picture confusion



Good morning to all of you ladies out there!
Another Monday huh? At least the holidays are coming quickly.
I have apparently created quite alot of confusion with my picture thread below so I am going to attempt to explain the easiest way to post pics right onto a Cathe site posting.
1. Join a website that allows remote posting....like picturetrail.com Webshots does not allow this. Also any pics that show up as boxes with red x's in them...same thing. Any pics that show up for awhile and then disappear.....same thing. I HIGHLY recommend picturetrail..
2. After posting pics in an album on your website, right click on the pic. Up pops a dialog box with something like "properties" in it. Click "properties". Up comes another box with a bunch of stuff in it including a url or address. Highlight this address, right click it and select "copy".
3. Goto Cathe's site and type out your post as normal. When ready to post your pic, right click where you want it, and select "paste". The address you copied will show up. When you post the message the picture will show up where the address was copied.
4. I would think this should work for profiles too but if not I think Cathe's web people will do it for you.
5. Now I know everyone can do this so let's see some more beautiful faces up there. You all look great by the way.
Off to work I go.....
Trevor :)
Hey, early riser! Somebody who gets up as early as I do - what time do you hit the sack? I'm usually gone by 9:00 pm, or earlier.

Thanks for this post - it will be a while before I post pics, because I don't allow anyone to point a camera in my direction.

Just Do It! :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-02 AT 06:55AM (Est)[/font][p]Another crazy person up at ungodly hours huh?
I am usually up by 4am to 430 am E.S.T Honey. I hit the bed about 10 pm but I hardly ever sleep more than 3 or 4 hrs straight.
Come on.....ya gotta post a pic Honey!
Trevor :)
It really was fun to see everyone's pics. I was the most fearless with my SIX photos. (Odd, because I don't like looking at photos of myself). So, come on folks. Follow Trevor's instructions and post those pics so we can all connect some faces with names!

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