do speedbag arms enough to get winded? They really get me, but I'm on my feet at the time. If arms add 12 % to the cardio portion, I think that's just an average. They could add less or more (I may be wrong, but speedbag arms feel like more than 12 %!)
Just take a breather and relax, have a nice bubble bath and think about it, zatlyn.....everything will be fine. 6-8 weeks won't reduce your strength to that much of a degree, so not even your lower body will suffer enough to worry about. If it's the habit of working out your worried about, write it down now. Write down your fitness routine. Then when you are able to get back on your feet, do it as soon as you can, start slowly, before you know it, your muscles will spring right back into shape and faster than the average person. Your used to working out. Your body will snap back faster than you think. Now for arm work, my suggestion is to use I want those arms by Tami Lee. It's fast and she moves right through the workout so it's a little intense, probably what you want, or any of Cathes strength training video's. Lot's of luck to you and stay strong!
Oh yes, I forgot about Tamilee's video-- there's another great one too by Cory Everson called "Get Hard Arms & Shoulders" which has a good routine. I usually slow the reps down on it but it's a good mix of exercises.

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