Please define "clean eating"


I am new to this forum, and I have been seeing a lot about "clean eating". I read the post that states (and forgive me if I mess this up) "if it swims, flies, grows out of the ground or on a tree it's clean eating". Here is my question: is there a book(s) about this philosophy of eating, or is it more based on common sense? I think that I eat pretty "clean" because I don't include very many processed foods in my diet, however the argument could be made that almost every food that is purchased at the grocery store undergoes some processing. What about things like dairy products (yogurt and cheese specifically)? Are they considered clean?

Lest anyone get any ideas, I totally advocate moderation in all aspects of life, and I am really not hung up on any of this. Merely curious about whether or not there is a school of thought behind this.

To get you started I have a clean eating rotation that I got from one off the firmyayas website which might help you out.

I know it does involve removing white bread, sugar cutting back on diary etc personally I find some of it too restricting so I cut down on added salt, sugar some dairy and meats like pork don't eat beef at all etc.

If you want the rotation just post your email address and I will email it to you.

RE: Please define "clean eating&qu...


I have sent everyone who has asked for a copy of the rotation hopefully it should get to you sometime today I sent 3 versions which you will hopefully be able to view at least one of them.

If not I will post it here at the open discussion forum.

RE: Please define "clean eating&qu...

Hi Babs! Can you also send me a [email protected]


P.S. You may want to post it as I'm sure people are going to be interested in seeing this and it'll save you some time.
RE: Please define "clean eating"


I always have trouble cutting and pasting and did expect such a response.

But if you still want it emailed let me know.

RE: Please define "clean eating"

Actually, I went to the Rotations forum and Deborah (Fitness Goddess) posted it there. I think it's the same one you mentioned -YaYas clean diet.

Thanks anyways. :)
RE: Please define "clean eating"

Yep it could be I found it before xmas I found it very helpful its a good guide but for me like I said too restrictive I like having some treats and not feeling guilty.

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