please advise me STS meso2


I finished meso1 last Wed. and I'm in my 5th day of recovery. My family is going out of town (In-laws & DS Spring Break week) next week for 4 days and I'm not sure how to start meso2. Do I take two weeks off and start meso 2 when I get back? Do I start a few days early and get week 1 under my belt before I'm off for 4 days? Do I do week 1 twice?
I really could use some advanced exercisers advice.
What I did to have me rest week during spring break was I extended Meso 1 by one week. Actually, I enjoyed Meso 1 so much I hated to leave it! I started Meso 2 so that my rest week would be during spring break.

What you could do is finish your rest week, then just do week 4 on Meso 1 again, then when you get back start Meso 2.

This STS does take quite a bit of planning ahead if you really want to do it the way that it is mapped out.

Good luck,

I never thought of repeating week 4. That sounds like a good idea. The weight level will be lower so I won't be pushing hard and then dropping the ball. I can start meso 2 with full concentration.
Thanks Cheryl!

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