placenta covering cervix?


Hi there ladies! I had my 20 week ultrasound today. It was sooo fun. We decided not to find out the sex of our baby...we can wait 20 more weeks. The dr said that my placenta is covering up my cervix. NOthing to be concerned about at this point...but I'll have to have at least one more ultrasound (one is scheduled for 28 weeks). She said if the placenta hasn't moved to where it should be, it could mean bedrest & a scheduled C-section. Then she precedes to tell me not to worry! Is't that silly? She tells me bedrest & C-section and not to worry. Does that make since?
Anyways, been doing lots of praying & thanking God that our baby is healthy and doing well at this point.
If anyone has any experience in this area, I'd love to hear from you. :)

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Melanie,

Your Dr. is right, no point in worrying because it won't do any good. Besides, if it does not move she is aware of it and will make sure the baby is born safely.

OK that being said, YES I did have that happen TWICE. With my first pregancy, everything was normal no problems. But with my second and third kids the placenta was completely covering my cervix at my 20 week ultrasound. With my second, at 23 weeks ,they repeated it and it was still covering and I had gotten myself ready for a c-section mentally. But by 28 weeks ultrasound it had moved and I was able to deliver vaginally.

With my 3rd, same thing, placenta covered cervix at 20 weeks, but then they repeated the ultrasound at 29 weeks and it had moved. My good friend it a labor and delivery nurse and she told me it is pretty common at 20 weeks to cover the cervix and it still has lots of time to move at this point.

I hope it moves for you.

Hey Mel, I haven't had this problem, but I just wanted to let you know that I guess if bedrest and a c-section is the worst that happens, you are doing pretty well. I would just keep doing what you have been doing, and try not to think about what might be. Easier said than done, I know, but try! Like you said thank god you have a healthy baby and try to concentrate on the good. Just keep thinking this may change, it can move! Possitive thinking right now is the key! Will it to move, yeah! You have a great cheerleading section right here on-line, we're all here cheering you and the sweet bundle of joy on!
Take care, and God bless!

Thanks guys! I've been doing some reading on it, and from what I have read it's pretty common. I've read that only 1% have this cond'n closer to labor and only 25% of them have to have a C-section. I feel better. Thanks again guys!

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I have never had this condition either, but I will pray for your peace of mind and that the placenta will move.

We did not find out the gender of our first 4 babies and it was so fun to be surprised at birth. We found out this time as a gift to my mil--a peace offering,so to speak, as she was not thrilled at our expecting a 5th child. (She has adjusted and is just as excited as anyone now).

take care

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