Please advise on heart rate


I would like to calculate my Target Heart Rate Zone but don't want to do the typical 220 minus my age because I would think that weight, current fitness level, etc. should come into play as well. Anyone know of a good formula to use? Thanks so much!
RE: The Karvonen Formula

For the Karvonen Formula, you need to know what your true resting heart rate is: to get this, take a full one-minute pulse rate the minute you wake up on three consecutive mornings (before getting out of bed) and average the numbers.

minus age
minus resting heart rate

equals Important Number

(Important Number X 70%) PLUS resting heart rate
equals beats per minute of the lower end of your training zone
(divide this number by 10 for a six-second count, OR
divide this number by 6 for a 10-second count)

(Important Number X 85%) PLUS resting heart rate
equals beats per minute of the higher end of your training zone
(see above for figuring out counts for six- and 10-second counts)

There are formulas, I think, that are even more precise than this, but this is more accurate than age-adjusted THR alone. You're right - age does not denote a person's conditioning level, and the more fit you are the lower your RHR will be.

RE: The Karvonen Formula

Thank you A-Jock. I will try this. P.S. - how was The Gauntlet? Let me guess, too easy for you? Well, we'll always have 'Blast Mania' and 'Boot Camp' to keep our heart rates happy!
RE: The Gauntlet

I gargled my way through it last night. I think I'm going to insert barbell squats and lunges in the first two cycles after each interval blast, and then slow up the reps using heavier weights for the isolated upper body cycles. I really enjoyed it, though - considering I always look like I'm being electrocuted when I'm learning a new cardio routine!

BTW - Cold enough for ya? (11 BE-low zero this a.m.?! Exsqueeze Me?!)

RE: The Gauntlet

How does that temperature feel?? Can't imagine. I have never been in temperatures below 30 degrees in my whole life. I am cold when it hits 55. Brrrrr....
Annette..I had been wondering where you were with your commentary on IMAX 2. Have you already commented and I missed it?? Looking forward to your opinion..

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