picking out tapes! help me guys!!!!!!!


I am going to buy an upper body and lower body tape. I want something that closely resembles body for life. Should i get slow & heavy series, ctx upper body and leaner legs, or wait for the new pyramid split-upper body and lower body? I can only afford to get one set right now. My friend tells me to buy Gilad's tapes. I had the pure strength series and I really didn't like it at the time. Any suggestions? Please give me your opinions. Thanks all!!!!!! Cookiebaby
Hi Cookiebaby,

Before suggesting videos, what was it you didn't care for about the PS series?
If it was the length of time (40min)/workout, then you wouldn't care for S&H either, as they are 60min/workout.
If it's the slower pace of the PS series you didn't like, then still, you wouldn't like S&H as it is even slower.

Gilad's set is okay, if it weren't for being given the set, I would never have invested my own money in it. It is faster paced, more endurance style I found, the heaviest weight he used himself was 10lbs in the upper body videos, I actually had to use heavier weight in order to challenge myself. He uses no barbells, all dumbbells (which I also altered in order to get a good chest and back workout). The lower body tape uses weights only for a short section, maybe 5 min at most. He does all the squats and lunges without weight, and then picks up light dumbbells for a short front, back, and cross lunges exercise.
But if you're looking for a short workout, then you might find Gilad's set worthwhile. You can indeed alter it to make it work for you, I basically had to change everything about it to make it work for me. Adding a barbell to his legs video and chest/back video, and going heavier on the weights overall for his shoulders/arms video. But that's me and I am so use to "Cathe style" that I think she ruined me for anyone else! :)

So if you can post back with what type of workout you're looking for (time wise, tempo wise, etc.) I'm sure you will get some great feedback from those of us who have them all and can help you narrow down your choices. :)


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