
Bev, you look great! I can see the pictures. I just closed a pop-up ad that appeared. Your arms and legs are really toned!

Makes me look forward to getting back to my workout routine after taking some holiday time off.
A-Ha!! Bingo!! Thanks, Connie. I have a pop-up filter. I held the control key down, and I was able to see the pics! They look great! :)

hey bev!!

You look great! You have some great definition going on there!!
Trevor :)
RE: hey bev!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-02 AT 09:47AM (Est)[/font][p]You DO look great!! How fun to put a face to a name!!

Wow, Bev!

I can tell your running has givin you those great legs! Cathe has done great things for you!

Deb Dailey
Very inspiring.

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tommorow comes, this day will be gone forever; in it's place is something that you have left behind....LET IT BE SOMETHING GOOD." - Oxygen Magazine Feb2003 issue. Author unknown.
Hey Bev..

Awesome pics!! You got some nice definition and solid mass in your legs and arms!! I would say your body is very close to mine except it looks like you are much taller. Can I ask your weight, or do you not want to reveal that?? Oh, and I definetly would not say I have those great abs, but very similar legs...You look great!! Very Cathe-ish!!

Hi naughtoj

I am 5'5" and I weigh in the low 130s and my body fat is 18-19%.
I am quite an eater. I want to lean out just a tad and be about 17% bodyfat and 128 pounds. I think I have enough mass.

How tall are you? Is your picture posted, I would like to see our comparison.

Thanks everyone else for the nice compliments.

My hair is actually long, but is pulled up.
Well, I don't have a "fitness" picture, or a current one really, but you can see me at:

I am not as tall as you or as lean as you. I also am 26 and have never had any kids. I am only 5'1 on a good day and weigh 137 pounds at 25% body fat, maybe a tad less. It is in my New Year Resolution to try and decrease that percentage a bit. They make it look so easy in the fitness magazines, but when you got a job where you sit on your fat %$#! all day, it gets kinda hard even if you are working out 1-2 hours per day. There are many days I wish I still had an active job!!

You have got really nice arm definition. I would say I have the mass there, but I just can't see it all as much as I would like.

Creatine has made a good difference for me...I think I have put on some muscle since starting taking it. Like you, I do have "enough" mass, but I am kinda the type of girl that could never have enough, you know?? Muscle is good!!!

I will try to get a fitness pic of me at some point. I think that it is cool to see everyone, even the ones that don't look "picture perfect" because atleast then you know that there are other people like you out there trying to get skinnier!!!

Take Care and keep up the good work,

Hi Bev! Thanks for sharing your pics-(your husband did good camera work ) and whatever you're doing KEEP IT UP--You look Great! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hi Bev, thanks for sharing your pics. I have really enjoyed seeing everyones pictures. You are in great shape. My husband ordered the Intensity series for me for Christmas on DVD too. He also got me a Palm Pilot with a workout log in it. Aren't husband's the greatest.
I'm enjoying seeing your pictures, but my request for Run4Fun is to at least try to keep those pop-up ads from popping up all over the place when we click the link you gave us. Three ads popped up and then I got an error message in IE that knocked me offline. So I had to reconnect. Thought you should know.

Best wishes for the new year,



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