Pikes on the ball safe whilst pregnant??


Hi All!

I am nearly 18 weeks pregnant with #2. I am still able to do plank work and stability ball exercises including full pikes on the ball without any discomfort. However, it occurs to me that whilst I CAN still do them, should I be? Or am I causing unknown damage to me/the baby which may catch up with me later??

Any thoughts/advice you have would be appreciated!

I think your body will tell you when it's time to modify anything. There came a time in all my pregnancies when planks, pikes, push ups, and lots of other moves just became too uncomfortable and clumsy. I think a lot of it has to do with your size and fitness level. If you are still doubtful you could always ask your doctor, although my experience has been that they are not typically well informed about exercise during pregnancy. I've always gotten the standard reply: If it feels good do it.


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